A Government investigation was launched today after personal details of more than a million bank customers were found on a computer sold on eBay.
Highly sensitive information on American Express, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland customers was found on the hard drive of the machine sold for £35.
Highly sensitive information on American Express, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland customers was found on the hard drive of the machine sold for £35.
After this latest fiasco I have now officially changed my feelings about the collation of personal data that any institution hold on us.
Just a few days ago we heard about a memory stick containing details of criminals which went missing.
Apparently they now believe 'it may have been thrown away by accident'
Oh, well that's ok then, just as long as they didn't throw it away on purpose...
It seems a lot of people are far too irresponsible to be put in charge of anything more technical than a frigging spoon!
Fuck knows what will happen if/when we have to have ID cards, some ass clown somewhere is gonna fuck it all up I just know it.
