Come on Smutts this guy spouts off those types of views and all of the people he worked with knew it. You telling me that PC had NOTHING to do with things?? I aint buying it. As far as Obama goes why doesnt he just pull out or scale down in Afghanistan?? He seems quite committed to that war. As far as Iraq goes, he said during the campaign he would pull out troops within 16 months-tick, tock, tick, tock. I said this in another thread-lets pull out troops ALL THROUGHOUT the world the Arabian Peninsula, Europe, Okinawa, and the Korean Peninsula as well. Afterall its all the USA'a fault and all we do is meddle. We all know that the Chinese and those peace loving North Koreans would be licking their collectie chops!!!
Its all the Presdents baby now. I say pull em all out IMMEDIATELY. But tell me this Smutss, what do we do when the Taleban come back and rule the roost in Afghanistan??
Its all the Presdents baby now. I say pull em all out IMMEDIATELY. But tell me this Smutss, what do we do when the Taleban come back and rule the roost in Afghanistan??