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Glastonbury 2011
TC sounds tip top. My chum coproduced some of priests stuff several years ago. Glen was up to speed. Bright nice guy. KK was stuttering profusely sober but appeared off his head. Went for a Thai in a boozer in Woking with them very bizzare. Glad the weather was kinder to you.
Im not sure about you Bobcat but it seems to me that the sound is a lower volume during the day than at night. I could hardly hear Thin Lizzy who were on main stage around 5.30pm and wonderd whether its done on purpose for some reason at these festivals
Victoria Park is dead next door to a housing estate but you would think that at 11pm the noise would be lower , but in fact it got louder s the night wore on
a lot louder
" The boys are back in town , get your fucking knickers down"
as the lead singer says
Its lower because of the tier effect of status. The previous band cant be louder than the next in case they are musically better & blow them off the stage. I think they should all be allowed the same wick & if their engineers choose to start them off quietly building to the last few numbers then encore that can be their choice. My solution is start at the front for the first band and slowly move back. Or it could be that your ear wax is slowly disolving so you can hear more during the day. My top end is fucked having had 8 years at the knobs. Err faders which only went one way.
I cant wait seeing Deep Purple just before Christmas............... Almost as excited as wheels up for Los next March
(Bobcat @ Jul. 30 2011,01:18) Its lower because of the tier effect of status.
Hard to believe these clowns would do this. I cant even get past the human recognise system to complain on the website , i think the characters are in mandarin or martian
ya Deep Purple are a great band.. they had more line ups than Lizzy. I might catch that one myself