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Are YOU prejudiced?

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  • #16
    Is the question is asking "are you racially prejudiced? It isnt exactly clear and here are a bunch of definitions.

    emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices
    being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand; "a prejudiced judge"

    The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression 'racial prejudice'. ...

    Having prejudice(s)

    prejudice - influence (somebody's) opinion in advance
    prejudice - bias: a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation

    Prejudice - In a civil case, dismissal without prejudice is a dismissal that occurs on some basis other than the merits of the case. The present action is dismissed but the possibility remains open that the claimant files another suit on the claim. ...

    prejudice - An adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts; Any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or ...

    prejudice - A judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.

    prejudice - an opinion or attitude that can be positive or negative but is often negative and aimed at people who are not cultural "insiders."

    prejudice - A preconceived judgment.

    prejudice - irrational hatred or suspicion of a specific group, race, or religion

    prejudice - To make a judgment about an individual or group of individuals on the basis of their social, physical or cultural characteristics. ...

    prejudice - is a set of negative beliefs generalized about a whole group of people. All people hold prejudices, but only the dominant group has the power to enforce laws, establish institutions and set cultural standards that are used to dominate those who are the subject of their prejudice. ...

    prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience; dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior formed on such a bias

    Prejudice is a negative or hostile attitude toward a person or group formed without just or sufficient knowledge and based on negative stereotypes. Prejudice is the result of "prejudgment" and can lead to discrimination.

    prejudice - An adverse judgment about a person or group of people based on limited knowledge or stereotypes.

    prejudice - An attitude acquired prior to relevant experience or knowledge; a predisposition to take an intellectual position relative to a given phenomenon ...

    prejudice - a much-misspelled word which is both a noun ("They were victims of prejudice") and a verb ("News reports can prejudice a jury"). The correct adjective form is the past participle prejudiced ("The prejudiced jury reached an unfair verdict").

    prejudice - a rigid, inflexible, exaggerated predilection. An attitude in a closed mind.

    prejudice - is a predetermined feeling or attitude people have about other people, places or things which is not based on factual data.

    prejudice - An opinion or feeling about people of a different group which is formed beforehand, without informed knowledge, thought or reason and which is likely to be sustained even in the face of evidence to the contrary. ure.DOC

    prejudice - a judgment or opinion (often unfavorable and unreasonable) that is formed before all of the relevant evidence is known

    prejudice - KRS 164.9485: Any crime reported to local police agencies or to a campus security authority, that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the vicitm's actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability. Return to top

    prejudice - Wherever there are moral norms in a society, there will be prejudice: Not only will most proponents and opponents of contentious moral issue be biased, they will also be prejudiced, in that they hold points of view and censure points of view not on the basis of relevant knowledge and objective ...

    prejudice - is an unfavourable opinion or feeling, formed beforehand (eg before even meeting a person) based on non-personal characteristics (eg skin colour, religious persuasion or gender). One form of prejudice is racism. ...

    prejudice - to cause someone to judge prematurely an irrationally : bias

    Prejudice, in general, implies coming to a judgment on the subject without direct knowledge or experience. ...

    prejudice - The acts of judging someone or something based on stereotypes.

    Just seeking to clarify the question


    • #17
      (perth_couple @ Feb. 21 2009,06:21) Is the question is asking "are you racially prejudiced?
      Definitely NOT! I deliberately avoided mentioning race.

      I'm more prejudiced against white trash than I am towards middle class blacks in the UK. But I'm more prejudiced against Somalians living in the UK than I am to expats living in Thailand, but it's a close run thing!

      Race is an aspect of prejudice but that's not all of what this thread is about.

      I'm prejudiced against religeous people regardless of their colour. I'm prejudiced against poor people even though I am poor myself. I'm also proudly prejudiced against unions, teenagers, rap fans, vegetarians...

      Please don't confuse prejudice with racism.


      • #18
        I remember a similar poll was already done in the past

        Voted the 3rd option but tempted with the 5th, although not there yet.
        Probably the exact is about me trying hard to be more open toward understanding all people and situations rather than basing my opinion upon an initial visual judgement.

        In simple words, slipping myself in to others' shoes as much as I can...
        Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


        • #19
          I believe we all have some sort of prejudice inside of us be it learned or inheriated.  Personally I believe it is a learned,  As long as we don't let the pre-judging turn to hate and we can be tolerant of others, then I think its ok.


          • #20
            what shits me about this predudice word is that us europeans seem to be the only one who are capable of being so?.
            I for one know that most european and wester people are more tolerant than any other race on the planet.Think not?? Id like to see what they would do in japan if hundreds of boat loads of so called refugees started turning up on the mother land.???
            Fuck it im over refugees and all the bleeding heart Hippies who call me this and that. its time to shut the fucking door and say enough is enough its our country we say who stays and we say who goes.
            Academics will argue the toss about anything , why because they always have to be right.
            yeah im a racist if you like, but have a good look at your self and ask the same question
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #21
              The more the economy tanks, the more prejudice we are gonna see...


