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Who killed JFK?

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  • Who killed JFK?

    Since the 9/11 thread came back, lets bring back this topic also.

     Of course there's only one proper answer, and  for anyone who listens to Alex Jones or believes we never landed on the moon, thinks 9/11 was a government plot or who was once abducted by aliens, I hate to ruin your day; but as inane as it sounds, a lone lunatic who wanted some notoriety in his otherwise-lonely and pathetic life took out the president with 2 perfect head and neck shots from 80 to 100 yards away in November, 1963; his 3rd shot missed.

            Please lets get the naysayers out in full force on this one, it's a promise that you won't be mocked if you present a decent rebuttal .....but please, if you believe it was someone other than that loser from Dallas, send up some facts, will ya'?  47 years of "well,  we don't know who did it for sure, but there's no damn way it could have been just one guy''.  

    In fact, the last option should say "I do know that it wasn't Oswald *alone*........ as if that absolute nobody had help from some cabal of Mafia and CIA types, as well as the military-industrial complex, helping him and sending up crossfire from all over the square that day; absolutely preposterous but still believed by many to this very day.

      Real evidence, please, as well as names, would be helpful to back up your argument.  I have my name, he's the first one above.

    Lee Harvey Oswald; and only him.
    The Mafia
    The CIA
    The Military
    Some dude with a .22 behind a tree up on a grassy hill
    Can't say for sure, but I DO know it wasn't Oswald
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • #2
    Elvis is alive, John F. Kennedy fell victim to a conspiracy involving the Mafia and secret service agents, the Moon landing was staged in the Nevada desert, and Princess Diana was murdered by British intelligence and 9/11 was the Neocons planning to take over the world. So were all fucked!!! Now someone please pass me my tinfoil hat  
    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


    • #3
      His missus dun it. She was the closest.
      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


      • #4
        The aliens did it, after faking the crash at Roswell so it would be discredited and people would think they did not exist.
        Killing JFK allowed the Vietnam war to continue which allowed Ho Chi Minh to run things, and since he looked like Colonel Sanders people ate more chickens. And aliens hate chickens.
        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


        • #5

          Wise arses!!!

               No, really.....the last time this debate came up on this board there were all sorts of people with the tried and true  {but so freaking lame} lines of  "well, you know......errrr, ummmmm.....  Oswald didn't do it alone man, there is no way he could have man, you know.....well, he just wasn't smart enough and you know, open mics on the plaza heard 7,8, 43, or 127 shots that day, and there was a puff of smoke from behind a wall man,  and like,  ummmm, Oliver Stone kept saying "back and to the left, back and to the left'' and the Mob and the Russians hated Kennedy, and you know....well Oswald lived in Minsk for a year man, and, well Jackie tried bolting from the car man, she knew it was coming, and Oswald couldn't hit the side of a barn man, and ......"   ugggghhhhh......laughable stuff for sure to non-tinfoil normal folks out there, but some people actually still believe this garbage in freaking 2010!!!   simply amazing..........

          But never a name.....never any real proof.....never any evidence, CONCRETE  evidence, just always  common bullshit found on the internet but never anything we can actually say ''A-HA''!!  Someone?  Anyone out there??
          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


          • #6
            You couldn't let it rest, could you? We argued exactly this subject into the ground & like a bad loser who can't accept anything that challenges your view of the world, you want to go over it all again.

            This has little to do with an answer you won't accept regardless of what someone posts, it is all about your own need to assert your authority over anyone who dares to challenge your assertions.

            I should just ignore your poll & rest easy knowing that I gave you more information than you ever expected the last time. And I even conceded we could call it a draw as there is no way the truth would ever be released by the Government in our lifetime.

            But I will take your bait & offer my opinion - Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall-guy for the CIA. He was in Dallas to shoot the President but there were CIA operatives there in case he failed. Probably the 3 guys on the knoll but as JaiDee is demanding PROOF (WTF!! Now? After all this time) we can never know.

            Oswald was arrested & had to be silenced before he could give the game away. Jack Ruby was asked to do the job. Miraculously he was able to slip into the police station & go to exactly the place where Oswald was being lead past.

            The police escorting Oswald conveniently step out of the way so Jack can silence the one guy who could have blown the whistle. Or one of the many. Some 78 people were killed shortly afterwards in strange circumstances. I even posted the list of their names.

            And Jack Ruby himself had terminal cancer when he was approached to do the hit, that made him the ideal candidate.

            And the CIA wanted Kennedy dead. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK swore he would break up the organisation & destroy the careers of many CIA staff.

            Outside the US, very few people buy the official story yet amongst Americans, they just want to believe the government. The mentality of my country, right or wrong, is a deeply rooted mind set in the US.

            It is unthinkable to the average citizen that the CIA could have bumped off such a popular President but a read of John Perkins excellent expose on what the CIA has done to advance US interests - "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", offers a very different view of what the CIA stand for.

            To the CIA, Kennedy was just one more Head of State who had to be removed in order to advance US interests. It made no difference to that morally moribund organisation that this Head of State happened to be their own.
            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


            • #7
              No, I couldn't let it rest...... if nothing else the 9/11 thread proves that there are still some amazingly guillable people out there and I just wanted to root some more of 'em out with this poll.

              And no offense paccie,  but you do need to see a psychiatrist....everything you just typed above is pure re-hashed paranoia.

                    Please.....PLEASE  tell us all you really don't believe that nonsense you just posted??

