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How much cash should I bring?

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  • How much cash should I bring?

    My last trip to LOS, i spent about £1500 on spending money for 10 days. I dont know where it went because everything was so cheap and i was a cheapo. Most of my hoes were 500 baht and i didnt have that many beers. My next trip is in about 3 weeks time......any tips on how much to take....

    and yes....i am a cheap charlie!

  • #2
    (sukhumvitpoler @ Aug. 19 2008,04:50) and yes....i am a cheap charlie!
    If you're a cheap charlie you'll get more bang for your buck in Pattaya. For 1000 baht/night you can get an excellent room at the Pattaya Bay Resort. Ypou can even get decent rooms for 500 baht.

    But the big savings that some overlook is how to maximize the rewards from frequent flyer programs. You can often get lots of free miles by simply applying for a credit card which translates into free trips.


    • #3
      good idea mate about the free miles - i'll have to look into that!


      • #4
        (sukhumvitpoler @ Aug. 19 2008,19:50) My next trip is in about 3 weeks time......any tips on how much to take....
        I would say it depends on whether you're staying for 3 days or 3 weeks or 3 months or 3 years...and what city you are visiting...We're not mind readers...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #5
          (sukhumvitpoler @ Aug. 19 2008,11:50) My last trip to LOS, i spent about £1500 on spending money for 10 days. I dont know where it went because everything was so cheap and i was a cheapo. Most of my hoes were 500 baht and i didnt have that many beers.
          You must eat like a fecking horse then mate, or stay in a very expensive hotel. I must have averaged 1500 baht a girl + BF's, My hotel was only 2000 baht a night, I must say I had the odd drink LOL & I spent that.
          Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


          • #6

            He's obviously a keen gardener spending 500baht on hoes each day.
            Maybe the rest was spent on other gardening supplies and tools , those things sure can add up you know .
            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


            • #7
              Strange place to start a gardening business Mr Slim ,I did see a Big park down the end of Soi 4, perhaps he has the contract for that place
              Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


              • #8
                (seamus @ Aug. 19 2008,15:37) , I must say I had the odd drink
                dave chuckles  
                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                • #9
                  (seamus @ Aug. 19 2008,23:56)  Strange place to start a gardening business Mr Slim ,I did see a Big park down the end of Soi 4, perhaps he has the contract for that place  
                  how do you apply for these allotments?

                  Do you apply straight to thaksin?

                  Anyhow 10 days at 150 pound a day, is probably reasonable. Best bet mate is to work on £150 a day, thats should work out over 9000b a day depending on the exchange rate!
                  i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                  • #10
                    Appy here for all allotments, bring your own gardening tools but the only condition is that you leave your hoes overnight with me locked im my hotel room for safe keeping!


                    • #11
                      Good retort!

                      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                      • #12
                        kinky man into hoes, be careful thats a lot of pole! ouch!
                        i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                        • #13
                          (sukhumvitpoler @ Aug. 21 2008,01:30) the only condition is that you leave your hoes overnight with me locked im my hotel room for safe keeping!  
                          As long as you return them unsoiled
                          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                          • #14
                            dont worry, any waste will be collected in a little durex bag


                            • #15
                              150 pounds a day spending money.. thats like $300 aussie and a lil extra

                              Excluding hotel, i reckon $150 aussie a day is enough cash to cause a lot of havoc...especially away from BKK


                              A worthy trip report

