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Banned from LBLB forum!

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  • #91

    i agree with you that they deserve respect, and i try to treat them that way. However i don´t really see the "fear in their eyes" in his work.
    I know how disgusting and disrespectful falangs can be in the p4p scen in Thailand, the guy barfining 6+ lb´ to pee and scat on him in Pattaya , and requested a small dog to go with, takes the cake.
    Or the gentleman taking a dump on the chest of Bkk lb without any "warning" is another cutie.

    I did read a few of your 200 posts and found that they were no one-liners but you actually commented each and every topic. Impressive , i must admit.
    Can´t escape the feeling though, that you do this out of malice rather than interest of lb´s which is what these forums are about.
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #92
      (sherif coffee @ Jun. 10 2008,08:42) Hello Mr Kahuna

      To inform you my good friend captain kirk who became a member too on sunday was kicked out after six posts from that same forum yesterday.
      What did Captain Kirk say to the Dalmation?

      "Beam me up Spotty"

      Sorry couldn't resist 
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #93
        Ouch, now jokes like that should be a banning offence.
        When she walks, she’s like a samba
        That swings so cool and sways so gentle


        • #94
          (sev7en @ Jun. 10 2008,22:13) Sheriff,

          i agree with you that they deserve respect, and i try to treat them that way. However i don´t really see the "fear in their eyes" in his work.
          I know how disgusting and disrespectful falangs can be in the p4p scen in Thailand, the guy barfining 6+ lb´ to pee and scat on him in Pattaya , and requested a small dog to go with, takes the cake.
          Or the gentleman taking a dump on the chest of Bkk lb without any "warning" is another cutie.

          I did read a few of your 200 posts and found that they were no one-liners but you actually commented each and every topic. Impressive , i must admit.
          Can´t escape the feeling though, that you do this out of malice rather than interest of lb´s which is what these forums are about.
          Hello Mr Seven

          Yes I knew you are a decent person. The way you write your posts showed that to me. Your examples are indeed the worst than can happen. I don't understand why some people are so crazy and do this. But again another prove of your decency being disgusted by this too. Yes my interest is of course in lb's ( and girls/sorry no gay man but no hard feelings to them) but the posts on somchai his forum had another reason. So let me explain:
          You read some of my posts before Somchai deleted them and saw that I wrote posts , no one liners. Yes I admit it took some work. My motive was to show that Mr Somchai cannot handle a discussion or a forum. The problem with his site is when you make one bad remark about stringfellows he simply tells you that you are banned. Also his nagging about other clubs ( minou bar and la bamba or the bangkok area) are cheap ways to damage these clubs. When you write something about Bangkok or Isaan he starts nagging unless your report ends by stating Pattaya is the best and Stringfellows is number 1. Then you are invited to keep posting and always wellcome. ( no matter how many F........words you use/ RayRay his posts are the perfect example of that).Mr somchai can be rude or starts to threaten if things don't go his way.(Many people tell me he is nice but I've seen his other side).Some posts in the jesse james discussion were becoming personal / I don't know if you read them because somchai realized his mistake quickly and deleted them very soon. You won't find it back now because he was almost crossing the border of privacy. And a lawsuit is something he ( or his german source )cannot use in europe anymore. I never look for a fight but one thing a proved his site or at least his forum is far from independant. Another problem for him as a moderator is that he cannot cope with critical, humoristic or cynical ( or sometimes plain rotten) posts. Stogie faces the same problem at times but he handles them with bravor without deleting them at once or reacting agressive. Somchai wants to play like some lb's say the big madame on the forum but he simply lacks charisma. If you are a moderator with his attitude you will never get it. No surprise that he is silent now. Maybe for the first time he realized that his pants went down instead of mine or your pants.



          • #95
            (sev7en @ Jun. 10 2008,22:13)  
            I know how disgusting and disrespectful falangs can be in the p4p scen in Thailand, the guy barfining 6+ lb´ to pee and scat on him in Pattaya , and requested a small dog to go with, takes the cake.
            I heard that tale also from a few of the participants , I thought they were winding me up to put me off my dinner , apparently the guys a regular customer in that bar , the guy needs help  
            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


            • #96
              Just to set the record straight- only 2 people have been banned from the LBLB forum in the first 4 months of operation . One was Stogie who was banned for 1 week and about whom this thread relates!

              The second person was:-

              the pope
              jesse james
              sherif coffee
              captain kirk.

              These are all user names of the same person. Each one invented to get round our ban. He was banned as his posts on our board have always degenerated into pure obscenity and irrational personal attacks. Quite frankly he gets to be a bore.

              He also, on this thread, refers to **** of La bamba bar and not Rossco. By knowing Rosscos real name I suspect that he is aquainted with **** and his attacks are part of ****s personal vendetta against myself. Basically stuff like this makes me sick and I dont see why any of us, including myself, should have to put up with being attacked in the most obscene ways.



