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Want McCain to lose?

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  • #61
    McCain Taps Socialist Governor Sarah Palin as VP

    by Alex Knapp
    In what may go down as one of the biggest classic blunders since getting involved in a land war in Asia, John McCain has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice-President. You can read the official statement here.

    U.S. Senator John McCain today announced that he has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate and to serve as his vice president.

    Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be president. She has brought Republicans and Democrats together within her Administration and has a record of delivering on the change and reform that we need in Washington.

    I cannot emphasize enough how bad a pick this is. As I wrote last week:

    History teaches us that despite the levels of disrespect typically heaped on the office of vice president, the fact remains that many Vice Presidents have gone on to become President themselves, either through succession or through incapacity. Accordingly, the most important question to ask about any vice presidential nominee is not about whether he "balances the ticket" or "helps the campaign narrative." The most important ask about a vice presidential nominee is simply this:

    If something happens, would he make a good President?

    Or, in this case, she. Let's take a quick look at Alaska, shall we? Alaska is unique among all the 50 states in that it is uniquely socialist. Individuals in Alaska don't pay state income or sales taxes€“the state gets over 80% of its revenues from oil companies. Individuals in Alaska actually get money from the government every year. And if the state government needs more money, it doesn't have to worry about backlash from their citizens by raising taxes or cutting spending€“it just has to raise taxes on oil, which is a low-risk political move for it. Let's not forget, either, that Alaska is also one of the biggest recipients of federal pork. Remember the "bridge to nowhere"? Alaska's congressmen are notorious for bringing federal dollars into the state.

    Being governor of Alaska is like being the governor of a fantasyland where wishing makes it so and you never have to make hard choices. Because of its luck in being a source of oil, it doesn't have to balance tax revenues and economic growth. Because of its small population, its Senators are uniquely disproportionately powerful, as they are pretty constantly re-elected (although this election year may provide a turning point for that)€“a power they use to bring in more pork and provide fewer worries to the state government on how to fund projects.

    In other words, the governor of Alaska never has to make tough decisions, never has to balance economic growth and the functions of government. The total population being so low and spread out, crime isn't a major worry. The disproportionately high levels of revenue compared to population means that the schools are well funded and the roads stay paved.

    In short, being governor of Alaska does absolutely zero to prepare one for being president of the United States. In fact, it might actually be negative experience because it's so different. So if we are to judge a VP by what kind of President they would make, Palin falls well short of the mark.

    This is especially true when you consider that if McCain is elected President, he will be 73 years old upon taking office. Now, I think that McCain does have the mental capacity to be President. However, his age simply increases his risk of dying or being incapacitated in office. It is utter irresponsibility and lack of judgment on his part to choose Sarah Palin has his VP.


    One good thing about Palin I did not know when I wrote this post is that she actually killed the "bridge to nowhere" project. So props for that. Of course, by that time she was already an established political enemy of Ted Stevens, so was that good governance or spite? Unfortunately, she doesn't have a long enough record to judge which is which.
    “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
    ― Henry Ward Beecher

    "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


    • #62
      Only my opinion but I think the choice of Sarak Palin has finished off McCain's chances.

      The Obama camp only needs to push Biden's experience against her lack of experience to highlight the difference.

      Though the American public doesn't always elect the President they need.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #63
        Dennis Kucinich, perhaps my favorite congressman or senator, hits the nail square on the head at the DNC:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

        "It's Election Day, 2008. We Democrats are giving America a wake up call. Wake
        up America. In 2001, the oil companies, the war contractors and the neo-con
        artists seized the economy, and have added four trillion dollars of unproductive
        spending to the national debt.

        We now pay four times more for defense, three times more for gasoline and home
        heating oil, and twice what we paid for health care. Millions of Americans have
        lost their jobs, their homes, their health care, their pensions. Trillions of
        dollars for an unnecessary war paid with borrowed money. Tens of billions of
        dollars in cash and weapons disappeared into thin air, at the cost of the lives
        of our troops and innocent Iraqis, while all the President's oilmen are
        maneuvering to grab Iraq's oil.

        Borrowed money to bomb bridges in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. No money to
        rebuild bridges in America. Money to start a hot war with Iran. Now we have
        another cold war with Russia while the American economy has become a game of Russian roulette.

        If there was an Olympics for misleading, mismanaging and misappropriating this
        Administration would take the gold. World records for violations of national and
        international laws. They want another four year term to continue to alienate our
        allies, spend our children's inheritance and hollow out our economy. We can't
        afford it America.

        Wake up America, the insurance companies took over health care. Wake up America,
        the pharmaceutical companies took over drug pricing. Wake up America, the
        speculators took over Wall Street. Wake up America, they want to take your
        Social Security. Wake up America, multinational corporations took over our trade
        policies, factories are closing, good paying jobs lost.

        Wake up, America. We went into Iraq for oil. The oil companies want more. War
        against Iran will mean $10 a gallon gasoline. The Oil Administration wants to
        drill more -- into your wallet. Wake up, America. Weapons contractors want more.
        An Iran war will cost five to ten trillion dollars.

