I was watching a current affairs program recently and there was a journalist on it talking about all this church stuff, and one thing he pointed out was years ago, if you asked a priest what was more important, cannon law or civil law, very few priests could answer it. These days nearly all priests will say civil law cause they know times have changed so much.
One thing I have noticed with Irish catholic families, is young people move away from the church in their mid teens, but in their late 20's early 30's when they start families of their own, they start going to church again, just because they have kids coming up to communion or confirmation age.
I went to a christian brothers school and I was one of only two in my class that questioned having to pray before class and study religion. It got me into hot water on a couple of occasions. My religion teacher in school actually got arrested a few years ago for abusing boys in a school in Galway in the 70's. Last time I seen him he was walking out of a bookies going into a pub in Dublin, pissed drunk.
One thing I have noticed with Irish catholic families, is young people move away from the church in their mid teens, but in their late 20's early 30's when they start families of their own, they start going to church again, just because they have kids coming up to communion or confirmation age.
I went to a christian brothers school and I was one of only two in my class that questioned having to pray before class and study religion. It got me into hot water on a couple of occasions. My religion teacher in school actually got arrested a few years ago for abusing boys in a school in Galway in the 70's. Last time I seen him he was walking out of a bookies going into a pub in Dublin, pissed drunk.