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iam english and proud . for all our faults but the bnp would NOT LIKE what us bms like imho how ever a lot of what they say makes sense to me england for many reasons is not the country i was born in mai pen rai
(bigmick22 @ Apr. 16 2009,02:01) I'd like to hear from Stogie again.
Do you truly vote for them? (when did you last vote in a UK election?)
Did you really pay to join?
Will your brown, transexual girlfriend be joining you in a rally in Oldham?
Normally, I don't give a damn when you say something controversial to generate some chatter. But I am interested in knowing about this one
Excellent realistic posts from KL, Jimslim and Bigmick
I, too, would like to hear again from Mr Bear about how his non-white skinned, non-heterosexual lb girlfriend relationship fits in with the BNP policies that he so loves.
And all the anti-immigration stuff.....:
- Is Lapunegra still welcome at the party in Pattaya?....last time I looked she was (deep breath) black!! The BNP will just love her.
- As a Jock, I guess I should be lucky I was not thrown in the slammer for living and working in London for 10 years
- And next time JimSlim and BigMick visit London for their Christmas shopping, it is up against the wall and the firing squad for you two
Who would want to live in a world of small-minded, right wing bigots?......other small-minded, right-wing bigots probably?
This should make for some interesting dinner table discussions at the party in Pattaya at the end of May!! Or maybe it is really a recruiting event for the BNP Pattaya Chapter!
Actually the BNP is about love, not hate. It's about love of your fellow man and a respect for what is decent and acceptable in that country. You can cherry pick your way through the propaganda all you like, but there is a reason that the Labour government are scared shitless about the up and coming Euro elections in June...
For those people who think the BNP are 'racist' you sure are shy when it comes to talking about the way Thailand and all other Asian nations treat foreigners. And don't let's get started on the Arab countries!
There is a population explosion going on and too many people are cocooned from the reality of this and believe it won't affect them or their children.
For those who voted Labour or Tory...
...did you also vote for the Iraq war?
Did you vote for the massive landslide in education standards?
Did you vote for more CCTV in the UK than the whole of the rest of Europe?
Did you vote to have your internet habits traced and stored by the government?
Did you vote to allow hundreds of thousands of criminal foreigners to pop over here on a whim to murder, rape and steal?
Did you vote for Sky TV and mobile phones and even VOTING RIGHTS for prison inmates?
Did you vote for national biometric ID cards?
Did you vote for the most expensive and corrupt government ever in the history of mankind?
Did you vote for currently 7 million people without jobs?
Did you vote for an unregulated banking industry that has crippled the UK and did you also vote to bail them out with your children's wages?
Some of you people are living in a myopic trance of denial.
"Oh, it'll be alright soon... we always get through these things, you know. Stiff upper lip, old bean. Put the kettle on, Mable. We'll all have jobs again, soon... just you see!"
For fucks sake! There is no corner to turn. There are no GREEN SHOOTS!
It's not like the 30s when there were only half a dozen countries feeding on the rest. There isn't another computer boom waiting to create a billion jobs. There are no massive 'mass' markets looking to buy expensive cars and fancy carpets or buy into new technology.
The plain truth is that there are billions more people earning billions LESS then ever!
The USA tried NAFTA and polluted the entire continent with cheap labour and crappy goods and services not to mention the spread of pollution all over that sorry continent.
Now the EU has decided that it was a brilliant idea and has invited a third of the Western world to join the EU and thereby creating a system of parity where instead of just a few countries being poor the fucking lot of them are!
Good luck with your dreamy eyed vision of the future. I'm sure of what is coming and I'm amazed that there are so many people who believe that it's all gonna be just dandy in a couple of years, max!
Take a bow, you have just expressed most eloquently the very reasons why I fear the collapse of the Capitalist system.
And collapse it most surely will. Had the US Government not committed itself to bankrupting itself forever, then the party would be all over now.
However, all they have achieved is to forestall the inevitable, the giant banking scandals, the massive debt they are desperately seeking to hide, it will start bubbling out soon enough.
Then the stock price collapse will be unprecedented. No-one will be buying anything, even as the prices fall off a cliff. Panic will overwhelm the market.
Am I exxagerating? Is this a doomsday scenario that just can't happen?
I sincerely hope so. But we will know soon enough.
And then let's see how the fortunes of all the extreme Nationalist parties fare....I suspect the ratings for the BNP will go through the roof.
I hate the idea of extremists entering politics but when things hit rock bottom, the major parties will find their supporters unable to accept that more of the same is the answer.
To write the BNP off as being a sideshow irrelevant to todays realities is a huge mistake. Give them a charismatic leader, some clever slogans & marketing, if they don't actually win an election soon, they could very easily seize the balance of power.
When unemployment goes above 30%, when race riots break out all over the UK, when houses are attacked for food, then the BNP will become the party of hope overnight.
