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Illegal border crossings in The UK...

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  • #46
    This thread was originally abut the ease with which some people can enter the UK illegally and remain here. Legally they will normally be entitled to citizenship after 14 years if they have not broken the law, are married and employed and therefore contributing to the tax revenue of the UK. I don't know why it got distracted by other issues, but I suppose it was never going to be a fun thread anyway. Soldiers returning from any theatre would probably change their clothes before entering the public sphere and I think the check-out girl was a bit over the top, but without starting a new thread it is hard to believe anyone thinks any of the NATO troops in Afghanistan are protecting me or anyone else. This is a lose-lose situation for all concerned today as it was for the USSR in the 1980s, and the British on three previous occasions. I read somewhere the US alone spends $7bn a month on this infinite conflict, but presumably even the USA doesn't have infinite funds to maintain it. The irony is that just as the USSR never committed more than 4% of its armed forces to Afghanistan, so NATO's commitment is too small to make anything better -I would suggest that if 'the West' was serious about 'defeating' the Taliban, it would need to deploy roughly a million and a half armed service personnel. Its not going to happen which is why no advance is going to happen, and those roads being built will have no purpose and fall to pieces through IED's and neglect by this time next year.
    Dexter Hines


    • #47
      It's the politicians that put them there, most have no choice, other than not to join. Soldiers in Garrison towns shouldn't be shunned for being in uniform- it's no longer a security risk.

      My point is that IIs are treated better than certain sectors of the population, therefore IMHO it is relevant, given that I was accused of bullshitting.

      Afghanistan is a lost cause and I wish they would get the fuck out ASP- it's a waste of money and lives. All this talk of making the west safer by being there IS complete bullshit BTW
      I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


      • #48
        (Jake_Sully @ Aug. 09 2010,23:18)
        (Ivor Biggun @ Aug. 09 2010,11:04) I seem to remember a while back being accused of bullshit when talking about the rights of soldiers in the UK. Looks like I'm still full of it.  

        If I was a jerk, I would ask something along the lines of "how do we know the girl who refused to serve the soldier isn't Irish?" but I won't. It shouldn't matter if the girl doing it is a martian, saturnian, venusian or a plutonian.. I'm just shocked that kind of stuff still goes on in the 21st century. It is WRONG and makes my blood boil. What the hell did the soldier do wrong? Serve his country by enlisting and following orders? She should be serving him with pride for having the balls to stand up and protect her because she's she's his countrywoman.
        Why on earth would being Irish have anything to do with this ? have a very skewed idea of life in the UK.
        FYI-The news reports I heard inferred both the girl and the manager were both of "asian" extraction-of course they cannot say that openly due to the spineless twats in Westminster banning such reporting.
        Now just imagine refusing to serve a customer wearing a'd be prosecuted under the Race Relations Act.


        • #49

          You should all come over the US and apply for asylum. Just bring your football clubs and nukes over with you please.

          Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


          • #50
            Getting Illegal Broder Crossing back on the agenda- have fun
            I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


            • #51
              Talking about illegal border crossings...I live in beautiful downtown Arizona USA, where, if you fuck with the bull, you get the horn...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon

