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The Magnitude of Muslim Atrocities

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  • #16
    (Torurot @ Dec. 03 2010,15:21)  Your Muslim "extremists" are small beer in comparison.  
    You wont be quoting this after Iran lobs one of its nukes over the horizon.
    Its just a dice throw now as to whether it happens or not . Remember Saddam and the scuds when the chips were down, well this time its serious
    Its wont be an old Russian scud that plonks down next time

    Walking through London yesterday alnd looking around i wish we had a Tea Party over here, we certainly need one. The Loony liberals and others have ruined Europe . I agree with Geezers comments 100%, just read his thread for some common sense. Islam is a menace to the western way of life and its creeping slowly but surely into many walks of life.

    Scientifcally speaking , for better or for worse , people are tribalistic and this is not going to change any time soon. why the hell should i integrate with the Muslims or even accept chance there im afraid . I dont give a toss about other cultures... they can go fuck themselves and all the Political correct saddos that line up alongside


    • #17
      Anyone tried being a pagan ?

      Not a bad idea in the UK at the moment given that its -10 outside .

      I quite fancy burning someone I dislike in a large wicker man in my garden , I could save a fortune in heating oil but I suppose those bloody do gooders from the EEC and the Health and Safety Agency would find some clause or by law to stop me .

      Next year my brussel sprout crop shall not fail !!!!!!!
      Attached Files
      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


      • #18
        (Tomcat @ Dec. 04 2010,00:30) Walking through London yesterday alnd looking around i wish we had a Tea Party over here, we certainly need one. The Loony liberals and others have ruined Europe . I agree with Geezers comments 100%, just read his thread for some common sense. Islam is a menace to the western way of life and its creeping slowly but surely into many walks of life.
        There is one consolation to be had from the Islamisation of the UK & that is, it has hardened the resolve of average Australians to resist the advance of Islam here in Oz.

        Every mosque, every Islam school, every dedicated building they propose is met with great community concern & distrust. There are regular letters to the papers voicing the wide-held fears these illegal refugees represent & all the time, we are reminded of the British experience.

        I would be naive to suggest the public will stop the flow of Muslims into Oz but all politicians are well & truly aware what a hot-button item they are. No political party wants to face the electorate trying to defend Islamic rights.

        I also agree with Geezer's post, the politically correct brigade are living in a fool's paradise & represent an enormous danger to their own way of life, the one that allows them to champion a faith that would end that right in a heart beat. The ultimate irony.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19
          "Wow, slooooow down there Cowboy!

          What the hell are you rattling on about? What link? Jeez, who rattled your cage?

          Feel like I entered this thread in the middle of a conversation or something.  

          Thank you deepthroat, even though I am not a Cowboy,  I consider being thought of as a Cowboy a compliment. Cowboys are some of the hardest working people in America, you don't see them down at the welfare office with their hand out,  or crying about how life is so unfair to them. They perform some of the  hardest, dirtiest, and most thankless jobs, In America, I'm sure you know Cowboys don't just ride bulls, and bust wild horses down at the Rodeo.

             So thank you again for that compliment, if you were trying to associate me with G.W. Bush because he is from Texas, just in case you didn't know, not everybody from Texas is a real Cowboy.  If Cowboys wore sandals Bush couldn't fill one of them.

             If you were trying to insult me, next time please call me a redneck. I don't think of my self as a redneck, but I do consider it an insult. So the next time you would like to insult me, or somebody else, please don't disparage Cowboys, use the term redneck,  because Cowboys and rednecks are not the same thing.


          • #20
            Actually, my Uncle is a cowboy (my family also has a large amount of farmland here in the USA). If it weren't for Government Handouts in the form of crop subsidies and other large "corporate welfare" programs, he would have sold out years ago and gotten into a real line of work, but this is far more lucrative. Yes, the hours are long, but the bailouts (er.... payouts) are enormous.

            As usual, you have a romanticized vision of life that bears little relation to the facts. Nothing new there, and probably a badge of honor. After all, real men don't worry about facts.
            Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


            • #21
              Reality check: the almost entire population of present day cowboys in the U.S. under 70 years old are Mexican..... (tho there are a number of younger cowboys who hang around gay leather bars in San Francisco & New York & work office jobs by day.)


              • #22

                You forgot the Naked Cowboy that panhandles near Times Square.

                Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                • #23
                  (jimslim @ Dec. 04 2010,00:46) Anyone tried being a pagan ?

                  Not a bad idea in the UK at the moment given that its -10 outside .

                  I quite fancy burning someone I dislike in a large wicker man in my garden , I could save a fortune in heating oil but I suppose those bloody do gooders from the EEC and the Health and Safety Agency would find some clause or by law to stop me .

                  Next year my brussel sprout crop shall not fail !!!!!!!
                  At least ONE sane member remains on TLF!
                  Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                  • #24
                    I notice that another Iranian Nuclear Scientist opened his car door yesterday and was blown to bits...thats second dude this year thats ended up as pie filling

                    Well done Mossad , another scumbag bites the dust


                    • #25
                      Mossad you say ? Where is Travis Bickle when you need him

                      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                      • #26

                        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                        • #27
                          and not before time

                          Sorry I missed that denouemant, but I always saw it coming
                          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                          • #28
                            (El_hefe @ Dec. 04 2010,08:01) Reality check:  the almost entire population of present day cowboys in the U.S. under 70 years old are Mexican.....  (tho there are a number of younger cowboys who hang around gay leather bars in San Francisco & New York & work office jobs by day.)
                            He called me a Cowboy,  and I am pretty sure, but I could be wrong, he meant it as a disparaging remark.

                            I in return pointed out calling me a Cowboy was not a insult to me, and that I admired the real American Cowboy ( not the movie cowboy ) who lived in harsh conditions, and were always exposed to danger.

                             They worked long hours for low pay, but were not chronic complainers, with their hand out expecting something for nothing, they did not tolerate meanness, or dishonesty, they had to be tough as nails to survive, but they were mostly a generous and hospitable group. So whats not to admire about that, and how can a Profession with those traits, be used as an insult.
                            Reality check  Real cowboy always  were a mix of  white men, freed slaves, Mexican,  and Native Americans.

                              I am pretty sure, but then again I could be wrong, those cowboys hanging around gay leather bars in San Francisco & New York, are not real cowboy ( but could be a helluva studs ) and never worked 1 second as a real cowboy.


                            • #29
                              Well, DT how about the govt just confiscate the land then?? That would solve a couple of problems all at once then, wouldnt it???
                              Be careful out there!

