Here is abit of youtube footage of the shooting, and Pacman, the head shot 100% came from Ozwalds line of fire in your 3rd pic. The exit wound is facing towards the "grassy knoll". There is no way possible that shot was taken from there. Its impossible
No announcement yet.
Some useless but fun facts!
(whore @ Oct. 24 2009,00:30) The exit wound is facing towards the "grassy knoll". There is no way possible that shot was taken from there. Its impossible
If some mysterious marksman shot from that position, and of course timed it perfectly to when Oswald was taking his 3 shots from the window and then got away free and clear with no witnesses, all absolutely comical thoughts, the entry wound would have been the size of the bullet; in other words, very small.
But you can't mix facts and PROOF in to a good conspiracy theory Whore, it takes away all the fun!Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Not stirring the pot here or nothing...but...
forgiving my morbid look but in frame 329 It appears that JFK is either wearing a wig or the whole of the back of the left hand side of his head is visible(..would (if that was correct) and judging where the grassy knoll is situated suggest a shot from the Knoll?
Forgot how this forum works
On that frame and thereabouts it seems that Jackie has her white-gloved hand on the presidents head; or very close, I think that's what you are seeing.
The entry wound from the 6th floor window left a very small bullet hole in the rear of the head; as it should have, and it would have done so on the forehead had it hit there. Fact is it came OUT there, and took about 4 inches of skull fragments with it.
No fears of being morbid, NF.... the Zapruder film has probably been analyzed more than any other footage of tape in history! and it's indeed very graphic.Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(JaiDee @ Oct. 23 2009,20:36) No fears of being morbid, NF.... the Zapruder film has probably been analyzed more than any other footage of tape in history! and it's indeed very graphic.
It's odd you (or I) can watch something like that..
I watched it and the only emotional thought was how utterly awful that must have been for Jackie! (but i bet someone will claim she was in on it too)
Jackie does put her arm on JFKs collar and pushes him forward just a little after the frame i mentioned...
It does "look" as if the back of his head swings out...
I am just asking if that was correct..would that suggest a shot from the knoll?
Forgot how this forum works
I believe he was wearing a form of straight jacket due to constant back pain or something else - that has often been described why he did not really 'slump' forward. I am sure someone can come up with the scientific term but I cant be bothered to look for it
As to the whole story - I keep an open mind - I have been to the scene albeit 20 years ago and thought it was a tough shot but frankly it makes no difference what I think so I dont even dwell on it.
Both you guys make valid points; its no matter what you, or I, or anyone who reads here thinks about what happened; it happened and is done and over with.
Pretty fascinating stuff though, and makes for some fun debates; again, if we all just agreed with one another this would be a pretty bland world.Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I am not emotionally wedded to a conspiracy theory about JFK's death.
I was intrigued by the economic motive raised by several financial commentators that JFK was embarking on an extremely dangerous course in attacking the entrenched power of the world's largest private bank - the US Federal Reserve.
These writers raised the idea that Kennedy had signed his own death warrant.
This cast my mind back to an old grainy still taken from a B&W movie showing 3 guys on the knoll that subsequently seems to have been obliterated from history.
I was about 15 when I saw it, well before anyone had ever heard of a hard drive, so complaints that I can't reproduce it don't fly, sorry.
Then there is the popularly held view that the Warren Commission is the gold standard in duplicity as far as official enquiriies go.
Then there is the fascinating story of Jack Ruby. I read all about him & how he came to be let out of jail to do the government a favour.
The interview of him explaining how he got into the basement of the Dallas police department is hilarious.
Connect the dots & it isn't difficult to see how a conspiracy theory came into being.
Even the decisive Zapruder film has been attacked for being altered.
I am not going to go there, the film was all the proof the Kennedy clan needed & if anyone has anything else to add, go ahead.
Hey Lefty, it looks like we will be having that drink on our own...Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
Let's turn our attention to another American legend who died in mysterious circimstances -
hands up who knows who killed Marilyn Monroe?
The Americans here won't be eligible of course because they have been denied the truth.
