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A Question for the Irish:

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  • A Question for the Irish:

    For all my Irish friends out there, a point to consider:

    My great great great grandfather, and his son my great great grandfather where specially selected by the governing power in Ireland at the time (1834) to go to Australia.... and never come back. They were convicts convicted of kidnapping.

    Now this raises an interesting point: They left thier homeland involuntarily, and were shipped around the world, but never forgot their roots (a wee town called Galbally ) or the catholic church.

    I have evidence of their passage from Ireland to Australia, also their parole. They ended up wealthy, having enough sense to join the gold rushes not as miners but as merchants. (Unfortunately my Uncle pissed it up against the wall, thus proving the adage "clogs to clogs in three generations".

    My question: As my GGG Grandfather was infact a political exile/convict, (ok he was kidnapper but no one is perfect) would you not agree that since he took leave of Ireland under duress, and as I can prove a direct line of decent, should I not be granted an Irish Passport and citizenship?

    It seems that since any son of a Punjabi goat-fiddler can get a passport to the Old Dart, it seems reasonable that those of us that decend from Irish convicts that weren't hung/flogged/ buggered to death should have some rights.

    Am I onto something here or full of shit?

    The reason I ask is that in the past an Aussie passport was a guarantee that you would be left alone saying "skippy, skippy" while the American next to you was beheaded by the Taliban. But now they hate us too. Ditto when I travel on my UK passport.

    So I see the Irish passport my ticket to hostage free travel as everyone likes them and they are basically worthless (as hostages.)

    Get back to me my Irish brothers!

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

  • #2
    I have Irish friends in Canada that were born in Canada and some second and third generation Canadian. As I understand it they are able to obtain Irish passports as long as they could prove their lineage back to the Emerald Isle. I know people who succeeded and now hold dual citizenship Canada/Ireland. I believe Australia allows dual citizenship also. As such I think you should not have any problem in obtaining your Irish passport unless the laws have changed or there is some hiccup due to the criminal activities of your otherwise honorable ancestors. Good luck.


    • #3
      Foxee so u want to be a quailified gobshite like the rest of us Irish.

      Ok, well i can try and help you out then, first you better go to a irish embassy, and bring along those records or any prove that shows that ur GGG grandfather was booted on to a ship heading to (van deamons land) Austrilia, by a bunch of english pricks ( no offence to my english friends) who had taken over my beloved Ireland at the time.

      They will have to do research on that family, and the place from where they came from (are u sure u spelt that name right) it don't exist on map of Ireland,

      If everything is good and proper, i be ther first to welcome you into our exclusive GOBSHITE club here on the forum.

      good luck tracing your family roots, as i know that a lot of records of convicts who were sent away, were destroyed by the british.
      i love t-girls


      • #4
        But are you doing all of this just to escape Pacman?


        • #5
          I'm not irish foxxee, I think most countries allow citizenship to be given back upto 4 generations but the 1 question that is resounding in my mind is why would you want to go to Afghanistan/ Pakistan?

          Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


          • #6
            He doesn't! He just wants to get away from Pacman!!!


            • #7
              (f0xxee @ Aug. 12 2010,19:17) For all my Irish friends out there, a point to consider:

              My great great great grandfather, and his son my great great grandfather where specially selected by the governing power in Ireland at the time (1834) to go to Australia.... and never come back. They were convicts convicted of kidnapping.

              Now this raises an interesting point: They left thier homeland involuntarily, and were shipped around the world, but never forgot their roots (a wee town called Galbally ) or the catholic church.

              I have evidence of their passage from Ireland to Australia, also their parole. They ended up wealthy, having enough sense to join the gold rushes not as miners but as merchants. (Unfortunately my Uncle pissed it up against the wall, thus proving the adage "clogs to clogs in three generations".

              My question: As my GGG Grandfather was infact a political exile/convict, (ok he was kidnapper but no one is perfect) would you not agree that since he took leave of Ireland under duress, and as I can prove a direct line of decent, should I not be granted an Irish Passport and citizenship?

              It seems that since any son of a Punjabi goat-fiddler can get a passport to the Old Dart, it seems reasonable that those of us that decend from Irish convicts that weren't hung/flogged/ buggered to death should have some rights.

              Am I onto something here or full of shit?

              The reason I ask is that in the past an Aussie passport was a guarantee that you would be left alone saying "skippy, skippy" while the American next to you was beheaded by the Taliban. But now they hate us too. Ditto when I travel on my UK passport.

              So I see the Irish passport my ticket to hostage free travel as everyone likes them and they are basically worthless (as hostages.)

