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Funny news

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  • Funny news

  • #2
    It doesn't say what they were taking the pictures for.


    • #3
      At 18 years old he can't help himself. Huge dam of Testosterone overcomes his sense of common sense. Hope the judge is lenient and just puts him on a 3-month probation. "There for the Grace of God go I". Thai girls are way too sexy for their own good. Especially in a place called LOS. Everybody is Woody Woodpecker. Permanently.


      • #4
        It think it is more likely that he had sex with previous models and thought this one would be the same.
        Or this was his first model and he thought that all photographers get laid..... a common misconception.
        Good looking photographers probably get laid a lot, others not so much.


        • #5
          Funny I ALWAYS get sex from my ladyboy models. I love to suck and lick them to erection while I'm taking photos. Lick, shoot, suck, shoot, lick her rim, shoot, etc. Shooting ladyboys is indeed FUN. I think this kid will eventually shoot ladyboys and be satisfied tremendously. As ladyboys always say, "Try it. You'll probably LIKE it." I concur.

          BTW, Senor Crag. Do you do sexy things with your models like I do? O do you refrain from wet behavior because Layla or Woody gets jealous? Mo beddah be a SOLO photographer/traveler anywhere we just follow our noses. Ladyboys are indeed EVERYWHERE in this place called Thailand. A true Heaven on Earth.

          Only 4-6 months before vaccine trials are completed in Brazil. Doctors are "VERY hopefully optimistic", and I am, too. At this point in time, there are about 120 vaccine trials being held in Brazil and any place that has a raging C pandemic out of control. The USA and China values their own citizens over the Samba Maniacs. Plus President Jai Bolsonaro is desperate to save his face after doing a bad job failing to institute policies to curb the pandemic while it was a small problem. I have a feeling Jai is receiving "tea money" to let the vaccine be tested among his poor people. I think he wants to be admired for his bravery and courage to help the world "FIND" a cure. Even though he has nothing to do with a vaccine's development program. Exactly like Trump. Expect him to fool the American fools by saying, "I created the C vaccine as only I can do". Personally I do enjoy Trump's BULL SHITE. He is so funny that I always look forward to the jokes by the humorously funny guy trying not to LOL Don Lemon, the "sexiest anchor" Chris Cuomo, and the silver blonde Anderson Cooper. Trump is really so funny when he's trying to act serious that I like to set my cable box to record every one of these guys' talk shows. Humor is the best Medicine. Also helps me to forget how long our wait for a vaccine will come and when I will return to Thailand for some hanky panky. Pissed me off greatly that Thailand TV does even have CNN or Fox News channels. Not even closed captioning on my hotel TV. Glad I don't live there. America mo beddah.

