What curious timing for this poll, as I recently (like this week) just finished rewatching Goodfellas and Casino; gotta love Joe Pesci! I voted for Godfather II, but also really like A Bronx Tale and Once Upon A Time In America. What about Falling In Love?
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What is your favorite DeNiro movie?
I voted for Taxi Driver as I started driving a cab in New York about tghe same time the movie came out.
Although I think both Godfather 2 and Goodfellas are better movies, DeNiro is not the main star in either.
Quite an impressive list of movies. Mean Streets not on the list and I also liked the heist movie he did with Ed Norton.
Raging Bull got lots of critical acclaim often voted the best movie of the 80's.
Cape Fear may be his most chilling performance though.
My top 3 de Niros have to be the Deerhunter, Goodfellas and Heat. Vote for the best though has to be Heat- the interaction between his and Pacino's characters is superb. There's something to be said for method actors and he says it allI couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here
I had Heat in my number 1 spot on the movie thread. De Niro was fantastic in it.
I also thought he was very good in Stardust. Maybe its because I can relate to his character in itI know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are
I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!
None of the above, De'nero best m film IMHO was a lesser know film with charles Groden called Midnight run, great humor great script and few on no silly special effects. wonderful
second was the Deer hunter, then anything else you like loljust a sex tourist looking for hot fun
(donnnnnny @ Feb. 14 2010,05:26) None of the above, De'nero best m film IMHO was a lesser know film with charles Groden called Midnight run, great humor great script and few on no silly special effects. wonderful
second was the Deer hunter, then anything else you like loljust a sex tourist looking for hot fun
(iceberg @ Feb. 13 2010,11:32) It's hard to pick just one but I'm surprised Lefty didn't mention Jackie Brown it's one of my favorite Quentin Tarantino movies and Lefty seems to be a fan of Tarantino as I am.
My favorite DeNiro flix are Taxi Driver (some would say it is a biography of a youthful PigDogg), A Bronx Tale, and Jackie Brown. I just thought most voters in the thread would not select the latter two over the ones I listed. In retrospect, I should have added Once Upon a Time in America instead of 15 Minutes. Realizing the latter is just one I liked, more than one of his most popular.
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