Take note Alan. This is an example of a right winger with a brain........and I bet he hasn't even graduated from the University of AOL let alone the University of MSN like you...........As much as I generally disagree with some of BB's views he at least is original and speaks HIS mind instead of echoing the likes of Hannity and Oxy loving Limbaugh. You might try that some time.
Now on to you BB..........I am enamored so to speak with Obama because he truly represents change. His platform hasn't changed since the beginning of his political career and despite the malicious libelous lies put out by the right has held fast and continues to make his campaign one of issues not the mudslinging Karl Rove type tactics of the right.
I highly respect the background and accomplishments of John McSame but I don't feel he is capable of leading this nation back from the disgraces of the W catastrophies. I think he will leave our service members to rot in the middle east piling more and more money into a thankless non-winnable situation. He has waffled continuously on issues and seems afraid to take a legitimate stand. I feel he has made a desperate attempt to attempt to woo disgruntled Hillary voters to his side by putting an ill prepared suspect nobody in his VeeP slot. What can Palin offer other then her gender? Nothing!!!!!! I mean she hasn't even served a full term in office in one of the least populous states in the Union. and hasn't accomplished anything significant in that time frame. McSame snatched her simply to attempt to satisfy the staunch and christian conservatives. He knew he couldn't do that with Mitt Romney and the Indiana dude. So he made a desperate grasp with Palin. Sure it has provided with an abundance of news coverage for the past week and gave him a bit of a bump in the polls but once the "newness" wears off and the debates begin I think the public will see Palin and McSame for the frauds she already is and the fraud that McSame has became since he sold his soul to become the GOP's man.
Lefty......I love ya man but limit the copy and pasting of entire articles and just grab significant points and illustrate those. Thats almost as bad as Alanboy mirroring the thoughts and comments of Rush (giveme a fix) Oxybaugh