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Floods in QLD Australia

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  • Floods in QLD Australia" width="330" height="330" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no">

    VIDEO: Incredible flash flood footage

    Just a small video worth watching all the way through of part of the flooding in QLD.

    Another Video of floods


    A worthy trip report

  • #2
    It's getting pretty serious there azza. The floods cover an area bigger than several European countries

    Looks like flooding in downtown Brisbane by Thursday
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #3
      I left Brisbane 4 weeks ago when the weather was fine. Got on the phone to family and friends today to hear what's going on. The suburbs which have the Brisbane River flowing through them are in serious trouble. Many houses are being evacuated.

      Premier Anna Bligh has warned the death toll could double with flood levels expected to go beyond the 5.45m that hit the city during the 1974 disaster, making it the worst flood in 118 years.
      dreaming about LOS again


      • #4
        Flood peak in Brisbane city not till mid morning TOMORROW! This is bigger by a magnitude than 1974. Power is cut off to CBD and many parts of the city as a preventative measure. People wading through waist deep water carrying their pets as officials will not rescue you if you have animals.. Rain still falling in sheets up stream.


        • #5
          Flood peak past. Now infrastructural problems

          Flood isolates Internode in Qld
          Redundant link or equipment failure?

          By Richard Chirgwin €¢ Posted in Telecoms, 12th January 2011 07:22 GMT

          The impact of Queensland's floods on telecommunications carriers is spreading. Around 6pm on Wednesday, Internode posted an advisory that its Queensland network was now isolated.

          "Unfortunately, the worst case scenario has been realised. The remaining inter-capital path has been severed", the advisory stated. "In the short term all Internode services in QLD will be unable to reach any domestic or international destinations."

          It is, however, possible that equipment failure, rather than a fibre cut, is the cause. This would at least enable an earlier restoration of service.

          With the inundation area expanding (disaster declarations now approximate twice the size of Texas, and the Queensland Government now expects 20,000 homes to be affected), more networks and carrier data centres are likely to suffer. Searches are continuing in the Lockyer Valley west of Brisbane for people still missing, and the death toll in the floods has risen to 17.

          Update At around 7pm Sydney time, Internode issued an update that it had restored one link, but still had no redundancy.


          • #6
            Just been catching up with this. Looks like a living nightmare down there at the moment.
            Attached Files
            World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


            • #7
              The death toll at lunchtime was 14 with over 70 people unaccounted for. An unbelievable tragedy for a country where natural disasters occur but usually with minimal loss of life.

              All major television stations have been running 24 hour coverage the past few days as waters were expected to peak today.

              It as if there is nothing else happening in the world that could possibly matter. Imagine my surprise when I switched on Al Jazeera to see that 16 people have died already in major flooding in Sri Lanka. Hmmmm....        
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • #8
                Lets hope the road to Brissy reopens for me before my flight!

                We want  this and that, we demand a share in that and most of that, some of this and phuckin' all of that...less of that and more of this and phuckin' plenty of this and we want it now....and the demands will all be changed so phuking stay awake!

                Eats Roots and Leaves[I]


                • #9
                  (pacman @ Jan. 13 2011,13:44) It as if there is nothing else happening in the world that could possibly matter. Imagine my surprise when I switched on Al Jazeera to see that 16 people have died already in major flooding in Sri Lanka. Hmmmm....        
                  And in the philipines & Brazil too


                  A worthy trip report


                  • #10
                    New Caledonia is on yellow alert for Cyclone Vania


                    • #11
                      Paccie is right. These things happen on an almost daily basis worldwide. I am often bemused when so much TV coverage is devoted to a train wreck or especially a plane crash killling maybe dozens (what is it with this self-regarding Western fixation with Transport Accidents ) whilst hundreds and thousands die daily from natural disasters, famine and injustice in far flung corners (read Third World) ?

                      Sri Lanka is experiencing major flooding as we speak. With over 1 million displaced and no doubt a much higher death toll than QLD, in a population similar to that of Australia.

                      Suffering and hardship know no boundaries of class or race. I guess when it happens on one's own safe and comfortable Western doorstep, it hits home harder than when it happens elsewhere. That's a natural reaction.

                      Food for thought nonetheless  
                      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                      • #12
                        Flood pics


                        A worthy trip report


                        • #13
                          Now extensive flooding in parts of Victoria, in one area across a 45Km front!!!


                          • #14
                            (Torurot @ Jan. 13 2011,12:27) (disaster declarations now approximate twice the size of Texas
                            The area of QLD under water represented the combined surface area of France and Germany

                            The VIC floods are at levels never seen in recorded history

                            I would be buying shares in Construction and Infrastructure
                            Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                            • #15

                              LOL , spot the capitalist.... ummm must admit.. crossed my mind as well


                              A worthy trip report

