Most of the people around the world who "hate America" really don't have any idea of who or what they're actually "hating". It has become popular to beat up on America for the mistakes, failings, and outright incompetent bungling of the CIA, FBI and other extra-legal agencies of the American government. The media is and always has been consistantly full of claims and stories about how the meddling of these agencies in the name of the citizens of America, is the root source of the hatred of America around the world.
And, by the way, the last thing I would want to do is condone any actions of a government that were not specifically intended to promote individual freedoms, and the principle of limited and democratic government, around the world. However, the claim that crimes by American government agencies provide a valid justification for terrorist attacks on America, and Americans ignores the fact that even at its worst, America has done far less harm to those who now claim to hate us than their own governments and cultures.
Even the most misguided actions by America pale to insignificance compared to the massive and ongoing harm that continues to be inflicted on humanity by such "humanitarians" as Communist China, various Arab Dictators and Royalists, South American Communist and Militarist despots, Arab slavers in North Africa, and the depraved Black racist regimes of Africa - all of which are actively committing terrible crimes against humanity in order to maintain their power over an oppressed and abused citizenry.
But according to the opinion of manipulated masses (which includes supposedly educated and freedom loving westerners) it is only the rich and prosperous Americans that have caused all this evil in the world. These dullards have been whipped up in to a frothing frenzy in the garbage strewn streets of their miserable disease ridden shanty towns by their own governments and sincerely believe that America is the anti-Christ and have no problems celebrating this perverted hatred by enjoying incessant public displays of virulent irrational hatred.
America is used as a convenient bogeyman by repressive cultures around the world, as a way to distract the attention of their subject populations away from the offenses being committed against them by their own governments and "allies". The "America" these manipulated victims are taught to hate is an obscene caricature of the real America. But after years of intensive indoctrination and constant reinforcement from every direction, the perception of America as "the great Satan" becomes so deeply burned into their minds that their irrational hatred of this cartoon America can even survive years of living in the real America. Even people I know and who contribute to the forums that I do have this infantile obsession.
Hate is being used as a weapon by those whose hold on artificial power and status is threatened by the real power and status available to any motivated individual in a free modern high-tech civilization. Those promoting irrational hatreds seek to transform the unthinking frenzy they've created into a projection of externally assignable guilt with which to demonize those accused of causing the hatred. Thus attempting to turn their contrived self-serving reaction to an imagined event into an indictment of those accused of committing the nonexistent crimes.
The "hate weapon" is intended to attack America on a number of levels - seeking to use the manipulated followers of the hatemongers to, in turn, manipulate Americans into turning our own best aspects against ourselves. We've seen increasing use of this weapon inside America by privileged/protected minorities in their efforts to extort ever more undeserved/unearned wealth and privilege from the productive sector.
The overwhelming majority of the "hatred of America" around the world actually has little or nothing to do with reality, and is solely an intentionally created means of distracting and controlling oppressed populations. The real hatemongers in this world respect only raw coercive violence, and have only contempt for our concept of civilization. That's why those who seek the destruction of free America find it so easy to engage in tactics that violate a free person's very concept of what it means to be a human.
All the same the Yanks (oops!
the Americans, shouldn't be worrying about things they may have done to justify this irrational hatred, since it has only the most tenuous of connections with their actual actions. But they should be focusing more of their attention on those power structures that have employed hatred of America as a means of manipulating, torturing and subduing their subject populations.
A global tragedy is about to descend on our planet very very soon. In your lifetimes in fact. (No, it hasn't happened yet. No 9/11 wasn't it, and no... we haven't seen a damn thing yet!
The violence caused by irrational hatreds so far, gains undeserved prominence because of the shocking incongruity of the acts. But the grim purposefulness, and resolute determination of people driven to extremes, has a long history of creating innovative and inspired horrors that dwarf the puny efforts of hate-driven terrorists.
The death and destruction America is about to inflict on those who have made themselves our enemies will be the real legacy of the hatemongers. Those who have sought to create irrational hatred of America, in order to keep their subjugated citizens from recognizing their best hope for escape from the hell on earth in which the hate they've been taught has trapped them, are about to experience the full awful splendour of a grimly outraged America determined to put an end to the hatemongers of Radical Islam once and for all.
