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South Carolina Guv Is AWOL

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  • South Carolina Guv Is AWOL

    COLUMBIA, S.C. €” Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina, apologized in a rambling news conference on Wednesday for having an extra-marital affair with a woman in Argentina, ending a mystery over his week-long disappearance that had infuriated lawmakers and seemed to put his rising political career in jeopardy.

    Governor Sanford admitted he had been in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since Thursday, not hiking on the Appalachian Trail as he told his staff.

  • #2
    Future President, at least he didn't inhale

    More here


    • #3
      so much for family values.......


      • #4
        A few more cases like this, and i'll be ready to run as a Republican
        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


        • #5
          This is priceless
          "I disagree with the idea that this shows problems for the modern Republican Party," said Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that applauded Mr. Sanford's attempt to refuse some federal stimulus funds earlier this year. In reference to the fiscally conservative philosophies of Mr. Ensign and Mr. Sanford, he joked, "I think instead it shows that sexual attractiveness of limited-government conservatism."
          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #6
            What a dick......he should have gone to Thailand LOL!!!

            Its a good thing the Democrats NEVER have any scandals!!!

            BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!
            Be careful out there!


            • #7
              there are plenty of scandals to go around, but the ones who across more as hypocrites through it all are the Reps. Those assholes preach their family values diatribe and marriage is meant to be between 1 man and 1 woman, etc etc, blah blah blah, and then they get caught doing things like Sanford did, or trolling for gay sex in men's bathrooms, like the senator from Idaho. If Reps would not so constantly make an issue, to garner votes from the religious fundamentalists, out of what consenting adults do in private, the entire country would be better off.
              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
              ― Henry Ward Beecher

              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


              • #8
                Two separate articles covering the various "scandals" of the polies and the "moral minority"

                Adultery as Family Value? Tarnished Shields
                By WALTER BRASCH Weekend Edition June 26-28, 2009

                Politicians and America's Grand Tradition of Sex Scandals
                Cry, Hypocrite, Cry
                By DAVID ROSEN Weekend Edition June 26-28, 2009


                • #9
                  Lefty I respectfully disagree and I will give you two three examples:

                  1) Democrats, especially in this last campaign, shout the mantra "TAX THE RICH"!! Obama couldnt put forward a proposed Cabinet Member you wasnt a tax cheat. The left have so many tax cheats.

                  2) Along those same lines. If your estate is over $1 Million, the Death Tax is about 55% officially. Do you think the Kennedys have paid this tax at any time?? Do you think the Clintons, Boxers, Feinsteins, Pelosis et al will be paying this tax anytime soon?? No, they have an army of high prices lawyers to set up a bunch of tax dodging trusts-HYPOCRITES!

                  3) Now, some people who live in the UK and Canada swear by socialised health care. I really dont know if things will be better or worse in this country. When Ted Kennedy got diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor he got the best treatment at a top facility before the end of the week. Now please tell me if it were you or me do you think we would have gotten the same treatment. What about in the UK or Canada, would a 75 year old + man really would have gotten that sort of treatment sraight away in their sysems?? I really doubt it.

                  Thats why they are HYPOCRITES as well!!!!!!!
                  Be careful out there!


                  • #10
                    New development in South Carolina. Seems that the Lt Guv is gay so if they impeach the govenor for his sexual impropriety then they'll have a faggot in the state house.

                    How many straight Andre's you know? OK, maybe Andre the Giant.

                    Gay Blogger: Andre Bauer, South Carolina Lt. Governor, A Closeted Homosexual

                    ShareThisThe Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner
                    First Posted: 08-31-09 04:42 PM | Updated: 08-31-09 06:10 PM

                    CommentsBlogger Mike Rogers, a gay activist featured in the movie "Outrage," has written on his blog that he is sure South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer is a closeted homosexual.

                    I have confirmed and spoken to four individuals who I have no doubt are telling me the truth. These men have been hit on by Bauer, with one of them telling me it happened at least five times since Bauer's election in 2003. To a varying degree I have met with and believe the sources. And, as you'll recall, I have that 100% record.

                    This was still not enough for me to report on him. Then another call came in and I met with the source while he was visiting DC recently. "He's gay," the source told me.

                    "How do you know?" I asked.

                    "Because I've had sex with him on two separate occasions." That too, was not enough for me to report on without confirmation from others. I was led on a path to chatting with acquaintances of the source and two former employees of Bauer who served on his staff between 2004 and 2007. They reported to me that on on a total of three occasions Bauer spent hours alone with men in hotel rooms.

                    Rogers has previously outed Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) and Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.).

                    Bauer has moved into the national spotlight recently because of the sex scandal surrounding Gov. Mark Sanford ®. Bauer has pressured Sanford to resign, offering not to run in 2010 after finishing the governor's term.

                    Bauer denied being gay in an interview with The State in June, having brought up the topic himself. A conservative Christian, he supported an amendment to ban gay marriage in the state

                    During an interview Monday, Bauer, who is a bachelor, voluntarily brought up the subject of his sexual orientation, which he said has been the subject of rumors.

                    Asked, then, if he's homosexual, Bauer said: "One word, two letters. 'No.' Let's go ahead and dispel that now.

                    "Is Andre Bauer gay? That is now the story," he said. "We're a long way from where we were a week ago.


                    • #11
                      I still don't see what having an affair has to do with ability or inability to run a state's or country's affairs.
                      Maybe some Americans here can explain it to me.


                      • #12
                        Its only an issue for the party opposite of the party that is having an affair. It means nothing to most folks but there are a lot who get off on it.

