I have been to Pattaya many times and have always been attracted to the Ladyboys. This last trip I promised myself that I would take the leap. In my case the leap is to suck one off. I am bisexual, especially when it comes to Ladyboys. Well I was a dismal failure and still regret it. The closest I got was at La Bamba. There was a very beautiful LB with a great personality. We sat upstairs and she took her beautiful cock out. She let me put some in my mouth but that was all. I should have barfined her and sucked her off to completion, but for some reason I chickened out. It really frustrates me because when I see some of the beautiful LB's on the site and some of their beautiful cocks, I really want to suck them off. Well maybe on my next trip
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Failed Again
Sorry, to hear. But give it time, soon you will be sucking more cock than George Michael."I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"
Jaidee 2009
The other white meat
(oralservant @ Oct. 03 2008,07:27) We sat upstairs and she took her beautiful cock out. She let me put some in my mouth but that was all. I should have barfined her and sucked her off to completion, but for some reason I chickened out.
I mean you've already got her cock in your mouth.
What prevented you from paying the barfine and using one of the rooms on the premises ?
I guess I'm assuming you may have been shy about leaving the bar with her ?
Alternatively, what was it that scared you, and stopped you completing the job.
KoykaengLadyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !
The walk of shame in the Hotel perhaps?
I remember when i took my first Ladyboy back to the Narai Hotel in Silom Rd many moons ago i was a bit nervous as it is a nice family Hoteland i got in the lift with some freckly fat Aussie hippos who whisperd all the way to the top floor as they got nought else to do.
Obviously as the years go on so one skin becomes thicker but i almost clumped an Arab in Pattaya two years ago as this gonk kept pointing at my arm candy on the bus.
Like fighting, the first time is hard and you usually lose. Then you get better. Be persistent and stop worrying about the first time. There will be more opportunities. would you believe I have had over 30 LBs in 6 weeks and this happened in the second visit? Took lots and lots of pictures. Yes, they do get shy so bring Halloween masks that cover around the eyes. Helps to chase away the shyness. Yes, it costs a lot of money, but prostitutes cost far more in my hometown, Vegas, and everywhere else. So take advantage of the low prices and splurge. Pay the bar fines and be generous with drinks. Thais are so friendly and love to meet you. They are the best in the Asia. Buy a good camera US$700 and up. I have Canon G15 and sony RX100m3. I will buy Canon M3 with it's bigger barrel lens and LED lights which mount on top of the camera in their flash shoes. Keep visiting Thailand. Philippines and Rio are too dangerous and ripoffs. Next time I will try one LB a day and some days will see me banging one in the afternoon and another in the evening. La Vida Loca!