I woke up this morning in my morning glory, and lying there in bed looking out the window I seen a contrail from an airplane. Contrail is short for condensation trail. But there are many among who believe these contrails are infact chemtrails laced with chemicals to do any number of things to us.
Some of the ideas floating about are that its to control the weather, to combat global warming. Others believe that its to make people sick to increase profits in the pharmaceutical companies and that its also the cause of the Bee population of the world dying which will bring about the death of mankind as wee know it.
What do you think?
Here is a little clip from youtube about it. You can hear Alex Jones from infowars.com talking in it. He seems to pop up in anything got to do with conspiracies.
Some of the ideas floating about are that its to control the weather, to combat global warming. Others believe that its to make people sick to increase profits in the pharmaceutical companies and that its also the cause of the Bee population of the world dying which will bring about the death of mankind as wee know it.
What do you think?
Here is a little clip from youtube about it. You can hear Alex Jones from infowars.com talking in it. He seems to pop up in anything got to do with conspiracies.