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Banned from LBLB forum!

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  • (seanbeag7 @ Jun. 12 2008,23:55)   i learned that the hard way, and now i am able to laugh it off, remember when you are on this forum, what you write tells us what kind of person you are, so make sure you write everything in a level-headed way.

    In other words, try to find a balance in all statements you write, be honest and be fair
    Fair and balanced??? Those two words belongs to NaziRacistFoxnews.
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • (seanbeag7 @ Jun. 12 2008,22:55) i learned that the hard way, and now...
      Me and you too, brother!

      But I learned from the patience and maturity of the other guys posting on here and it was pretty clear they didn't want to tune in and listen to an online war with me and any other dufus who wanted to rile me up!

      It's pretty easy to get worked up sometime when some unpredictable people or new posters come on and start throwing their weight around, but it's all neatly handled these days and we can continue the good work of spreading the word about beautiful Asian ladyboys!


      • (rxpharm @ Jun. 12 2008,22:31) It is too easy to post things you would never say directly to someone - one of the keys to being a successful forum contributor is to not take things too seriously - both yourself and the other people replying to your posts. This is especially true in the case where someone may try to slag you. Getting involved in an on-line brawl is not the best way to spend your time.

        SB has it right, develop an elephant hide and more tolerance - this is also good for your blood pressure!
        Hello Mr RXpharm

        A well written reply with a lot of truth in it. The same goes for the other comments by Stogie and seanbean.Like you they learned and understood what it means to be a member, to moderate or just take part occasionally in a forum. Never get angry, don't take everything too serious but never be scared to give your opinion and admit when you make mistakes. What some forum members or somchai think of me leaves me cold. A forum is a discussion and not a matter of life and death. But out of my profession I know that some persons in life never get this. So in a way I'm glad some other members bring this point up too.
        The problem is and I wrote this a few times in pm to mr somchai on his own site that he simply doesn't get this point and propably never will. Again I'm not trying to slag Somchai. My objective was to show his lack of respect and disbehaviour against any person that has a different opinion or critizes him. And the marketting he does for one club on that site. This is not slashing. Slashing are his posts on the minou bar and the la bamba bar on the lb lb site. Read them and you see that they are perfect examples( and I like to stress I have no personal benefit from Minou bar or La Bamba or whatever other club he trashed there) how to eliminate other clubs that might get a bigger piece of the cake then the club mr somchai promotos so well. If you read all my posts you see some teasing , some cynical remarks and some pointers. But no obscene language ( all the quotations came out of somchai's own site) or shouting etc. It is bad that he deleted the original replies on the jesse james posts on his own site. Then many could have seen what methods he ( or maybe ordered by his employer mr B ) uses. There he was crossing a border putting personal (but false) information about me on his site. He quickly realized his mistake and removed it. But the fact remains he did it and with only one purpose to intimidate me. Sorry but that is one thing I never bow for. If other members take this fine, not me. It doesn't make me angry but I then give my answer. Somchai asked for a discussion ,well on this forum he got plenty of it. And again he remains silent. Also read his reply and there you see the same about mentioning the name of another member and speaking about a personal vendetta that this member holds against Mr somchai. Based on what?? His own paranoia or maybe his bad consience about trashing that person in his viper posts.
        I hold no vendetta against this person although I admit I would never have drink or dinner with him.But he did not understand that the 200 posts by coffee were only posted to first test/ show his ability as moderator and secondly to prove to mr somchai he cannot ban a member simply because he ( or MrB..) doesn't like the message. ( and bad jokes or cynical messages are a stronger weapon than plain insults). Out of decency I left out a lot of the dirt. Even now I will not do that because I hate rats. Had he listened to more experienced members or perhaps consulted moderators from other forums by pm how to handle this he could have avoided the mess he created now by himself.



        • That forum is actually not that bad, of course it lacks 100-200 active users but there are some good info and pictures on that board. I'm still a bit confused about who are real persons and who are just Somchais alter egos.
          Back in LOS in February  


          • Coffee writes "Again I am not trying to slag Somchai" Oh really, I was beginning to think the opposite.
            You come over as someone who has rather a lot of time on his hands and a very large chip on his shoulder.
            Seriously, we get the picture, you don't like Somchai. enough already
            When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


            • Why dont you guy's take your argument's elsewhere?
              Who care's who got banned from LB, LB!
              This is the ladyboyforum, not LBLB!
              Just give it a rest!!!!
              If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


              • (stogie bear @ Jun. 12 2008,10:14) But I learned from the patience and maturity of the other guys posting on here
                you're welcome!
                No honey, no money!!


                • (patrick @ Jun. 13 2008,08:35) Coffee writes "Again I am not trying to slag Somchai" Oh really, I was beginning to think the opposite.
                  You come over as someone who has rather a lot of time on his hands and a very large chip on his shoulder.
                  Seriously, we get the picture, you don't like Somchai. enough already
                  Exactly...what a twat..."not trying to slag Somchai"?

                  And, errrr, this thing about moderators having multiple aliases, creating controversy to get interest in the forum.........I have news for you, it happens on every forum, including this one.
                  Mister Arse


                  • Not entirely true....  the moderators don't have multiple aliases....  nor do most of the Super Administrators.        

                    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                    • Big fun mak mak?


                      • (sherif coffee @ Jun. 13 2008,01:07) he could have avoided the mess he created now by himself.
                        "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • (gizmo @ Jun. 13 2008,08:39) Why dont you guy's take your argument's elsewhere?
                          Who care's who got banned from LB, LB!
                          This is the ladyboyforum, not LBLB!
                          Just give it a rest!!!!
                          Hello Mr Gizmo

                          First I never cared myself being banned from that forum or the forum of mr B ( stringfellows). Still you seems to miss the heart of the matter. The way he does it by silly reasons or his double standards( and I was not the only member) you can read it yourself) is what counts here. Of course this is only a forum. So my blood pressure doesn't go sky high when mr somchai banned me. I 'm fully aware of that. Only when intimidation starts ( and this no hoax) then the game on a forum gets rotten. Place yourself in that position and then again ask yourself do I care or not?


                          • Hello Mr Stewart

                            I have news for you too. I did it myself and I admit it. Why ?
                            I have nothing to hide. On two other forums ( lblb and stringfellows) I was banned because they don't like the freedom of speech option. Like I said before I believe in a discussion and that is why they left me no other option but using another name. But a moderator with several aliases is in my opinion something else. On this forum I don't think moderators use different aliases. Give me one good reason.Stogie doesn't need many aliases to fill up this forum. With so many new posts he doesn't have to play that cheap trick. In mr somchai's case he clearly does, partly for trashing (viper on la bamba) partly to fill up his own site. Now that is what I call a twat.



                            • Well... this thread has probably run it's course.

                              Let's just lay off the guy, eh? He's got more serious problems to deal with than who he lets on his forum or not.


                              • Well said Sir.
                                i love t-girls