I know because Donald Spotto, the famous biographer told Australian radio who did it.
He was being interviewed live on air soon after he released his biography "Marilyn Monroe".
If he was expecting a 5 minute fluff piece, he was in for a surprise.
The Australian journalist took him through her entire life story & you can hear Donald's enthusiasm rising as the interview went on.
When they came to discuss her death, he was asked straight out for his opinion as to who was responsible.
He said he was constrained by defamation laws in the US & couldn't say but he had information that told him the truth.
The ABC (our BBC) journalist talked him around & there on an afternoon radio program I heard how she died & who did it.
One of the problems in living in "the land of the free", along with "rights for all", the truth gets buried in a legal minefield, so the media isn't able to perform properly.
Here in Oz, we have no constitution with no guaranteed right to free speech, but as my US based friends remind me, they have never been more free than when they lived in a sunburnt country...Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
Well,im amazes that jd and a few others can say with such certainty that Oswald acted alone.It also amazes me that anyone can think the final kill shot which takes away half of his skull is a shot from the rear. The slumping forward shot is a shot from the rear,that bullet went thru kennedy's neck,but the kill shot is from the front.JFK is thrown back,and jackie instinctively moves away from the direction of the shot,trying to shield herself behind her dead husband.Are you aware jd et al,of the audiorecordings on the day of the shootings.They have proved since to within 90% certainty that the gunfire came from more than 1 direction.This audio forensic technology was not available at the time of the Warren commission,and has only been available the last 10 yrs. I seem to recall also that the "killers" of both Martin Luther King and RFK are now acknowledged as not the guilty men by anyone who has even a passing interests in these things.Both "lone gunmen"coincidentally.The CIA has been involved with political assasinations since the 2nd world war-Patrice Lumumba in the Congo,and Salvador Allende in Chile to name but two. Also 2 of the Watergate "burglars"-(Barker and Sturgis)were independently identified as being at Deeley plaza on the day of the shooting,one of them flashing his secret service badge to keep people away from the grassy knoll!.And why Jd ,does it make you any more expert in the JFK assassination just because you are an American?If anything,as has been pointed out by pacman,you are probably being fed more propaganda in your own country than we are in the rest of the free,the case is not closed just yet.... still,its an interesting debate-travis
The final report of the House Select Committee on the Assassination of JFK found a "probable conspiracy" in the assassination, but was unable to determine its nature or participants other than that Oswald was still deemed to have fired all the successful shots. There is apparently audio evidence of a second shooter."It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards." --- Anon
(travis bickle @ Oct. 24 2009,07:00) Are you aware jd et al,of the audiorecordings on the day of the shootings.They have proved since to within 90% certainty that the gunfire came from more than 1 direction.
I seem to recall also that the "killers" of both Martin Luther King and RFK are now acknowledged as not the guilty men by anyone who has even a passing interests in these things
This is the first I have heard that anyone other than James Earl Ray shot MLK, or that Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK; ''now acknowledged as not the guilty men by anyone who has even a passing interests in these things'' ...... really? can you send up a few links to credible stories that tell us that the shooters were not guilty in those cases? Because I had never heard anything like that and I follow the news and historical events pretty closely.
Again, controversy and disagreements about this stuff is good for boards like this; my mind can't be changed but it's always good to see that people are at least thinking about these kind of things. I think people simply refuse that a great man like JFK could be killed by someone so worthless and unimportant, that some other people just HAD to be involved to make it all worthwhile; and yet, no real proof has yet to come out in 45 years. Makes me conclude there is nothing to find and that sometimes the truth really IS that simple.Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(JaiDee @ Oct. 24 2009,09:22)(travis bickle @ Oct. 24 2009,07:00) Are you aware jd et al,of the audiorecordings on the day of the shootings.They have proved since to within 90% certainty that the gunfire came from more than 1 direction.
I seem to recall also that the "killers" of both Martin Luther King and RFK are now acknowledged as not the guilty men by anyone who has even a passing interests in these things“When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
― Henry Ward Beecher
"Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer