(f0xxee @ Dec. 29 2009,05:16) Hi lefty,
I think my aversion to ABBA came from being an Aussie. Australia unfortunately was flooded with ABBA "tribute" (Oh fuck off. Want to pay tribute? Use Western Union) bands in the 90's. This lead to a lot of red faced, floppy armed, saggy titted 40 sumthing Mommas getting sweaty and pissy and horny at these venues and generally acting like in-season chimps with a drink and drug habit and annoying the shite out of any punter seriously intent on drinking and minding his own business. Me.
I think my aversion to ABBA came from being an Aussie. Australia unfortunately was flooded with ABBA "tribute" (Oh fuck off. Want to pay tribute? Use Western Union) bands in the 90's. This lead to a lot of red faced, floppy armed, saggy titted 40 sumthing Mommas getting sweaty and pissy and horny at these venues and generally acting like in-season chimps with a drink and drug habit and annoying the shite out of any punter seriously intent on drinking and minding his own business. Me.