To those who wish otherwise, dismiss them at your peril!!
Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
Voting in a radical right wing party will not solve the problems of a country and actually may make things worse if the pendulum swings too far the other way.
The only real way to effective change is to become involved, and not only by voting or donating money to a political party.
In the Canadian city I am living now, the residents of a riding were very unhappy about their conservative MP. He has been representing them for the past 8 years. He has a terrible attendance record in parliament, ignores his constituents when they bring up concerns and makes facetious comments that make the national news.
Last week they organized and elected all new executives for their conservative riding association. These executives will select the next conservative candidate for the next election. Needless to say it won't be the current MP. Now he is panicked and sending out news letters to the residents in his riding to try and save himeself, but it is too late.
Why do you think the current liberal and conservative parties in the UK have degenerated to the state they are now? It's because people did not get involved to change things. Now you have a group of fascists who promise change and will promptly pull the rug out from under you if they get into power.
The people need to get involved if they want change for the better.
(pacman @ Apr. 16 2009,10:14) I hate the idea of extremists entering politics but...
Well, all of politics and the politicians are about extremes.
Nobody goes into politics thinking everything is fine and we don't need to change a thing! Moderation and common sense don't provoke outrage or enthusiasm.
It's only those with a mission or a goal to change something (or who have money but not enough power) that enter politics.
Is the BNP extreme? No more so than the Tories or the Labourites.
The Tories closed down whole towns with policies of union breaking... and were voted in time after time. The Labour government have insisted that 5 million unneeded government jobs be created out of nothing paid for by the voters and they did just fine for a decade or so.
There is nothing for laborers in the Labour party. There is nothing left for industry and commerce in the Tories any longer. The other parties are just fashion puppets waiting for a chance to hold hands with one of the big boys.
Like RXPharm says - to make real change you must get involved on a grass roots level and take your manifesto to the masses and hope that enough will agree with you or be persuaded by your argument... seems to me that this is EXACTLY what the BNP is...
People who are disillusioned with the two major players and have nothing in common with the other little parties. So they have formed a party with policies that THEY want to see introduced.
If they are unpopular then they will fade away and have no impact on the political stage. If they are popular with an increasingly resentful public then they should do what every political party does... capitalize on that frustration.
There are no roads leading back to the glorious money making 80s and 90s. Globalization took care of that. There are no 'green shoots of recovery' that can kick start a nation into producing enough jobs and products that will turn the economy around in the future.
The pension fund owners and managers have been sitting on the sidelines looking at the banking industry collapse. They have been watching to see who gets the blame and what the penalties there have been for gross negligence. They have been biding their time just sitting and waiting to see how they can finally own up and say NONE of the pensions that you have paid for will ever be paid.
There are 90% of bankrupt funds lining up for a pitiful government scheme that aims to bail out defunct pension schemes. Every month more and more of them are going cap in hand to an empty money box looking for a way out. Only 10% of funds are treading water and even that looks like being more like 5% by the end of the summer.
So if the government won't pay and the companies can't pay then WHO is going to pay the pensions for the several million people who stupidly contributed to these massive scams?
Can you keep passing off these massive debts and obligations down to the children and grand children who may or may not even have jobs by then?
But back to the BNP... The country cannot support 70 million people no matter where they come from and no matter what color they are.
Why has 'protectionism' become a dirty word? If we don't do something radical to protect ourselves from the simple economic truth of the next 20 years then what little is left of this country will be totally wiped out and all that will be left is ghost towns of criminals and homeless people... and a few expats like me shaking our heads from beside the swimming pool wondering how it all went so wrong so easily and so quickly...
Here is just one small story from today's papers that tell you just how the Labour crooks and the banks are spending your money. If this isn't EXTREME then I'd like to know what is!
Tens of thousands of staff at Britain's state-run banks (Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group) will receive full bonuses in defiance of Government pledges to rein in pay. As part of its £17billion taxpayer bailout from the Labour idiots (using British tax payers money), Lloyds agreed to stringent curbs on bonuses. Under the agreement, these handouts have to be deferred for up to three years.
To get around these rules Lloyds plans to offer loans to staff against the guaranteed future payments - effectively handing them their bonuses immediately!
What the fuck?
RBS has already started handing out "deferred bonus" payments to staff and is similarly offering loans against these payments. These will begin paying out from next June.
Is this what you voted for when you wanted McBroon and his star struck gang of criminal misfits in charge of a whole country?
The BNP are looking better and better every day and you can't help but sympathize with millions of people for thinking the same way.
