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TV Licence (UK)
Would the "weakest link "not make as much money without Anne Robinson?If its a franchise-what has her absence gotta do with it? I think you'll find the wildlife /documentaries are the big money spinners for the BBC,not the so called stars.Ross was grossly overpaid at £6M per year.And that miserable cow robinson can fuck off an'all.
(katoeylover @ Feb. 26 2010,01:24) Both Ross and Robinson make fortunes for the corporation ...
Please tell me ONE country where Anne Robinson is sold?
It's the format of the show that is exported NOT that stupid irritating CUNT Robinson.
Clarkson is the only asset the BBC have along with some wild life programs... which are self sufficient and do NOT need support from this mafia tax.
I wouldn't pay that shit company a used turd for a lifetime of so called 'world class' TV.
It's 99% fucking left wing shit. The 'news' is the worst in the world.
They air B rated American imports, purile chat shows and infantile game shows.
Remind me again how much they have paid over the years to air the winning lottery numbers? It's fucking disgrace.
It's a tax on the old and stupid.SHEMALE.CENTER
World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.
Another point is that they gave Ross 6 million a year. Its called overpaying
Hang on, 6 million, where was that figure plucked out from, the air i guess. Wouldnt surprise me if Ross had to pay a kickback.
Just like the stupid FA gave Sven a 3 million pay rise just because they were scared he was going to jump ship to Chelsea . Just think about it. If they over paid Ross tenfold then how much more is wasted .
Twenty years ago they did indeed make fine programmes.Not any more. Its all dumbed down. A bunch of Left Wing Liberal clowns if you ask me. Disgracefull
if they halved some of these wankers wages, they could reduce the licence fee.
there is something wrong in people saying, you want to watch tv, you pay.
how about if i dont want to watch the fuckin thing.?
you pay anyway.
it aint right.you cant polish a turd.
right with you
think about it, anybody here that wants to defend it.
i am forced to pay,by law,a fixed fee for something which i may or may not use very much and over which i have no choice in quality and content WTF is that about.............. ill tell you what thats about its about the feckin UK .....makes me madrobbo
ive got a better idea than the tv licence,just had a brainwave.....
why dont we pay some family huge amounts of ,often poor, taxpayers money, give them some big fuckoff houses to live in, 24 hour security, private jets and lots of nice sparkly things...like those diamond thingys?
ah fuck we allready do that one im a dumbassrobbo
(robbo @ Feb. 27 2010,05:09) ive got a better idea than the tv licence,just had a brainwave.....
why dont we pay some family huge amounts of ,often poor, taxpayers money, give them some big fuckoff houses to live in, 24 hour security, private jets and lots of nice sparkly things...like those diamond thingys?
ah fuck we allready do that one im a dumbass
nice one.We cant avoid paying for them fuckers either!
(katoeylover @ Feb. 26 2010,04:32)
Its like top gear without clarkson - not the same. The brand is the whole thing
FYI: The Top 5 Programme brands sold internationally 08/09
Top Gear
Robin Hood
Dr Who
these programs would be as popular or unpopular as they are regardless of what loud mouth ignorant imature twat was allowed to speak on them.
most people i know hate clarkson and ross and would like to see the back of them.
does it never occur to those idiots in charge that actually these programs could even be improved with the removal of such idiots and spend the money on imroving the content.
this is what paying viewers want, better content that is what matters to customers in general any walk of life.
i really dont give a toss who serves me my coffee in starbucks as long as they are polite and good at service,its the feckin coffe ive gone in for not to fall in fuckin love with the server. jeez!robbo
Fair point robbo....but..as much as i dislike clarkson,The petrol heads love him,and I dont think Top Gear would be the same without him,just as Newsnight is never as good without Paxman.Its the level of salaries at the beeb that annoy me.How was Ross worth £6M and Robinson £2M.?At a tenth of that they were still overpaid.The levels of wastage is unbelievable,the latest scandal was paying for taxis for Alan Shearer from London to Newcastle,and Lawrenson from Merseyside to London.
i was toying with the idea of just making the cheque out to jonathon ross, cut out the middle man.
but fuck it.
i paid it again.
it used to be, if you were caught watching without a licence you were fined. they even had detector vans to see if there was a sinal from your home.
now, they just fine you either way.
if only britain got together the same as with the poll tax ,and said bollox.you cant polish a turd.
Clarkson is the only man on TV with a backbone. If he goes that's the death of the BBC. If Clarkson went for MP I'd vote for him whatever party ticket he ran on. He's the only public figure in the media with a brain who doesn't spend all his time apologizing and crying on the box. He's a real man - not a faggot wavy haird poof.
Most Brits with an IQ over 70 are fed up with bender game show hosts and middle-England breakfast crap featuring five fat middle aged housewives and a token gay. Everyone scared to death of saying 'Boo!' to a minority and too busy fawning over every new song/book/movie.
TV in the UK is no better than TV in Thailand. It's 90% puerile nonsense aimed at Labour voters who haven't ever had an original thought.
The idea of actually paying real money for it is a joke.SHEMALE.CENTER
World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.
Clarkson? I cannot see the fascination with this man.He comes across as boorish and bullying,IMO,and (probably)because hes 6'4" he gets away with being a gobby twat.I dont buy his man of the people schtick,especially as he's an ex public school boy,he's from Doncaster FFS,where did he get that posh accent.
I think he's a bit of a one trick pony,but he's found his niche in the TOP GEAR programme,and he's good at it.Car devotees love him,and hes mildly amusing.But he would be out of his depth on any sort of political/current affairs programme.