              Get back to me my Irish brothers!          
              Hi foxee-there are 2 galballys in Ireland I know of,1 in Limerick,and the other in Wexford.Wexford /Leinster at that time were areas tormented by robbers and raparees,indeed an ancestor of mine was maybe the best known-he later turned Queen's evidence while his mates were hung!
              My cousins in NY have gotten Irish passports,but they were only claiming descent back to grandparents,I dont know how far one can go back to claim the passport.Word of warning-its not cheap to do it-my cousin in NY told me it cast her approx $600 to jump thru all the hoops,provide the necessary documentation etc etc.
              A little bonus to having an Irish passport is,visas in some countries are cheaper to Irish passport holders-eg turkey£5 irish passport/£10 british passport:Jordan£15 Irish passport/£30 British passport.There are probably more,but those are 2 visas I know about.
              Finally-apparently there are 11 million Irish passports in circulation-and the population is on 4 million!

              Anyone know if this is true???


              • #8
                I am no expert, but from what I can gather it only applies to grand parents and great grandparents in some cases. This has been an issue here in the last decade with some Argentinians of Irish descent try to obtain citizenship when the economy was bad there.

                These links explain the ancestor rule a bit.


                I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                • #9
                  Excellent replies! Thanks chaps!

                  Actually I am lucky. My family are Dalton's they come from Limerick and as they did well in Australia there have been some efforts made to document thier roots. Sort of Kunta Kinte without the tans. As such I have copies of the their convictions, their passages to Aus, their paroles etc.
                  If anyone knows Orange in Central NSW the golf course there is called Duntryleague. Built by my Great Great GF. Same as for what is now Myers in Summer street. Was Dalton Bros. Same same the catholic Church, Flour Mills etc.
                  If only me uncle wasn't a useless twat and primogeniture a bad Irish habit. (Incidently I hear the incorrigible old cunt is now up at Mae Sot with a barely post pubescent GF, so I guess some things are genetic.)

                  PS: I already have dual nationality: UK and Aus. This is to purely to make me dear old Mum happy before she shuffles off to terminal la-la land.

                  "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                  • #10
                    If you do get your Irish passport I believe you'll have to give up one of the other two. If that is the case, which one would it be?


                    • #11
                      Tony Cascarino's great grandfather owned a Irish red setter and that was enough for him to qualify for playing football for the Irish national team.

                      So if you are anyway decent at any sport we will give you a Irish passport, but if you dont win any medals or trophies within 18 months we will throw you on a flight back to Australia, with British airways economy class. Thats the closest we can get to the prison ships these days.
                      I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                      I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                      • #12
                        (f0xxee @ Aug. 12 2010,20:43) My family are Dalton's they come from Limerick and as they did well in Australia there have been some efforts made to document thier roots. .

                        If only me uncle wasn't a useless twat and primogeniture a bad Irish habit.
                        Good grief! My mother's family are descended from Limerick. But they migrated in the 19th century of their own free will.

                        So if we ever get invited to dine at Buckingham Palace with Liz, it looks like I will be seated closer to her than the spawn of a kidnapper...      

                        Just think, we may even be related...        My aunt has done a complete family tree so we should compare notes.

                        I never met any of my 3 uncles, they all died in the most tragic of circumstances... and not together. The news of each death absolutely devastated the females of the house, my grandmother, mother & aunt.

                        And there was no family fortune to squander as well though my grandfather was pretty handy in the pub. A red headed Irishman, how calm do you think he was?
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13
                          This is very interesting i have always wondered if i could do duel citizenship as i am Irish dutch German. but i and my fathers family and so on as far as i no have lived in the USA. but my uncle traced are family name back to a duke in Ireland but he died and i never got his paper uncle i am sure the duke is long gone.
                          "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
                          He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
                          General George Patton Jr


                          • #14
                            (whore @ Aug. 12 2010,20:49) Tony Cascarino's great grandfather owned a Irish red setter and that was enough for him to qualify for playing football for the Irish national team.

                            So if you are anyway decent at any sport we will give you a Irish passport, but if you dont win any medals or trophies within 18 months we will throw you on a flight back to Australia, with British airways economy class. Thats the closest we can get to the prison ships these days.
                            yes ,Tony Can't-score-ino as they used to call him at Celtic park,a proper charlatan if ever there was one.

                            Don't forget tho'-John Barnes ex Liverpool,was England's best player for years,and he was born in Jamaica,naturalised as English so he could play for England.By the way-how did Wayne Rooney escape Ireland's clutches-he's obviously a Paddy-just look at the head on him!

                            sorry Foxee-I got the wrong Galbally-Limerick is still a tough area-you know what it is known as in Ireland?-STAB CITY !


                            • #15
                              i wouldnt mind seeing if i can get an irish passport.
                              im told the women over there are beautiful.
                              you cant polish a turd.