(anthony70 @ Apr. 16 2009,00:39) regarding winston churchill, he might have done us a favour if he,d given up.
ive heard many an old boy say they wish the germans had beat us.
wouldnt be in this mess now, thats for sure.
what kind of a fuckin stupid comment is that? how old are you? never mind those "old boys you spoke to.......fuck em".....its the familys of the millions who died at war or were murdered in cold blood including babies and children you should ask opinion of,if you think the nazis were such good chaps and winston churchill was a moron then you know nothing about them and him........read some books or something my friend.
racsism and ethnic cleansing is not the way to go,however history has proved that mass racial intergration does not work and ends in conflict time after time............the answers lie in keeping a countries identity and peoples, while allowing tolerance and visitation.
...did you also vote for the Iraq war?
Did you vote for the massive landslide in education standards?
Did you vote for more CCTV in the UK than the whole of the rest of Europe?
Did you vote to have your internet habits traced and stored by the government?
Did you vote to allow hundreds of thousands of criminal foreigners to pop over here on a whim to murder, rape and steal?
Did you vote for Sky TV and mobile phones and even VOTING RIGHTS for prison inmates?
Did you vote for national biometric ID cards?
Did you vote for the most expensive and corrupt government ever in the history of mankind?
Did you vote for currently 7 million people without jobs?
Did you vote for an unregulated banking industry that has crippled the UK and did you also vote to bail them out with your children's wages?
Some good points here.
I want myself to puke on what Germany/France are doing, and on most EU policies.
The big problem in politics, is that the ideas come in a bag, mixed with other ideas, and one can only choose a bag over another, and all bags have some crap in them.
With nationalists, you get intolerance against "others": foreigners, gays, LBs, blacks, asians, etc.
With socialists, you get high taxes, devaluation of work, stupid public "cultural" projects, etc.
I the last years, no real difference between the policies of socialists and "rightists" (republicans in France and Christian-Demokrats in Germany) was noticeable. They are all doing the same.
Since the communists have lost and are out, the only alternative to the politically correct soup are the right wing parties.
But they do have a lot of crap in their bag, because they need it to reach some critical mass.
But they have so much crap in there, that I don't want to be part of it.
Democracy in our western countries has degenerated, mostly because we now have assholes running the countries.
Professional politicians adhere to whatever party gives them the best chances to gain power, and once elected, they do things which are against the will of the majority of voters.
It's like the the guy asking a faerie to solve his problem of premature ejaculation, and the faerie turns him into a woman.
I live in Switzerland and there is one good thing here: popular referendums.
If 100.000 support signatures are collected, a question can be addressed to all voters.
Parliament and Government must then follow voters' choice.
The real Right Wingers are making gains in Europe , no doubt about that, and good luck to them. A great backlash against all this PC rubbish has begun
All this bullshit about democracy, since when has the EU been democratic as it treats anyone who doesnt like its ideas as idiots. You are living in cloud cuckoo land in you think you have any real freedom anyway so whats the big deal .
Just a few weeks ago our troops came back from Afghanistan only to be greeted by hordes of Muslims demonstrating.... the only arrests made were against the good people who decided to heckle these ragheads.
What sort of identity has the UK got now. There are so many different groups to pander to that its probably impossible to have one. I am not religious but i can see why the Christians are getting nervy about their place in the scheme of things.
What about when dear old Jorge Haider won in Austria, the outcry was unbelievable.. so much for Democracy and the EU . Its all bullshit, take my word for it
Just like the economic cycle politics is also cyclical. After 12 years of NuLabour there is absolutely nothing Gordon Brown can do to prevent a Conservative victory at next years general election. Governments who have been in power for a long time look old and stale to the electorate.
Add to this the weekly scandals and corrupt practices of the Government being exposed by the media results in people being fed up with this incompetant government and they will vote for any creditable alternative.
The problem is that the Conservatives have yet to reveal any major alternative policies. Either they dont have them or they are scarred of Gordon Brown using them for his own advantage. This explains the opportunity taken by the BNP. They may be a bunch of toe rags but at least people understand what they stand for.
In the last 15 years the UK has become an increasingly intolerent society. In the 1980s and 1990s the country was in the main anti Europe and anti Trade Unions. Now it is the turn of the fatcats and the immigrants. Britain is not a multi cultural society. It might be a country with many minority ethnic groups but it remains basically an Anglo Celtic society. When immigrants fail to integrate their is little sympathy from the vast majority of the public; and in some instances there is a hostile reaction to people who misguidedly want to be different.
The BNP will make a big impact at the European elections in June. They will have their 15 minutes of fame and fail to repeat their success in the 2010 General Election. The huge financial resources of the Conservative Party will destroy both the BNP and the career of Gordon Brown.
(anthony70 @ Apr. 16 2009,17:44) millions of "old boys" died so that our green and pleasant land wasn't invaded by "foreigners".
think they are all pleased with a job well done.?
No I don't. I think they'd be pissed off.
What a waste of time those world wars were. All those lives lost saving a nation so a bunch of dreamy eyed tossers could give it all away.