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Religion... Shhh!

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  • Religion... Shhh!

    When I started work a long time ago I was instructed never to discuss religion or politics.
    As over the years I've had less teeth and rather less hair I have began to understand why.
    Both involve conning the majority of the people out of their money by inviting them to discard any common sense they may have.

    On doing a little research I decided that starting a political party has certain limitations.
    For a start you need to be able to invent a new country  -  or gain political support in an old one  -  or conquer one.
    The first option is nearly impossible  -  the second unlikely  -  the third expensive.

    On the other hand starting a new religion is relatively easy and can be conducted in your spare time at little expense.

    Sun worship was probably started by a farmer who got bored waiting for his crops to grow while living in his cave.
    Hinduism may have originated from a bunch of soldiers who invaded India 5000 years ago  -  they probably thought it up as a drinking game.
    Buddhism was though up by an unemployed prince who realised he was going to be out of work for a long time.
    Zoroastrianism was apparently invented by someone who was a legend in his own lifetime  -  he may also have some connection with the invention of the incandescent lamp or a Japanese car manufacturer.
    Judaism was invented by a shepherd  -  ever tried watching sheep for 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year?
    Catholicism was probably invented by a bunch of Christians who realised that the Romans had nicer decor than the Jews.
    Islam was invented by a failed merchant/shepherd/cave dweller who decided that nobody liked him  -  caves feature more often in religion than shepherds.
    Protestantism seems to be some sort of backlash against Catholicism  -  they probably couldn't read the latin and thought the pictures were too expensive.
    Methodists apparently thought that the Protestants had not gone far enough and drank far too much of the now redundant communion wine.
    Mormonism seems to have originated out of the idea that you can never have too many wives  -  seems like an expensive hobby to me.
    The Seventh-day Adventists seem to think that everyone else is worshiping on the wrong day of the week  -  funny that they say the same about you!
    Christian Scientists think that sin, sickness and death are not real  -  boy have you got a surprise coming!
    The Unification Church was started on the basis that Communism was a thoroughly bad idea and money is a thoroughly good idea  -  well at least he's honest!
    Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)  -  my favourite  -  he decided he liked Rolls Royces.

    So there you go  -  lots have done it successfully in the past  -  why not you?  

    Here's a couple of useful links to help you on the path to wealth power control righteousness.

    How To Start Your Own Religion     All Hail The Great God Lardicus  How To Create Your Own Religion In Ten Easy Steps

    Got to go  -  the virgin sacrifice is complaining about the cold, the black candles are about to go out and the bloody chicken has run away again!

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

  • #2
    I want to start my own Religion.
    My church will be called; The House of Mirimark.
    And we will practice the Religion of ; Femboyism.

    Chapter 1. Vers .1
    Of the Femboyism Bible will read; All vaginas are evil. Never trust anything that can bleed for 7 days and still Live.

    Hey, Maybe I should write a Femboyism Bible.
    My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


    • #3
      me and my brother henri tried to start a temple project, that would in fact have eventually grown into a religion.
      The church of the latter aged sex tourists.
      sadly, mastor bator fucked us about and wanked up our money on a stupid villa project that died on its arse.

      maybe next year....................
      i love model aircraft


      • #4
        Both involve conning the majority of the people out of their money by inviting people to discard any common sense they may have.
        Very pithy... both involve selling to people an affirmation of what they want to believe: things are going to be ok, here is the road map now, don't deviate from it & you'll be rewarded.

        ....lots have done it successfully in the past - why not you?
        One of the more curious things for me in this life is meeting people who have done just that, stood up in front of groups of other people & confidently & passionately argued for their way of "Truth" & gradually build a following by being unafraid of failure, unable to be embarrassed, & offering simple, usually non-complex notions to the problems of life & realizing that there is a very good living to be made by this. A breed apart, leaders really, for those who need to be led.


        • #5
          Good stuff RR!!! You seem tormented. Let it go... :-)


          • #6
            One thing I dont understand about christianity is the after life. If there is a after life why are so many of them afraid of dying.
            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


            • #7
              This guy started his own country in 1967
              I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


              • #8
                Now there is an entire religion thread


                There must be similar sites for other "faiths".


                • #9
                      If you would like your own country Rockall is still available.

                  However the weather is not entirely clement and cash cows voters are few and far between.

                  Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                  "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                  • #10
                    Try the book/film 'Wise Blood' in which Hazel Motes creates his own church of 'Christ without Christ'...a low-key but penetrating insight into the Bible Belt of the USA, with an hilarious aside on gorillas...
                    Dexter Hines


                    • #11
                      Great topic RR,heres my favourite take on religion,Courtesy of George Carlin RIP-stick with it,it starts off slow,the 1st 25 seconds is padding,then its George.
            ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">


                      • #12
                        Religion is such a waste of time & life. Science and Mathmatics are far more interesting. Atleast with Science & Math you get to BLOW SHIT UP !
                        Besides, even if there is a GOD and you don't make much of an effort to priase what God is, If you Live a good honest life and don't have evil hatered in your soul I really don't think you'll be sent to go suck the devils cock in the depts of hell.

                        I do find Religon a fasinating subject even that I myself don't put a whole of stock in it. Its worth talking about, but its not worth wasting a lot of time on, for me.
                        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                        • #13
                          I think I've heard enough:

                          "Our holy scriptures"
                          "Our holy book"
                          "Our community"
                          "Hymns and Sermons"
                          "Religious Parade Day"
                          "They must not believe in god"
                          "Gays are stupid. Why would they want to live like that. Its so unnatural. Lets hope they come to their senses before god gives them aids."

                          to last a lifetime.

                          Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                          • #14
                            (Jake_Sully @ Jul. 27 2010,06:06) Gays are stupid. Why would they want to live like that. Its so unnatural.
                            I have a theory about the religious attitudes to homosexual & intersex people  -  it's probably rubbish but anyway;-

                            Most of the original religions  -  sun worship & animism accept them and there is little or no stigma.
                            The Aztecs had transsexual temple assistants and sometimes priests.
                            The Egyptians had transsexual temple assistants.
                            American Indians accepted them as a third gender with equal status.
                            The Hindhu hijra used to have a reasonable status until the British tried to eradicate them.
                            Budhism (especially in SE Asia where it is actually Budhism mixed with animism) is generally accepting.

                            What do all the religions above have in common?
                            They are old religions that have roots going back so far no-one really knows how they started.
                            They are/were the religion of the vast majority and were not threatened or trying to displace something else.

                            Many of the 'new' religions denigrate homosexual & intersex and portray them as an abberation.
                            I don't say all  because I don't know!
                            There are so many religions these days I have little hope and frankly no interest in finding out.

                            Why would they do this?
                            Firstly any new religion has to get converts  -  you do this by denigrating the ways of the old religion.
                            A good way to do this is divide and conquer  -  pick on a minority and persecute it.
                            Persecution of homosexuals & intersex also has an upside for a growing religion
                            -  they don't produce children so they don't help your religion to grow.
                            Push them out and they are not competing with your 'good' followers for land and food.

                            As I said in another thread  -  Sun worship I can understand, everything after that is pure invention.        

                            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                            • #15
                              I have to agree with you RR, i read a wonderful thesis a friend of mine wrote up once about all the old religions and how the new religions have claimed that everything that the old ones did were wrong and damning.

                              If i find it i will back up a lot of the stuff RR talks about, now i got a few hours to read and surf the net,
                              i love t-girls