              Because if you really do believe  that total hysterical bullshit with absolutely NO proof to back it up, the next time you arrive at a BM meeting in pattaya there will be a fitted straight-jacket with your name on it.

              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • #8
                (pacman @ Mar. 02 2010,21:10) Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall-guy for the CIA. He was in Dallas to shoot the President but there were CIA operatives there in case he failed. Probably the 3 guys on the knoll but as JaiDee is demanding PROOF (WTF!! Now? After all this time) we can never know.

                Oswald was arrested & had to be silenced before he could give the game away. Jack Ruby was asked to do the job. Miraculously he was able to slip into the police station & go to exactly the place where Oswald was being lead past.

                The police escorting Oswald conveniently step out of the way so Jack can silence the one guy who could have blown the whistle.
                This is absolutely laugh-out-loud hilarious!!!!!!!!!!

                I just re-read it and literally let out a laugh, it's just beyond comedy; thanks man!!!

                NOW we know who is wasting their money on the conspiracy books!!
                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                • #9
                  (pacman @ Mar. 02 2010,21:10) but there were CIA operatives there in case he failed
                  If the CIA were in on it somebody would have blown the whistle by now .
                  These things dont remain secret for that long in a Democracy. IMO

                  Same as the visitors from outer space, if a strange lump of spacecraft or a piece of singed Alien ear was found you would be pretty rich fairly quickly.. and also famous. It would have surfaced by now. Same issue


                  • #10
                    (Tomcat @ Mar. 02 2010,21:32) If the CIA were in on it somebody would have blown the whistle by now .
                    Of course......try finding just 4 or 5 people who can really keep a secret; pretty hard to do, right?

                      Something like what he described would take dozens, maybe hundreds of people to keep quiet about ...... "not bloody likely''....same as the 9/11 nonsense, which would have taken probably thousands of people to cover up and keep quiet.

                         The CIA had nothing to do with any of it, neither did Ruby....he was a patriot who was pissed off that some loser shot his president, plain and simple; he came in long after the fact and wasn't any type of player before any of it happened.

                             Pacman, I am sure you are a great guy and thank you for putting forth some type of an argument here, but you know I have been hearing exactly what you proposed since I was 8 or 9 years old;  it was bullshit then and it's even more bullshit now.

                           Oswald acted 100% alone, he wanted to be famous and he got his wish; simple.
                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • #11
                      If the CIA were in on it somebody would have blown the whistle by now .
                      These things dont remain secret for that long in a Democracy. IMO
                      Thats the way I look at things. Like for example 9/11. If the towers were a controlled explosion and the elevator shafts were closed for a month prior to 9/11 so they could plant explosives that means alot of people would of had to of been involved, therefor thats alot of possible loose lips. There is 99 ways to tell a lie and 99 ways to get caught out and only 1 way to tell the truth. The truth always comes out in the end.

                      All the books and documentaries about all these topics over the years make all these claims. But what people dont realise is if someone is anyway good at researching and editing they can make something look like anything. One thing that annoys me about all these conspiracies, especially the more recent ones about 9/11 and 7/7, is they make all these claims, but dont back it up with hard evidence, or a "smoking gun", its all just conjecture.
                      I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                      I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                      • #12
                        JaiDee, your superiority complex demands you have the last word on everything. And you think I need a psychiatrist!

                        This thread wasn't started by you to discuss the facts, it is an opportunity to metaphorically bash anyone who dares disagree with you.

                        How can you say there is no proof to back it up? The CIA spent years destroying any trace of proof yet still there were people who spoke out. You can find their stories by Googling.

                        I am curious why the story about Jack Ruby, a very curious incident that couldn't have happened without collusion, should only make you laugh now.

                        It was all discussed in the previous thread, or did you not bother to read it because you didn't want anything to shake your infallible view of the US?

                        As for Perkins' great book, there are no conspiracy theories in it at all, he spells out exactly what the CIA have done to advance US interests. And if they can kill world leaders at a whim, they can take out the one guy who threatened their very existence.
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13
                          I think Occams Razor is what its called .
                          " If you dont know then dont elaborate " or something like that. In other words why look for more complex explanations when a simple one will suffice

                          Keep it simple....


                          • #14
                            RFK was responsible! He arranged the whole thing so HE could run for President. Little did he know that JFK had lodged an envelope with instructions on who was to be wacked if he died prematurely. The rest is history...................
                            I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                            • #15
                              (pacman @ Mar. 02 2010,21:58) JaiDee, your superiority complex demands you have the last word on everything. And you think I need a psychiatrist!

                              This thread wasn't started by you to discuss the facts, it is an opportunity to metaphorically bash anyone who dares disagree with you.
                              Not true man, I actually started this thread to INVITE names and get differing points of views!! If there is something new to be learned here I want to know about it, seriously......

                               So if someone can prove something new to me, awesome; I will shut up and go away on this issue forever! But you just throw out the same old crap....and still no new names.

                               Who ordered the hit?  Just saying "The CIA" and following that up with Jack Ruby is a bit too simplistic, doncha think?

                                Can you please give me a name?  was it Lyndon Johnson?

                              Please, I am happy to give you elbow-room here, but just tell us something say I have a complex and that I need to have the last word, fair enough when i think I have a point to be made.....but in this thread can't you tell that EVERY poster so far is having a good chuckle at these nonsensical conspiracy theories?  It's not only me, sorry.
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

