Well hiya all.
It's often polite to intro yourself when first joining a forum, so I thought I'd do so here.
I have to say, I'm really impressed by this forum (fora? forums? whatever). So far there has been a lot of interesting reading on all manner of topics. And definately a pervasive sense of fun here too - lots of cheeky lads. That helps enormously.
As for me, I'm an Aussie, mid 30's, and appearance wise I say without, I hope, appearning to boast that I've been variously compared to both Brad Pitt and Jabba The Hut. My interests include French pomo literary theory, building single-span suspension bridges for the needy, brightly coloured plastic and masturbation.
On that note, I'm especially glad to see an academic corner here as well as just trip reports, etc - entertaining (and frustrating) as they are. I work in academic/cultural circles, so don't mind the odd bit of deep and meaningful. On that note - I've found the odd blog kept by intelligent/academic Tgirls reflecting on their experiences, but if anyone would like to point out others, I'd be all ears. Except for my penis. I'd prefer to retain the use of that.
I had a great life and my dream job where I do get to travel to Asia a bit, and have been lucky enough to work in both Thailand and the PI. Have only seriously dated a Thai Tgirl though.
This is actually how I found these forums. I've come to a point in my life where I want a Tgirl lover, and a serious live-in commitment, as opposed to a sponsorship type arrangement or butterflying or pay for play. I know that statement will send up red flags, warnings, and etc for a lot of y'all, and of course with bloody good reason. I'm aware of the obvious dangers - and if there are threads here about people who live permanently with Tgirls, or who are currently in a permanent relationship with a Tgirl, would love to learn more, say g'day or be pointed in the right direction.
I actually found this place searching for discussion on the differences between Thai and Pinay Tgirls, a discussion I'm really enjoying participating in and reading here:
Well, anyway, that's me. G'day. I do hope I get the chance to buy someone here a real-life beer some day. Fellow travellers with this sexual preference are hard to find - although uniformly clever, handsome, charming and decent gentlemen, of course
It's often polite to intro yourself when first joining a forum, so I thought I'd do so here.
I have to say, I'm really impressed by this forum (fora? forums? whatever). So far there has been a lot of interesting reading on all manner of topics. And definately a pervasive sense of fun here too - lots of cheeky lads. That helps enormously.
As for me, I'm an Aussie, mid 30's, and appearance wise I say without, I hope, appearning to boast that I've been variously compared to both Brad Pitt and Jabba The Hut. My interests include French pomo literary theory, building single-span suspension bridges for the needy, brightly coloured plastic and masturbation.
On that note, I'm especially glad to see an academic corner here as well as just trip reports, etc - entertaining (and frustrating) as they are. I work in academic/cultural circles, so don't mind the odd bit of deep and meaningful. On that note - I've found the odd blog kept by intelligent/academic Tgirls reflecting on their experiences, but if anyone would like to point out others, I'd be all ears. Except for my penis. I'd prefer to retain the use of that.
I had a great life and my dream job where I do get to travel to Asia a bit, and have been lucky enough to work in both Thailand and the PI. Have only seriously dated a Thai Tgirl though.
This is actually how I found these forums. I've come to a point in my life where I want a Tgirl lover, and a serious live-in commitment, as opposed to a sponsorship type arrangement or butterflying or pay for play. I know that statement will send up red flags, warnings, and etc for a lot of y'all, and of course with bloody good reason. I'm aware of the obvious dangers - and if there are threads here about people who live permanently with Tgirls, or who are currently in a permanent relationship with a Tgirl, would love to learn more, say g'day or be pointed in the right direction.
I actually found this place searching for discussion on the differences between Thai and Pinay Tgirls, a discussion I'm really enjoying participating in and reading here:
Well, anyway, that's me. G'day. I do hope I get the chance to buy someone here a real-life beer some day. Fellow travellers with this sexual preference are hard to find - although uniformly clever, handsome, charming and decent gentlemen, of course
