They are a curious thing, these dreams of ours; we wake up in the middle of the night or after a good nights sleep, and remember that we were on a beach being chased by a giant crab, who we can't out-run because we can't get our legs to move ...... your ex-girlfriend from 1996 is watching and laughing, your ex-boss from the job you had at Kinko's in the summer of your senior year of college is yelling at you, and your Mom is telling you to run faster while a navy warship fires missiles at you from the ocean. And this is a NORMAL dream!
Some are even more bizarre....some are very sedate and pleasant, some are actual nightmares which make us wake up and then we can't fall back asleep afterwards no matter what we try. We try to analyze them, make sense of them, wonder why it was there; but for the most part we can't and by 10am or so the awesome dream you had just 5 hours ago and wanted to remember forever or try to learn from is now just GONE in an instant and you can't get it back; damn shame sometime.
Freud tried; and tried.....and got nowhere in analyzing dreams and only ended up doing more and more coke. Others have tried, people much smarter than most of us with all sorts of important letters before and after their names which signifies that they are ''professionals'' in this field, but they don't know shit either and dreams still remain an elusive part of our psyche that we can't control or figure out. Pretty strange shit, eh? ..... and even jotting shit down doesn't help, they still make no sense.
Some are even more bizarre....some are very sedate and pleasant, some are actual nightmares which make us wake up and then we can't fall back asleep afterwards no matter what we try. We try to analyze them, make sense of them, wonder why it was there; but for the most part we can't and by 10am or so the awesome dream you had just 5 hours ago and wanted to remember forever or try to learn from is now just GONE in an instant and you can't get it back; damn shame sometime.
Freud tried; and tried.....and got nowhere in analyzing dreams and only ended up doing more and more coke. Others have tried, people much smarter than most of us with all sorts of important letters before and after their names which signifies that they are ''professionals'' in this field, but they don't know shit either and dreams still remain an elusive part of our psyche that we can't control or figure out. Pretty strange shit, eh? ..... and even jotting shit down doesn't help, they still make no sense.