Was it with another boy or was it with a girl? How far did you all get and what did you all do? If you did indeed play doctor did it in any way help steer you to what you like today?
I played Nurse, but it seemed I was always more of a patient than the nurse
During various times when we played we would do different things like put objects in various cavities, but none really ever lead to what I would call a masturbation session since we were really a bit too young or dumb to know how to frig eachother and do it so it did some good. Worst experience I had was when I was leaning up against a wall in a bathroom of a friends (male) with door closed, playing doctor, and he put a load of toothpaste up my pussy. My gawd It hurt but it felt good all at the same time, but it soon became apparent it was doing more bad than good, and no amount of wiping it did a thing to ease its spasms. All day long the bruning sensation called for me to give my crotch some attention one way or another and this caught the eye of my mother who promplty had to check things out for herself. I made up some lame excuse which I doubt she believed but she did not pursue any futher, but washed my crotch inside and out. First time I really ever had it washed inside like that too........On another occassion three of us playing doctor managed to insert a common 6" wooden ruler up a friends ass. Pretty mean feat considering a ruler as such usually had a metal edge on it and he never got cut. We used candles, fingers and toys. Fisher Price had a toy called a Weeble, which was a small plastic or wood figure of a person that was sort of bottom heavy and during play you could push on them and they would wobble aorund but never would fallover. I must have had the entire Weeble family hold a reunion in me at one time or other, as all of them knew me very wiell in the inside as well as the outside. ALso had Barbie as well as Kens legs inside and IIRC may have had GI Joe do a check on me as well!
I played Nurse, but it seemed I was always more of a patient than the nurse