The real hate in this world should be reserved for those who have finally forced American to defend itself with the terrible violence of it military might. The death and destruction that is about to spread across our planet will be the inevitable consequence of the world's complacent tolerance of Anti-American hatemongers.
Do YOU hate America? Do YOU hate Americans? Well, my freedom loving friends, in a few short years everyone is going to know what apple pie tastes like. The Bush era will in the future be proven to be positively restrained compared to what's to come. And it's coming soon, to a population near you!
And, by the way, the last thing I would want to do is condone any actions of a government that were not specifically intended to promote individual freedoms, and the principle of limited and democratic government, around the world. However, the claim that crimes by American government agencies provide a valid justification for terrorist attacks on America, and Americans ignores the fact that even at its worst, America has done far less harm to those who now claim to hate us than their own governments and cultures.
Even the most misguided actions by America pale to insignificance compared to the massive and ongoing harm that continues to be inflicted on humanity by such "humanitarians" as Communist China, various Arab Dictators and Royalists, South American Communist and Militarist despots, Arab slavers in North Africa, and the depraved Black racist regimes of Africa - all of which are actively committing terrible crimes against humanity in order to maintain their power over an oppressed and abused citizenry.
But according to the opinion of manipulated masses (which includes supposedly educated and freedom loving westerners) it is only the rich and prosperous Americans that have caused all this evil in the world. These dullards have been whipped up in to a frothing frenzy in the garbage strewn streets of their miserable disease ridden shanty towns by their own governments and sincerely believe that America is the anti-Christ and have no problems celebrating this perverted hatred by enjoying incessant public displays of virulent irrational hatred.
America is used as a convenient bogeyman by repressive cultures around the world, as a way to distract the attention of their subject populations away from the offenses being committed against them by their own governments and "allies". The "America" these manipulated victims are taught to hate is an obscene caricature of the real America. But after years of intensive indoctrination and constant reinforcement from every direction, the perception of America as "the great Satan" becomes so deeply burned into their minds that their irrational hatred of this cartoon America can even survive years of living in the real America. Even people I know and who contribute to the forums that I do have this infantile obsession.
Hate is being used as a weapon by those whose hold on artificial power and status is threatened by the real power and status available to any motivated individual in a free modern high-tech civilization. Those promoting irrational hatreds seek to transform the unthinking frenzy they've created into a projection of externally assignable guilt with which to demonize those accused of causing the hatred. Thus attempting to turn their contrived self-serving reaction to an imagined event into an indictment of those accused of committing the nonexistent crimes.
The "hate weapon" is intended to attack America on a number of levels - seeking to use the manipulated followers of the hatemongers to, in turn, manipulate Americans into turning our own best aspects against ourselves. We've seen increasing use of this weapon inside America by privileged/protected minorities in their efforts to extort ever more undeserved/unearned wealth and privilege from the productive sector.
The overwhelming majority of the "hatred of America" around the world actually has little or nothing to do with reality, and is solely an intentionally created means of distracting and controlling oppressed populations. The real hatemongers in this world respect only raw coercive violence, and have only contempt for our concept of civilization. That's why those who seek the destruction of free America find it so easy to engage in tactics that violate a free person's very concept of what it means to be a human.
All the same the Yanks (oops!

A global tragedy is about to descend on our planet very very soon. In your lifetimes in fact. (No, it hasn't happened yet. No 9/11 wasn't it, and no... we haven't seen a damn thing yet!

The death and destruction America is about to inflict on those who have made themselves our enemies will be the real legacy of the hatemongers. Those who have sought to create irrational hatred of America, in order to keep their subjugated citizens from recognizing their best hope for escape from the hell on earth in which the hate they've been taught has trapped them, are about to experience the full awful splendour of a grimly outraged America determined to put an end to the hatemongers of Radical Islam once and for all.
The real hate in this world should be reserved for those who have finally forced American to defend itself with the terrible violence of it military might. The death and destruction that is about to spread across our planet will be the inevitable consequence of the world's complacent tolerance of Anti-American hatemongers.
Do YOU hate America? Do YOU hate Americans? Well, my freedom loving friends, in a few short years everyone is going to know what apple pie tastes like. The Bush era will in the future be proven to be positively restrained compared to what's to come. And it's coming soon, to a population near you!