I read somewhere where a senior bobby was proposing to take traffic enforcement away from the Police and give it to some other agency so the police would not be viewed as a negative by some. I for one thought it was a fantastic idea. There will always be people who have a problem with authority anyway but it would stop the average person only speaking to the Old Bill when they are getting a fine. But i think it's too much of a money earner for the government to follow it up though.
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The British National Party
nasty nik looked out of his depth tonight on question time
he was sweating, uncomfortable and i ended up laughing at his answers that he shared a forum with a" peacefull kkk member" in the past,that he had changed his mind that hitler had gone a bit too far with the jews in ww2 and that two men kissing repulsed him
i never ageed with nik in the past but i thought he was educated but he comes across as a total half wit
He came across terrible. He was always going to be fighting a losing battle going on Question time, although I do agree with his views on islam.I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are
I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!
The BBC is probably as biased as Fox news.
on Tuesday Panorama had a documentary where they stuck two Asians in the middle of a run down poor White Working class housing estate and the filmed the obvious friction. Talk about entrapment and a fix up. I hate the BBC and the socialist scum they represent.
Go and hang yourselves...
Question Time was an absolute disgrace and a sorry way to entirely dismantle the reputation of a once great political institution.
How that appalling display of anti-democratic ambushing ever got approved is anyone's guess but it's fair to say that the BBC has once more abdicated it's entire remit to broadcast fair and even handed political programming.
The only person who left the whole building with any dignity by the end of that farce was griffin.
Dimbleby; your name will forever be stained by this circus you compared last night.I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...
Shame no one has done a Video on Jack Straw who deflected the questions put to him about immigration with the usual PC bullshit..All we got was Jack on about his immigrant ancestors...i had to get the kleenex out to stop the flood of tears that ensued
As Griffin said... " my father was a Pilot in WW2 while Jacks father was in Prison for refusing to fight the Germans" .
I notice that it now also appears that Blair was in favour of immigration so at to make the multi cultural UK and therefore more likely to vote for him and his clowns. All that has happened is that we now have a fractured Country where no one has any identity.