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    Today was the 31st day in a row where the temperature was over 100 degrees. Damn I am sweating my off.

  • #2
    Tell it to climate change deniers. Nothing to see here... move along.... God did it!!! You probably need a few in that sort of heat. Brings a new slant to "go boil your head!".


    • #3
      Strange I do remember sitting at PBR on February 6th when they were playing the Super Bowl here in Dallas. It was 92 and beautiful in Pattaya and there was a frozen ice storm in Dallas. Dallas has four seasons, Hot, Damn Hot, Very Damn Hot and Cold.


      • #4
        (Torurot @ Aug. 02 2011,21:07) Tell it to climate change deniers.
        You are a twit...

        The debate is whether its man made or natural... NOT does climate change actually occur.

        Just because Texas has had a hot streak does not imply that its man made  

        Ever asked yourself a few simple questions, such as

        How many ice ages have occurred on this planet? What causes the changes?
        How do you think tectonic plates influence temperatures?

        How would this effect climate?  

        Plate Tectonics

           Changes in the positions of the continents are linked to periods of multiple glaciations. The presence of large landmasses at the poles seems to trigger the development of extensive ice sheets. For example, throughout the Ice age that occurred during the Pennsylvanian and Permian geologic eras (250 €“350 million years ago), the southern portion of the super-continent Pangaea was at the South Pole. Scientists believe this may have caused extensive glaciation over what are now Africa, South America, India, Antarctica, and Australia.
           Major uplift at continental plate boundaries can cause profound changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns. Changing circulation patterns cause climate change. Some scientists hypothesize that climatic changes caused by uplift are critical to the development of ice ages.
           Large or numerous volcanic eruptions, also the result of plate tectonics, release huge amounts of gases (carbon dioxide and water vapor) that act to trap heat within the atmosphere, causing global warming (sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect). In contrast, particles of ash can impact the global climate by reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface, causing global cooling.
        Milankovitch Cycles

        Named after the Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovich, the Milankovitch cycles describe variations in Earth's position as it orbits the Sun that affect the amount of sunlight it receives. One cycle involves the shape of Earth's orbit, which varies from being more elliptical to more circular. Another cycle involves Earth's "tilt" on its axis, which is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. Presently, Earth tilts 23.5¾ from the perpendicular, but there is evidence that in the past this angle varied from 22¾ to 24¾. A third variation involves Earth's "wobble." Like a top wobbling on its axis, Earth wobbles as it orbits. The results are that sometimes the North Pole points to the North Star, and sometimes it points to the star Vega. These cycles vary from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years and can be traced back through the Earth's geologic record.
        Several ice ages have occurred throughout our planet's history. Major periods of glaciations occurred during the late Proterozoic Era (between 600 and 800 million years ago), during the Pennsylvanian and Permian Eras (between about 250 and 350 million years ago), and the late Neocene to Quaternary Eras (the last 4 million years). Somewhat less extensive glaciations occurred during parts of the Ordovician and Silurian Eras (between about 430 and 460 million years ago). The most recent ice age began about 1.8 million years ago during the Pleistocene Era. During this time, giant ice sheets advanced and retreated many times in North America and Europe.

        Recent cycles of advancing and retreating ice sheets have occurred approximately every 100,000 years. Each cycle consists of a long, generally cold period during which the ice sheets slowly reach their maximum size, and a relatively short, warm period during which the ice sheets rapidly retreat.

        We are now in a warm period that has lasted more than 10,000 years, which is longer than many of the previous warm intervals. If the pattern of glacial cycles holds true, scientists believe the Earth is soon due for another cold period. In the 1800s, global temperatures began decreasing during a period known as the Little Ice Age. Currently, patterns indicate that the Earth is nearing the end of an interglacial period, meaning that another ice age is predicted in a few thousand years.
        This is just a small facet of the science behind the earths climate and i doubt the simpletons who claim a few smoke stacks are SOLELY responsible for melting ice caps are even capable of understanding the complexities of the science.


        A worthy trip report


        • #5
          Taking a throw away comment a little seriously...

          What are you attempting to argue; that humans have no effect on the climate, local or otherwise?? Pollute away, clear fell some more forest, drain that wetland. No problems, no effects whatsoever? It won't make the surroundings any hotter/colder/wetter/dryer will it because all climate change, even at local levels is caused by Milankovitch Cycles and plate tectonics, and Indonesian and Chilean volcanoes exploding every other week???!!

          Here's a useful book
          David Beerling "The emerald planet : how plants changed Earth's history." ISBN 978-0-19-954814-9

          None of this changes "Today was the 31st day in a row where the temperature was over 100 F degrees". A few may take the edge off the heat while we wait for that next ice age to slip in.

          Did we break 32 days in a row above 100F??


          • #6
            You sure you are not confused about ecological vs climate change

            Im still waiting for definitive evidence that man made climate change exists.... doesnt appear to be anything solid forthcoming just a lot of spin to deflect heat on the pathetic & inept government that are currently bankrupting our world


            A worthy trip report


            • #7
              33 days above 100F. All those cold are going down a treat.

              You talking about Julia's new tax on some polluters?

