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The Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit...

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  • The Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit...

    The Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit comes complete with its very own book of Peekaboo Dance moves to get you started. Learn everything from 'The Booty Shake' to 'Thighs the Limit'!

    It also includes 100 Peekaboo Pounds and a garter to put them in, just to add to the effect!  In fact, the only things it doesn't come with are music and you!

    The Peekaboo Home Pole Dancing Kit is not only fantastic fun for the bedroom, it has a host of other benefits as well.  It's a very fashionable fitness aid (try it...) and would be great for an outrageous night in with the girls... or guys, should that take your fancy!

    Alternatively you could use it as a super-strength shower-curtain pole, but that would be such a waste...!

    Click HERE to check it out...

    Got the LOS blues? Wanna build a bar? Or dress up that fat cow you talked into shagging you from down the pub?

    Look no further... The gift that the whole family can enjoy!  

    Actually - it just doesn't look very safe to me. If some of the LBs from here got onto one of those they'd destroy your house!

    Can't wait to see the law suits fly in over this one!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Definitely looks unsafe to me, especially if the lady (or ladyboy) weights more than 45 kg!

    The pole looks as if it only uses a friction lock to secure itself between the ceiling and floor. Not a good idea to do some of the pole swinging we've seen Thai lbs do in the bars!

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    • #3
      The perfect Christmas present for all those former bar girls/go go dancers now living in farangland, just to remind her husband of the way it used to be when the first bar fine was paid


      • #4
        its not the pole that gets me but check out the fake bills next to it how many do u rekon i could pass off at nana before i got sliced up and id love to know whats on the cd,could it be a classic number from a cascades ?


        • #5
          I remember in the old Guess bar that the pole in the corner came away and that was bolted into the floor and ceiling.

          If your average Farang 'spacehopper' lady got on this - disaster. Maybe it should carry a warning 'Not be used by individuals over 12 and over 25Kgs'.


          • #6
            Would love to send one to my ex wife........but to support her would have to be 4' drill pipe with a reinforced floor,