        This Administration can tap our phones. They can't tap our creative spirit. They
        can open our mail. They can't open economic opportunities. They can track our
        every move. They lost track of the economy while the cost of food, gasoline, and
        electricity skyrockets.

        They skillfully played our post- 911 fears and allowed the few to profit at the
        expense of the many. Everyday we get the color orange, while the oil companies,
        the insurance companies, the speculators, the war contractors get the color

        Wake up America. This is not a call for you to take a new direction from right
        to left.

        This is call for you to go from down to up. Up with the rights of workers.

        Up with wages.

        Up with fair trade.

        Up with creating millions of good paying jobs rebuilding our bridges, ports and
        water systems. Up with creating millions of sustainable energy jobs to lower the
        cost of energy, lower carbon emissions and protect the environment.

        Up with health care for all.

        Up with education for all.

        Up with home ownership.

        Up with guaranteed retirement benefits.

        Up with Peace.

        Up with Prosperity.

        Up with the Democratic Party

        Up with Obama - Biden

        Wake up, America.

        Wake up, America.

        Wake up, America."
        “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
        ― Henry Ward Beecher

        "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


        • #64
          he's quite the showman - I really enjoyed that
          No honey, no money!!


          • #65
            now that mccain's veep choice will throw the sexist vote to the dems to help counteract the racist vote for the gop, i think obama might get a sufficient majority to make it quite difficult for the bush supporters who made the electronic voting machines to send the election into a recount to be decided by the republican supreme court and make it three steals in a row.

            but i never say never.


            • #66
              There are some whites that will not vote for Obama because he's black and there are many blacks who will vote for Obama because he's black.

              There are some men who won't vote for a woman. There are also women who feel it's now their time.

              The difference is that African Americans are only 10% of the electorate but women are over 50%.

              In general the voters are not too concerned with the Veep candidate but I think McCain made a shrewd choice which gives him a fighting chance.


              • #67
                I love the politicall commentary coming from all the Democratic forum well as the foreign comments....great laughs. What Governor Palin brings to the McCain ticket is...

                1) She opposes abortion...and the right wing religious conservatives have already voiced support.
                2) She is 3 years younger than Obama...and in a close race a few youth votes changing candidates could swing some key states.
                3) She is a woman with children...and may attract enough soccer mom types to swing some states to McCain.
                4) She is a maverick....and although Romney would have been the more likely choice...Romney fits right in to Obama's main attack tactic...that McCain is no more than a clone of Bush.
                5) She attracts publicity...and just like that Obama is out of the news spotlight.

                I would call both VP picks a draw....Biden was picked for experience...Palin picked for her youth....they will counteract each other. Interestingly enough...Obama now says he will debate....we will see...he refused all requests so far. Plus, after his debacle in Iran, Obama needed some time to regroup. The next 2 months will be very interesting.

                ...but more whining about voting machines...really have to agree...Democrats are


                • #68
                  (alan1chef @ Aug. 29 2008,23:20) I would call both VP picks a draw....Biden was picked for experience...Palin picked for her youth....they will counteract each other. Interestingly enough...Obama now says he will debate....we will see...he refused all requests so far. Plus, after his debacle in Iran, Obama needed some time to regroup. The next 2 months will be very interesting.

                  ...but more whining about voting machines...really have to agree...Democrats are
                  Veep Choices a draw??? Wonder why only 2 % of the GOP wanted or considered Palin as a candidate..........If anything the choice of Nanook from the North has swayed the voting public much more towards Obama..........

                  The anti abortion nut jobs were going to vote for McSame if he had of put Dickless Cheney or Rumhead on the ticket. The "youth" vote is hardly going to be swayed by a mother of 5 when they have a rock star in Obama and the mindless "Soccer" moms are going to continue to vote the way they always their hubbys tell them to vote.......She is a "Maverick" ? More like an inexperienced nobody who as shown by her few interviews since her name was thrown in is completely clueless. She attracts publicity but I doubt this is the publicity that will turn the tide.

                  The women with a brain will continue to support the party with the only woman politician that has made any changes in the infrastructure..........Hillary

                  Once again the right is blindsided by their fear of the unknown.......change and once again they make another pathetic attempt to win over the voting public that they have spent the past 8 years pissing off and throwing away.....

                  Lets reflect back to the title of this topic shall we??? Want McSame to lose (paraphrasing here).....Get him to talk...........Yesterday's announcement is just another example

                  And once again the previous post begs the question of how would the rest of the radical right feel about one their own posting on a gay?, bisexual, alternative lifestyle website with an avatar of sweet ladyboy cock? A cocksucking right winger?? Wouldn't that be an oxymoron? Unless of course they remain in the closet like most right wingers

                  So I guess s much as Democrats are whiners   Right wingers are hypocrites and pathetic

                  It's good to matter what the pay

                  Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                  Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                  ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                  "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                  • #69
                    As a non American I am always amazed at how these things play out. Its like the two most important things to the electorate are how does this person feel on abortion and how do they feel about gun control. Nobody seems to notice that the US is totally bankrupt and that debt is for the most part owned by China. Does nobody ask "hey what does he plan to do to turn this country around from being bankrupt", so that people can then actually have time to think and know we are in a good fiscal position, you worry about the smaller details later. Having said that why on earth would abortion rights be such an issue at federal level is totally beyond me.

