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Earthquake in Christchurch

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  • Earthquake in Christchurch

    Spare a moment to think of those living in & around Christchurch. What a catastrophe for them, the city appears to be trashed & it will take a long time to get back to normal. It seems that Christchurch is right over a geographic fault line so future events cannot be discounted.

    The death toll is 75 now & expected to grow higher. For a relatively small population that is unimaginable. I am waiting to hear about friends living there myself. One close colleague has a business in downtown Christchurch operating in a family owned building.

    I haven't caught sight of it on the TV coverage but until I hear otherwise, I can only pray they are OK. And every other poor bugger trapped under a building. It is unbelievable.

    For all our sporting rivalry, it takes something like this to remind us that what binds us together is greater than any of our differences. To all our kiwi BMs, my condolences.
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

  • #2
    pacman this is just a shocking event and so soon after late last year. All Aussie TV channels are giving extensive coverage and it really is disturbing viewing.

    My prayers are never answered but I'm hoping for lots of NZ friends that they and their friends are going to be ok.


    • #4
      Terribly sad. I know a few guys in the area, and am waiting to hear.

      Lets hope ...
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #5
        Google Person Finder helps locate victims of New Zealand earthquake

        by Vlad Bobleanta on February 23, 2011 at 01:00 PM
        Google Person Finder helps locate victims of New Zealand earthquake

        Google is at it again, helping people locate loved ones caught in the earthquake that hit New Zealand on Tuesday. First put to use after the Haiti earthquake of last year, Google Person Finder is a handy tool that lets you search a user-created database of people using a missing person's name. If you don't find a match for the person you're searching for, you can leave information about her or him, as well as a message. You can also leave information about yourself for your loved ones, or add some information about another person.

        Till now, about 8800 records have been created on Google Person Finder, and the number keeps growing. This is the fourth Person Finder that Google has made available -- following the original one intended for the Haiti earthquake, there were also dedicated websites for the earthquake in Chile last February, and for the one that hit China in April.

        Convoluted domain name aside, Google Person Finder looks like a very neat tool you can use to make sure your loved ones are safe. And have internet access.

        Tags: earthquake, google, google person finder, GooglePersonFinder, New Zealand earthquake, NewZealandEarthquake, people finder, PeopleFinder, Web

        via: Switched
        source: Google Person Finder


        • #6
          A few more useful links

          Has good links to all current info


          As at 1954 hrs, 24 February, there were at least 37 aftershocks greater than magnitude 4 and four aftershocks above magnitude 5. GNS Science advises that there may be more magnitude 5 or greater aftershocks in the next few days. Aftershocks are expected to continue and this could lead to further building damage or collapse, as well as continued disruption to power, telecommunications and essential services.


          • #7
            Saw a quack of mine on tv, He was in Christchurch attending a medical conference. Normally an unflappable guy he looked flapped. I understand he is back home now passport wallet etc still in hotel room which is still wobbling. One thing that sickened me was Kevin Rudd lecturing us on how Kiwis are family and mates.God that little prick gives me the shits. Surely there is a position for him in Europe or China wherever


            • #8
              The owner of the Pattaya Beer Garden Pattaya Pete is from Christchurch and a nice guy, Dont think he is on this forum but thinking off him at this time,


              • #9
                (richmond @ Feb. 24 2011,21:42) Kevin Rudd ....Surely there is a position for him in Europe or wherever
                No thanks.. it took long enough to get rid off Blair and Brown.


                • #10
                  (Tomcat @ Feb. 24 2011,23:48)
                  (richmond @ Feb. 24 2011,21:42) Kevin Rudd ....Surely there is a position for him in Europe or wherever
                  No thanks.. it took long enough to get rid off Blair and Brown.
                  Agreed , he would fit into the international liars brigade very easy like the lot of them , Cameron ?
                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • #11
                    Never mind about petty politics.   There are around 600 international rescue specialist in Christchurch New Zealand, from Australia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Britain and the United States.

                    Richmond, the reason why you saw your doctor is that there where three international medical conferences going on in Christchurch at the time of the earthquake.  Surgeons, Anaesthetists and other specialists where literally in the thick of it.  Three of them amputated one guys legs trapped by a concrete beam with a Hacksaw scrounged off a trademan, and a Leatherman tool piece

                    For those that want some hard core info you can stream this Saturday 26 February, 2001 GMT 8.00 from

                    From 8:00 to 10:00 Kim Hill and Simon Mercep will co-host a Morning Report Special.

                    10:08 Hamish Campbell: earthquake geology

                    10:32 Win Clark: earthquake engineering

                    10:40 Sven Baker: design and plumbing

                    10:50 Nat Torkington: the Christchurch Recovery Map

                    11:08 Dr Craig Nevill-Manning: Google Person Finder

                    11:25 Roger Dennis: innovation and strategy

                    11:32 Laurie Johnson: reconstruction

                    11:45 David Haywood and Jen Hay: relocation

                    11:55 Simon Morton: mucking in

                    Producer: Mark Cubey

                    Wellington engineer: Carol Jones

                    Newsreader: Stuart Keith

                    More information follows on Saturday's guests, repeats of previous interviews, next week's programme, and this email list. As this is live radio, guests and times may change on the day.


                    Saturday Morning guest information and links:

                    Hamish Campbell is a Geologist and Paleontologist at GNS Science, and the author, with Gerard Hutching, of In Search of Ancient New Zealand (Penguin, ISBN: 978-0-14-302088-2).


                    Win Clark is a retired structural engineer, and executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineers.


                    Sven Baker is Group CEO of Designworks, and was in the Fazzaz building on Lichfield Street that suffered a collapse during the earthquake. Designworks, in partnership with the Designers Institute of New Zealand, is looking to launch Design Aid in response to the tragedy, and is teaming up with the New Zealand plumbing industry to assist on a volunteer basis to help fix domestic water and sewerage for affected residents in Christchurch.




                    Technologist Nat Torkington is the organiser of FOO Camp, and helped create the Christchurch Recovery Map, listing community information by citizens for citizens.



                    New Zealander Dr Craig Nevill-Manning is Director of New York Engineering for Google, and helped develop Google Person Finder after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, to help locate missing friends and family members.


                    Until late this week, Roger Dennis was based in Christchurch, where he consults in foresight and innovation, supporting government bodies and companies across Asia and Australasia.


                    Laurie Johnson has over 20 years of experience in urban planning and disaster-related consulting, management and research, and has studied most of the world's recent major urban disasters, including the 2010 Chile and 2008 China earthquakes, 2005 and 2004 US hurricanes, World Trade Center collapse, and the 1995 Kobe and 1994 California earthquakes. With Robert B. Olshansky she is the author of Clear as Mud (American Planning Association), about the rebuilding of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.



                    David Haywood writes the Southerly blog at Public Address, and is the author of the books My First Stabbing, The New Zealand Reserve Bank Annual 2010, and (with illustrator Peter Adamson, The Hidden Talent Of Albert Otter, all available at Public Address Books. Jen Hay is the director of the New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour. They are the parents of Bob and Polly, and until Tuesday lived in a house in Christchurch.




                    Simon Morton is the host of the Radio New Zealand programme This Way Up. He is on leave in Christchurch assisting friends affected by the earthquake.


