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  • Re-Posting

    Not too sure how this Topic will go down but as I can't seem to find any Doctor's Clinics when I had a look around today, someone May of Encounter the Site of bright red blood in toilet bowl & Freaked like I did?
    However, I did a bit of a google & learn't that a case of the "Trots" / combined with Tropical Heat & inadequate intake of liquids / Change of Diet & a Few other things can be a Cause.
    Of Concern is maintaining Safe-Sex & HIV at Elevated Risks.
    I got some cream from chemist & as it'll only be 2 weeks till I'm home again after being here in Bangkok/Pattaya 6 weeks Already ! <---- Maybe Subject is too personnal ...but it was a Serious Concern & might be worth noting (change of diet can have Concequences especially hot&spicy) & skipping fibre @ breakfast isn't good either ... I have read rules etc & been reading posts for 6 mths prier to my trip
    Anyone Else found themselves in a similar situation over here ? I don't believe being "Topped" Helped Either
    Anyways that's All till I

  • #2
    Ah... Now I remember why I deleted this fucking stupid post...


    • #3
      Over Use of Emicons Perhaps ? lol


      • #4
        Read the rules AGAIN about how to word the titles of threads... better still don't post at all... I preferred you as a lurker.


        • #5
          My Bad if Title was wrong ...Will Stay Out of Furum if that's what ya want


          • #6

            Cheapo, just formulate the post's title in a way that everyone can understand what the post is about. "need help" is not going to attract readers, but rather stogie's delete button.

            In your case, a possible title would have been "help - was topped, my ass is bleeding", and someone would have directed you to an existing post on the subject.


            • #7
              it was deleted as a stupid topic ... can't work out how to edit topic title ... was responding to technical issue ... do need harsh criticism atm all the same ... will not bother you people again


              • #8
                Good. Fucking idiot.


                • #9
                  it should have been in the Trip Report section...

                  I've made kathylc  


                  • #10
                    could be an ulcer or internal piles .....

                    never shat blood...but its not that unusual..don't freak yourself out too much


                    • #11
                      thank Orgasmaddict ... yer a nurse said not to worry
                      & thanks to a very nice ladyboy called "Mon" I have smile back on my face ....... But after I signed off I noticed a post by SB calling me a Wanker ..... I don't care who u r Super Admin or whatever ... ok I tried to correct things But you seem to have Some Sort of Cyber Power Trip Going .... Before I crash for the night just let me say to You ...... "Go Fuck Youself "


                      • #12
                        (CheapCharlie @ Jul. 12 2008,04:51) just let me say to You  ...... "Go Fuck Youself "
                        Fair enough! I deserved that!


                        • #13
                          need a picture
                          No honey, no money!!

