Here is the list of people so far playing the NFL smuttlydfs bonerus spectacular game for the 2010 season...
smuttleydfs (Yank)
Bumpa STIKKA (Limey)
gordo68 (Yank)
kevin4252 (Yank)
PigDogg (Yank)
katoeylover (Limey)
BlueBallz (Yank)
deepthroat (Yank)
harley quinn (Limey)
Lefty (Yank)
Dieter (Kraut)
Too many damn yanks! Not enough Limeys... and come on, you Aussies... let's have a couple of you having a go...
Less than TWO weeks to go!
smuttleydfs (Yank)
Bumpa STIKKA (Limey)
gordo68 (Yank)
kevin4252 (Yank)
PigDogg (Yank)
katoeylover (Limey)
BlueBallz (Yank)
deepthroat (Yank)
harley quinn (Limey)
Lefty (Yank)
Dieter (Kraut)

Less than TWO weeks to go!