                    It will be an interesting couple of months though even as I despair about the awful lack of interest anyone seems to take in critical things that do matter and should really be at the top of peoples concerns.



                    • #70
                      (mardhi @ Aug. 31 2008,00:00) As a non American I am always amazed at how these things play out.     Its like the two most important things to the electorate are how does this person feel on abortion and how do they feel about gun control.    Nobody seems to notice that the US is totally bankrupt and that debt is for the most part owned by China.      Does nobody ask "hey what does he plan to do to turn this country around from being bankrupt", so that people can then actually have time to think and know we are in a good fiscal position, you worry about the smaller details later.   Having said that why on earth would abortion rights be such an issue at federal level is totally beyond me.

                      It will be an interesting couple of months though even as I despair about the awful lack of interest anyone seems to take in critical things that do matter and should really be at the top of peoples concerns.  

                      The reasons Americans are concerned with the wedge issues that you identified like abortion, gun control, and (I'll add) gay marriage, that do not have any direct economic impact on them are because these issue are played up in the media deliberately, to distract people from issues that actually matter, like the economic issues that you mentioned. Along those economic lines I would add the increasing disparity of wealth in this country as another thing most people should be concerned with but are not.
                      Also, there is an American narrative, or mythos that goes something like this: This is the greatest country in the world, we are rugged individualists, anyone can make it to the top by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps as long as the government stays out of the way of the free market, we are favored by god, we are a christian nation with christian values (as defined by WASP elites). Therefore, any discussion of economic issues are framed by the media and most politicians as "divisive" and of leading to "class warfare" which are anathema to most Americans for the reasons stated above. Of course, this only serves to perpetuate the status quo, which is precisely the point.
                      You know how dumb the average guy is? Well, by definition most people are even dumber than that, especially Americans.
                      "America fuck yeah!"  
                      "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                      Salin' on a summer breeze
                      And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                      -Harry Nilsson


                      • #71
                        just curious....... if ol' Mac kicks off while he is prez, a not-unlikely scenario after all, would anyone here be comfortable with a 1-term Governer from some back-water state being the leader of the free world?

                        Mayor to Governer to potential President in 10 years or so, man what a country

                        Please Lord, let Obama win
                        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                        • #72
                          Bankrupt??? Not quite sure where a major deficit turns into bankruptcy..........

                          Bankruptcy according to Wikpedia is as follows:

                          Bankruptcy is a legally declared inability or impairment of ability of an individual or organizations to pay their creditors. Creditors may file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor ("involuntary bankruptcy") in an effort to recoup a portion of what they are owed. In the majority of cases, however, bankruptcy is initiated by the debtor (a "voluntary bankruptcy" that is filed by the bankrupt individual or organization

                          Can't see where the deficit falls into this. Last I could see we can "pay" our bills just continue to mount additional ones......something about 10 billion monthly into a thankless war has something to do with this.

                          And I think shrinking or reducing that deficit and/or fixing the tax situations that we are in is a major portion of Obama's platform. Don't forget the last time this country had a balanced budget a democrat was running the country.........

                          It's good to matter what the pay

                          Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                          Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                          ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                          "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                          • #73
                            Maybe domestically they call it a deficit - everybody else looks upon it slightly differently which probably explains why the currency has hit the floor. Thats the funniest thing - most Americans have no idea who owns the country - look who owns most US debt and still every US store is sourcing everything through China - paying in Dollars and who is holding them?

                            This is quite funny - be sure to refresh the page every couple of seconds and note the large numbers changing:-

                            In simple terms, how fast will the government be able to repay US$ 9,000,000,000,000 + worth of debt? I have no idea but its frightening. Even more amazing is the little known fact that between Presidents Washington and Reagan, the debt hit US$ 1,000,000,000,000. In the last 20 odd years the debt has increased 9 fold - if thats not bankrupt, I am not sure what you would call it (except of course, a govt can be bankrupt, it just issues more debt and pays more and more interest on that debt).

                            Pretty staggerring numbers and I have no axe to grind, just amazed at how little of this is ever communicated within the US.



                            • #74

                              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                              ― Henry Ward Beecher

                              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                              • #75
                                Too many American voters use emotion rather than logic to determine how they cast their votes.
                                I'm sure some of the ham and egger crowd from my neck of the woods will now more likely vote Rep, just because they think Palin is hot and she hunts and fishes like they do. Oh yeah she also looks good in her jogging attire.

                                Like old John, a local shingle mill worker, told me many years ago, after Oregonians voted out one of the best senators of the 20th century, Wayne Morse, and elected a piece of shit named Bob Packwood, "the poor dumb bastards will vote against their own best interests every time."

                                Obama picked his VP on the basis of who would help him be a better president, and Ace McCain picked his on the basis of who would make him the best candidate.
                                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer

