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'Organic' food is a huge con!

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  • 'Organic' food is a huge con!

    Organic food is no more healthy or nutritious than other food...

    The UK Food Standards Agency's ruling, which follows the world's largest study into the subject, will be a huge blow to the con artists running the booming 'organics' business.

    It will also upset the millions of idiots who spend more than £2billion a year on fruit, vegetables, eggs and meats produced without the aid of pesticides, artificial fertilisers and intensive farming techniques.

    These dreamy eyed wankers pay up to 10p a pint more for organic milk, while 'organically reared' chickens can cost nearly three times as much as those from battery farms!

    The analysis of 50 years of research into organic food was quickly rejected by the dreamy eyed tossers called 'The Soil Association', Britain's biggest... ahem, certifier of organic foodstuffs.

    This is in keeping with the British Nutrition Foundation, which have long held the view organic products are no better for us than other foods.

    Earlier this year, Delia Smith supported the sale of battery chickens and challenged the fashion for organic food. She said that access to cheap chicken was crucial for poor families and pensioners and the taste of a product mattered more than its 'green credentials.'

    The latest study was carried out for the FSA by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. In the most comprehensive analysis of its kind, they trawled through more than 50,000 studies on the nutritional value of foods published since 1958.

    Fifty-five met the researchers' criteria and were used in the comparison. The work clearly showed organically and conventionally-produced foods to be comparable in their nutritional intake, including in vitamin C, calcium, iron and fatty acids.

    Dr Alan Dangour, a public health nutritionist and leading researcher, said: 'Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority.'

    Of course this doesn't mean that people should not eat organic food. If you've got extra cash and want to come across as a gullible dreamy eyed twat then knock yourself out!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    In the US, the original guidelines as to what could be labeled "organic" were very stringent and there was a definite difference in the nutritional content of organic vs conventional foods. However, when organic became big business, the guidelines were severely relaxed to the point that now it is laughable as to what constitutes "organic" under the present definition.


    • #3
      I thought it was great when a group of UK organic farmers wanted to come off the register, just for a while, til the economy picks up.

      You either are organic or not, cant pick and choose.
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        For me a chicken is a chicken, I don't give a shit if he had a nurturing environment and an emotionally fulfilling life before he ends up in my stomach.

        The real question is do you prefer your Ladyboys 100% organic or artificially enhanced.
        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


        • #5
          I love orgasmic food...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            Interesting and good to know results: nutrients are comparable. But still I will choose organic when possible. Less poison and chemical factories polluting the land, air and water. In Thailand the situation has escalated out of control. More chemicals mean less fertile soil which means use more chemicals which means less fertile soil. That adds cost, pollutes, and more of it ends up in the food. It just doesn't sit well with me to eat stuff that has been grown in a concoction of poison and chemicals.


            • #7
              Interestingly enough the study doesn't address the main reason why people tend to eat organic food, that is, the amount of pesticides and toxic chemicals they may believe are in the food.

              I have not met anyone who has chosen to eat organic food because they thought it was nutritionally better for them, main concern seems to be pollutants.

              Should not be much of a problem for ladyboy lovers, I expect they would prefer ladyboy cock treated with plenty of chemicals too more organic cock.

              fungal infections, herpes, clap you can keep em


              • #8
                I am sure organic food is good.
                Not necessarily for your body, as seems to say this study, but I am convinced it is good for the environment: if less pesticides and nitrates goes into the soil (and water), it is good.
                Now, paying enormous amount of money for your food and the right to pollute less is a bit disproportionate.
                You have to pay for doing good things (for others), and this upsets me... as it is a common rule on this planet.

                ... but where I live(d), I do see people starving.
                I am afraid they would not care eating whatever goes into a US home trash bin, still thinking "it is the best food i ever had"...
                This puts everything back into the right perspective.
                a froggy, lost in translation and in Africa... and no, I am not the one on the pic swinging a club ... I am the one holding the pin !!!


                • #9
                  organic,free range and fair trade are all bollocks


                  • #10
                    Almost as bad as the mineral water con.

                    Now that is one of the biggest scams i ever did see...Bottling up tap water and passing it off as if it came out of some rocky misty mountain top in Austria when in fact it was probably filled up out of the local canal by some Pakistani sweat shop in Manchester

                    I must be in the wrong business


                    • #11
                      (Snick @ Jul. 30 2009,12:18) For me a chicken is a chicken, I don't give a shit if he had a nurturing environment and an emotionally fulfilling life before he ends up in my stomach.

                      The real question is do you prefer your Ladyboys 100% organic or artificially enhanced.
                      Not an animal lover, eh?
                      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                      Jaidee 2009

                      The other white meat


                      • #12

                        Doubt if Chicken brains are much smarter than the seed their eating.
                        Like if you boil a lobster live the fucker just thinks its having warm bath. The nerve endings aint like ours :


                        • #13
                          Certainly not anything I think about but it does have it's place...

                          My daughter, who has been a vegan for 12 years and has tried to
                          revert back to being a semi-carnivore on occasion only to become
                          deathly ill from eating meat...called me last night to tell me that she
                          had eaten some organic buffalo and was still alive...I called her this
                          am and she is still doing fine...albeit, she has adorned herself with a
                          headdress and is dancing around a campfire...

                          Presumably, it is the chemicals in the meat that cause the body to reject
                          it...The chemical free meat while not being anymore nutritious, is clearly
                          healthier...At least to someone who hasn't eaten meat in a long while...

                          For myself, I only eat organic ladyboy meat...No silicone allowed...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #14
                            I only fuck free-range and dolphin-safe ladyboys.
                            As far as food goes, as was stated by few posters here, the main reason people buy and eat organic food is because it is supposed to be free of toxic chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are used in regular commercially grown foods.
                            "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                            Salin' on a summer breeze
                            And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                            -Harry Nilsson


                            • #15
                              You could hark on about this shit for years, with veg- for me it comes down to taste, if organic taste better i will buy and vice the versa! With animals i always buy british pork and free range chicken, this is a personal choice and no one elses buisness if they choose to flame me for those choices! I will never be a veggie but do eat a lot of veggies and good quality veggie food but i love meat(not just LB meat, sorry will go non free range and non organic) and cannot or will not give up! But i do care about animal welfare and conditions that they live in!
                              i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................