              You will enjoy Beerlings book..... seriously go hunt it down at a good bookstore
              There's a guy (Prof Heading Out) who posts on "" that looks at climate issues
              He has a few threads on U.S temperature trends on his own blog
              U.S. temperature starting here

              Texas here


              • #8
                It's pretty wet and miserable in England today.
                I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                • #9
                  Situation same same then. Isn't it a "Heat wave" in England if it gets over 20c?? Fck that Global warming shite! in facts have a couple


                  • #10
                    36 days above 100F  


                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Dallas is also well on its way to breaking its record of 42 straight days at 100 or above, set in 1980.
                      Guess these "type" events have occurred before


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #12
                        Australian record temperatures... in degrees centigrade (interesting NONE in the past decade)

                        1 50.7 02 January 1960 Oodnadatta Airport SA
                        2 50.5 19 February 1998 Mardie WA
                        3 50.3 03 January 1960 Oodnadatta Airport SA
                        4 49.8 03 January 1979 Mundrabilla Station WA
                        4 49.8 13 January 1979 Forrest Aero WA
                        4 49.8 21 February 1998 Emu Creek Station WA


                        A worthy trip report


                        • #13
                          Has the Dallas +100 been broken yet?? How about Dan uggla's hitting streak-this quetsion relevent for Yanks only......
                          Be careful out there!


                          • #14
                            This one's just for the Ozzies

                            Axe the Tax with FACTS

                            Malcolm Roberts, our voluntary Project Manager frequently contacts politicians and journalists to hold them accountable for the barrage of misinformation being propagated in the media and parliament.

                            Here is a copy of Malcolm's latest email. If you feel so inclined, please copy and demand answers to these questions from your Federal MP as well.

                            Their addresses are available here: and jump to Please protect Australia's sovereignty and people's personal freedom

                            From: Malcolm Roberts [mailto:[email protected]]
                            Sent: Wednesday, 10 August 2011 12:01 PM
                            Subject: Professor's work confirms Gillard-Brown-Combet-Milne-Plibersek-Wong lies

                            To all federal MP's, reputable journalists, friends:

                            Professor Murry Salby's lecture recorded by the Sydney Institute confirms again that global CO2 levels are a result of temperature, not a cause. Claims by Gillard-Brown-Combet-Milne-Plibersek-Wong are lies.

                            The Galileo Movement last month provided two short pages of Basic Facts on carbon dioxide (CO2): pages 1 & 2

                            Salby's work reinforces this summary. The material though has been known by scientists for decades.

                            Examining the Gillard-Brown message below reveals why Australians comprehensively reject Julia Gillard. She has fabricated a situation that is irretrievable.

                            Measurements of global CO2 levels used by the UN reveal that CO2 levels are a result of temperature, not a cause. CO2 does not drive temperature. Temperature determines CO2 levels. Yet the government and Greens tells us the opposite. Saying CO2 drives temperature is the biggest ... lie.

                            Each molecule of carbon dioxide combines an atom of carbon with two atoms of oxygen. Calling Nature's invisible gas 'carbon pollution'€”a black solid€”is a ... lie.

                            CO2 is less than 0.04% of Earth's air. Less than 4 x 1/100th's of one percent. Scientifically, it's called a trace gas because there's bugger-all of it. Calling it pollution is a ... lie.

                            Of Earth's annual production of carbon dioxide human activity (industry, transport, farming) produces just 3%, Nature 32 times more, 97%. Calling it pollution is a ... lie.

                            Of that 3% from humans, Aussie activity produces just 1.0-1.3%. Saying Aussies affect global climate is a ... lie.

                            The variation alone in Nature's production of CO2 is estimated to be four times the entire human production. We are not affecting the balance. We cannot. Calling it pollution is a ... lie.

                            When Nature's 97% is known to be essential for all life on Earth, how can 3% be catastrophic? It cannot. It's insane, crooked. Calling it pollution is a ... lie.

                            CO2 stays in the air only 5-7 years, sometimes just months. Nature rapidly cycles it back into plants, animals and oceans. Calling it pollution is a ... lie.

                            71% of Earth's surface is ocean. Ours is a blue planet. It's not the Greens. It's ours.

                            Oceans contain, in dissolved form, 50 times the CO2 in Earth's entire atmosphere. CO2 is released from and absorbed into the oceans according to temperature.

                            Annually, Nature overwhelmingly produces most of Earth's CO2 and Nature alone determines the amount in air.

                            Carbon dioxide (CO2) is Nature's colourless, odourless, tasteless gas. Essential for all life on Earth€”including us. Trees need CO2 to live. Crops need CO2 to live. We need trees and crops. You're exhaling CO2 now. It's not poisonous. Calling it pollution is a ... lie*.

                            For a short yet comprehensive assessment of CO2 against criteria characterising pollutants, please refer pages 3 & 4 of The Galileo Movement document.

                            *Lie: knowingly or recklessly stating something that is not true creating a false or inaccurate impression.

                            Malcolm Roberts

                            BE (Hons), MBA (Chicago)
                            Fellow AICD, MAIM, MAusIMM, MAME (USA), MIMM (UK), Fellow ASQ (USA, Aust)
                            Project Manager (voluntary)

                            The Galileo Movement (non-profit and in existence only until the carbon dioxide tax is quashed)

                            Facebook: The Galileo Movement (link

                            Twitter: search for GalileoMovement or visit!/GalileoMovement

                            My personal declaration of interests is at: (manually go to and look for 'Summaries' and then click on 'Aims, background and declaration of interests ...')

                            For care to be effective, care needs to be informed

                            Thank you!

                            The Galileo Movement

                            At stake is human freedom, your freedom, our freedom.

                            The triumph of evil requires only that good men do nothing - Edmund Burke

