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  • O Reilly told Dawkins he was aloud to shout as he was an Irishman... ha ha... it was funny to watch as Reilly was obviously stoking the conversation up with the usual retorts and Dawkins took the bait and ended the dialogue with a big flee in his ear..

    The word fascist was used in the context that the pro religious hate Dawkins badly and refer to his calling for the end of faith based belief being replaced by a hard scientific stance on the musings of our happenstance. The word was used wrongly of course but certainly riled our friend who couldnt fathom why he was so accused.

    I am a right winger, make no bones about that, but Fox news is just a little cheesy in its pro repub stance and one has to wince sometimes at the obvious slights to the opposition. Subtle it is not

    Anyway bookworms, sorry for this extension and maybe we can get back soon to the paperstuff, while it still exists...i dread the day i have to buy one of those e books..... bah


    • iPhone SDK Development
      iPhone in Action

      Thrilling plot but in the next nothing seems to be resolved.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • (bigmick22 @ Oct. 17 2009,00:50) That Fox news channel is just amazing

        I cringe when I realise that so many of them have Irish surnames (O' Reilly, Hannity ...)
        The scary part is that some people think it's an actual news station and not just an arm of the republican party, which of course it is. and as a Yank it scares me that  you Irishmen and Brits have to see that embarassment; please trust me that only the most whacked-out, FAR  right wingers watch and believe that station, people with common sense know better and avoid it like the plague.

          You don't get news there, you get the same vile stuff that Coulter and Rush and Malkin produce;  right-wing propaganda aimed at couch-sitting, beer-swilling, NASCAR fans who cling to their guns and their God; and don't try and tell them for one second that the earth is one day older than what the bible says it is!!

         The Christian Right, and they ALL watch FOX anti-news, are a funny group;  hell, I have rocks in my back yard that are a couple billion years old, forget 6000.
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • While you are correct that Fox News is the propaganda wing of the republican party, it is also true the at they are the highest rated cable "news" outlet.  That's fucking scary, when you consider the legions of Jesus-NASCAR-dumb-fucks, who not only watch that shit, but take it seriously.
          Dude, that's a lot of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing cretins.  
          "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
          Salin' on a summer breeze
          And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
          -Harry Nilsson


          • I am reading these 2 great books,
            Attached Files
            i love t-girls


            • (strocube @ Oct. 17 2009,22:54) when you consider the legions of Jesus-NASCAR-dumb-fucks, who not only watch that shit, but take it seriously.
              Dude, that's a lot of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing cretins.  
              Agreed, and they always do well in the ratings which is even scarier ..... I am sure most of those viewers are from the bible belt and have junior high school educations at most, but it still gives them ammunition to say ''we have the number one rated shows in cable news''. yuuuccchh.

              anyway, this is a books thread not a bash- FOX thread; but they are so predictable and easy to bash it's hard not to chime in!
              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • I admit to tuning into FOX news now and then, but just for comical reasons only. Bill O'Reilly is a nutcase and its actually really funny to watch sometimes.

                A good docu to watch is "out foxed". Its basically all about Rupert Murdoch and his spin machine.
                I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                • Why dont you lot start a thread about how horrible Fox is. I actually like quite a bit about oReilly-especially when he ambushes thouse fucking asswipe judges that give kiddie rapists probation. Or how about the case where the prosecution fucked up a kiddy abuse case and the guy got off?? Or maybe you lot agree with illegal immigrants running amok killing people??? Sorry but start a new thread......
                  Be careful out there!


                  • Now back on topic:

                    just finished a book called BY ANY MEANS Charlie Boorman travels from Ireland to Australia using all sorts of different means of transport. Good read for the plane ride. Now reading a book about an undercover FBI agent who infiltrated the Gambino crime family. Kind of like Donny brasco. the guy was/is Cuban and had to pass himself off as an italian jewel thief. Because so much of the interaction involved sit downs at italian restaurants the guy gained like 100 lbs in 2 years!!!!

                    BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!
                    Be careful out there!


                    • Just finished Peter James' Not Dead Enough. A very good read but I guessed the final plot twist. Books are based around the Sussex Police in the UK. Got my eye out at the moment for the new Lee Child 'Gone Tomorrow', Only found it it that horrible large format so far.
                      I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                      • (BlueBallz @ Oct. 18 2009,15:07) Why dont you lot start a thread about how horrible Fox is.

                        Sorry but start a new thread......
                        I did, about a year ago.

                          It was titled "what is the most dangerous thing to America right now'' and included FOX, Iran, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc......all the usual suspects.  FOX  won by a landslide for their constant determination to scare all americans and their biased coverage of news events.

                            HOPING  that the present president will fail??

                            that's pure dangerous and FOX  commentators as well as all their usual talking heads from Rush to Coulter and Malkin, et al, want that;  for him to fail miserably and put some right-wing whack job back in there.  Yups, that's great for the country!!  Again, by far the biggest threat to america right now is News Corp.

                         Back to books,  I didn't see the 'Out-foxed' docu but read the book; classic, hilarious stuff.

                         As usual, if you can't laugh at how preposterous that network is, what CAN you laugh at?
                        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                        • Twilight in the Desert:
                          The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
                          Matt Simmons

                          Oil is the hottest topic discussed worldwide today. This insider analysis uncovers a looming oil production crisis in Saudi Arabia an event which will have vast ramifications on the world economy and the lives of individual consumers.

                          You can buy a hard copy or download it in PDF form here


                          • India by sanjeeve bhaskar, good insight to the country but will admit that i only bought the book as it was half price!
                            i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                            • Skin - Mo Hayder, not a bad read set in the west country! A bit strange in places!
                              i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                              • (marshal @ Nov. 10 2009,03:44) A bit strange in places!
                                the west country?
                                No honey, no money!!

