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The NFL 'Game Pass!'

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  • The NFL 'Game Pass!'

    This service is so bad that have taken down all the advertising for it and now the only way to join is through a small link at the bottom of the page.

    Week one the video service broke down after 20 minutes and they refunded that week back into my credit card account.

    Week two was the same except the outage started 20 minutes into the second half. This week also has been refunded.

    Looking forward to week three...

    I was lucky to get any access at all! I only managed to access after they finally removed the IP number from their list of "Restricted Areas.'

    Since I got a new super fast (well, faster!) internet service deal from Max Net I found out that, while my access to the world may be faster, the entire range of IPs owned by this company is on the "Restricted Area' of the NFL Game Pass program.

    I have called them, Emailed them and used the 'Live Service' feature. They still don't get it. Each time I want to watch the games I have to call and get them to remove the blocked number.

    They do NOT answer emails
    The 'Live Assistance' service never works
    The phone is almost never answered.

    Once I got through to a human called Jeff who said he could allow me access but warned me not to switch off my computer till the end of the regular season!

    If you are stranded outside the USA, Canada or some other areas then continue to stream the NFL illegally from China, etc, because the NFL Game Pass is definitely NOT the answer.

    Last year I had no problems at all...

    This year the service is a pile

    I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...

  • #2
    Told you to get UBC. BTW I have no idea what chanel its on and what package is good.......GO SAINTS!!
    Be careful out there!


    • #3
      UBC don't offer all the games. If they did then I'd subscribe.
      I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


      • #4
        Hope you didn't miss ESPN's monday night football. What a game with Indy and the Dolphins trading punches the whole game.

        3rd quarter the Colts only had the ball for 3 plays as the Fish went ahead 20-13. Then Manning brought them back to tie again. Indy behind their wildcat offense marched on a tired Indy defense but drive stalled and had to settle for go ahead FG.  Indy countered when Manning hit Garson on 48 yd bomb to go up 27-24. Fish needed a TD to win as FG wouldn't help them with under 2 minutes to go. Indys final drive ended with an interception after Pennington spiked ball to stop the clock with 12 seconds left. What a game!

        Time to go to sleep.
        Attached Files
        Collecting lbs one ass at a time


        • #5
          Great game.

          When the service works it's great!
          Attached Files
          I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


          • #6
            It's been reported that ASN network shows game on True Sports with the Silver or Platinum package but mysteriously not with the Gold package.

            Next Week On ASN


            • #7
              Thanks for that link. ASN shows a lot of games on replay throughout the week.
              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
              ― Henry Ward Beecher

              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


              • #8
                Whats the ASN network and why would the Silver have it but not the Gold?? Weird.....
                Be careful out there!


                • #9
                  I wouldn't bother. They show tapes of third rate games once a week!

                  The only way to see the games you want each week for free is Sopcast (Google it) via China.
                  I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                  • #10
                    (BlueBallz @ Sep. 22 2009,07:51) Whats the ASN network and why would the Silver have it but not the Gold??  Weird.....
                    Beats me, that's what one guy reported.

                    Perhaps he's wrong about the Silver.

                    But the Platinum gives you the 1PM, 4PM, Sun Night and Monday Night game live.  And reruns later in the week.

                    Back home in New York, where the rudest people live acording to the other thread, that's the same choice msot people have except no reruns.


                    • #11
                      I think I know this channel Mr Pigg and its NOT on the silver nor Gold only the Plat. In fcat, I am enquiring if I can get the Plat package just for October when I will be in LOS!!
                      Be careful out there!


                      • #12

                        Please add this IP to the system.

                        I am trying to access the service I am paying for but as usual my requests are falling on deaf ears.

                        I am beginning to think that you are purposefully denying me access to this service because no one company can be so systematically useless at customer service when such a simple request is made.

                        I have repeatedly asked for the WHOLE RANGE of IP numbers from 110.164.* be released as the location and company who own then are BASED IN THAILAND!

                        Please get me the service I am paying for up to a satisfactory standard and start to make an effort to get along with your customers.

                        It's a shame that the NFL has such shoddy standards of service for it's expats and fans living abroad. No wonder the game hasn't been adopted by more fans in more countries when the company seems happy enough to spit in the face of fee paying clients.

                        I don't expect to get a reply to this email as I haven't gotten much of a reply to any of the others but I will add it to my online blog about the NFL and it's disgraceful standards of service and will email copies to everyone I can find connected with the NFL including all team owners.


                        Rusty Nail
                        My latest missive to these NFL useless cunts.
                        I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                        • #13
                          I watched a couple of games Sunday from Zagreb, Croatia using peer-to-peer. All games are free. Link:

                          Not as turn-key as the NFL package, though, but you can't beat the price.


                          • #14
                            NFL Game Pass Sucks!

                            I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                            • #15
                              Update... (That was quick!)
                              Attached Files
                              I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...