              • #22
                (Stogie @ Feb. 21 2009,07:03) Definitely NOT! I deliberately avoided mentioning race.

                Please don't confuse prejudice with racism.
                Then I would have to admit to having certain prejudices, and that I work really hard at trying to educate myself in order to re-evaluate some of those prejudices.

                Others, I'm quite happy to live with at the moment


                • #23
                  Yes. I'm scared of Black people. Statistically, they're the most dangerous thing for me in America. That and McDonalds.


                  • #24
                     ...and here's why...  
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      (Stogie @ Feb. 21 2009,10:18)  ...and here's why...  
                      Doesn't look any worse than what I assume the food carts in Thailand serve!


                      • #26
                        No I'm not prejudice, but I'm willing to learn. Is there some place special I can go for that?


                        • #27
                          (Boarhog @ Feb. 21 2009,11:53) No I'm not prejudice, but I'm willing to learn. Is there some place special I can go for that?
                          Sensitivity training.


                          • #28
                            Hell Yes I'm predujucie.

                             I Fucking HATE 69billy because he no pay me Lub him Long time.

                            Fuck him billy u mean Man.
                            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                            • #29
                              Prejudiced? Yep, I dislike lots of things I see around me, mostly small minded, introverted dull people with no vision or clue as to what is happening outside their tiny sphere of existence. They waste their lives...

                              I also get upset with people holding extreme views fighting tooth & nail to get into parliament so they can impose their distorted, nonsensical bullshit on the rest of us. Include the Greens amongst them, some of their candidates just don't live in the same world I do.

                              As for racial prejudice, it is easy to dislike Muslim fundamentalists, these people rely on distorting the word of the prophet to justify their hatred of every other race & thing. I can't see any redeeming features with that lot of morons.

                              However, a week spent in Bahrain a few years back proved most enlightening. I know it is about as liberal an Islamic state as you will find in the middle east but the robed gentlemen I had the pleasure to spend time with would fit right into any western society with ease.

                              They were generous to a fault, there humour was marvellous, both self-deprecating & worldly. These were guys who had both wit & wisdom beyond the average person I meet here.

                              So while I can hate them while they remain faceless, once I can put a name to them, see that I have more in common than I have different, it is hard to maintain the anger. And they too hate the fundamentalists, another thing we had in common.
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #30
                                O.k.  lets get serious about this subject.  Am I predgudice ?\  Yes I am.  And here is why.
                                I am what I am,  I think the way I do.  I have beliefs,  I was raised with beliefs.
                                I even got women to fall in Love with me because of my beliefs.

                                Am I predgudice because your Asian ?  White,  Indian,  Black ?
                                Am I predgudice  because you believe in God, Buddha, Hindu or some other God that makes the Sun Glow hot to grow your Crops so your family cant eat ?
                                I really don't care what kind of Music you Like,  I don't care.

                                I am predgudice because you don't think Like I do.
                                I am going to raise my daughter the way I am,  I will influence my Friends and Family the Way I am.

                                I am, What I am,  Your welcome aboard,  but if you don't want to sail on my ship its O.K.
                                Lets just agree to disagree and not hurt, or hate.

                                I am not a religious man.  Personally I think religious people are a Little, Well,,,,,,,Delousional.
                                But hey,  I've been wrong before so lets keep the defensive lash back to a minimum.

                                I just believe its as good Not to believe and Live well and do what you believe in than to believe in and Live with;  Guilt, sorrow, blame & handing the mercey of my soul to someone who has no control over my destinay.

                                Am I predgudice ?  
                                Yes I am,  because I am what I am,   But I do Not hate.
                                Predgudice ist NOT HATE  in my minds eye.  My definition is steryoTyping.
                                Hate is Hate.
                                There is a difference.
                                What is predgudice ?  It is a made up word to Hurt and divide us.  Words like;
                                Spick, Hick, Nigger, White Trash, Cocksucker,

                                The word predgudice was made up for hate & racisiam.

                                I do not hate,  but I do stereyoType.  No I am not a racisist.
                                Am I predgudice ?

                                Yes I am.
                                I don't understand why most words even exsist,  I think most are made from hate.

                                Do you have hate in your heart ?
                                Im a lot of things,  but I have no hate.
                                So go eat your greasy Chicken,  Pray to your Sun God, go play your Motown & do your Mack daddy pimp I could really give a rats ass.  Lets just tip a pint back and Laugh at each other.    Cheers.
                                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  