              • #97
                (Somchai @ Jun. 11 2008,17:54) Just to set the record straight- only 2 people have been banned from the LBLB forum in the first 4 months of operation . One was Stogie who was banned for 1 week and about whom this thread relates!

                The second person was:-

                the pope
                jesse james
                sherif coffee
                captain kirk.

                These are all user names of the same person. Each one invented to get round our ban. He was banned as his posts on our board have always degenerated into pure obscenity and irrational personal attacks. Quite frankly he gets to be a bore.

                He also, on this thread, refers to **** of La bamba bar and not Rossco. By knowing Rosscos real name I suspect that he is aquainted with **** and his attacks are part of ****s personal vendetta against myself. Basically stuff like this makes me sick and I dont see why any of us, including myself, should have to put up with being attacked in the most obscene ways.

                Hello Somchai

                Finally your answer. But again you disappoint me. First you presume a vendetta by another member without checking the facts. Involving him in this discussion is very low somchai. Again a prove for me that you are not a nice person or at least not very smart. Yes I met this member once in Pattaya in october 2007. I had a drink with him at 131 that time ( by the way after Frank disappeared/ so again I never met Frank /remember the discussion on lb lb and the false information on me). After that a few E mails and nothing more. But up to you if you have a different story only don't put members in a discussion that have nothing to do with this affair. And for once stay with the facts.Or is Robert Ford from germany still your source of information. Further I have my doubts that me and stogie were only banned reading this post it already there were more victims. But ok counting is difficult for you.

                Now about different names:

                Yes I use different names I won't deny that fact .Why should I ? It leaves me cold because I have nothing to hide. But my dear somchai how many names do you use on your own forum or on other sites.( viper, arthur daily , poon ting etc) Many . So please explain why you banned boyke59. His posts were not insulting but only to the fact using an alias. According to your rules you should ban yourself too then . And there lays your problem: you cannot moderate because you act like a buffalo on a forum . Every time someone irritates or critize a certain club , you yell about weapons of mass destruction ,freaks in need of medication, false facts or simply delete posts. Censorship is a sign of weakness. You read it many times in my posts and the pm I sent to you. It will lead to nothing. Stogie is experienced , he never avoids a discussion and does it skillfull. You can agree or disagree with him but he is a true master and he knows his limitations. Also he thinks before he writes. Nothing you will ever learn dear somchai.
                The same goes for your polls. You dream of being a professional photographer , filmmaker ( yes young, handsome, too rich to work , your own profile) and to my amazement you ask advice about videos and photos on your site from other members ( your public). Imagine for example frank capra or helmut newton would have asked their customers or public for advice. By that way they would have killed their careers . So another delusion by yourself. Your "friend "T.... was right about split personality. (yes a quotation in thas famous but now deleted report on you on lb 69 from april22-23). Out of my medical profession I can tell you seeing things, paronoid, hearing voices, imagining being an important figure ( cary grant or dr kildare )or being deluded are the first signs of a severe split personality syndrom. I did this out of a joke , you need all these names to survive in society
                Or your medical posts: horrible. Even on this site you seek information about hormones for your lb's. Ever heard of going to a doctor . No instead fooling around yourself is always better. If you don't understand stop reading Orwell and instead read Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Then I hope you see what I'm trying to tell you. The same goes for your shit problem and using antibiotics. Ever heard of resistence and the more you use it the more this will happen. Again a result of not consulting a doctor but instead fooling around. Not to mention your arse problem. How sick are you Somchai??? And then a poll about this. Now who is obscene here.
                I'm not surprised of the poor quality of your videos ( may 28 gogo stringfellows video is the top). You simply never learn. There is red line in everything you do and that is you bore your forum to death.So why should I do that . Every week in and out stringfellows and pattaya. Only marketting , nothing more, boring stories about the food prepared by misses Bob or the miniskirt from Bob or the same lb over and over again. Now that is interesting to you???
                Ok if you support a certain club in pattaya and try to ban or delete any critizism (or even by so called true facts reports eliminate other clubs that might become more popular )please do. It will lead to nothing. Do you really think people are that blind or so stupid they don't see through. Compare how many new posts this forum gets and look at your own forum. The same goes for new members. No my dear Somchai unless you live in Burma and are part of the junta there or if your real name is robert mugabe than you really think you can get away with that. Otherwise your pants are down without realizing it.

                Cheers from coffee


                • #98
                  I need to register on this forum. Any forum with members that can generate this much drama have to be lots of fun
                  Back in LOS in February  


                  • #99
                    you forgot me...I was banned too...that's y this forum will always rule...becasue despots don't run this somchai go back to your forum and lurk there..instead of trying to justify your silly reasons for banning people...Me...why I was banned...I was banned for criticing some of yr newer models..and for that I got banned..I didn;t demmen them....just ridicluous


                    • Hello Somchai

                      You see aussieguy was banned too. My guess much more members were banned.Also captain kirk is my brother so your e mail check is lousy too because it is a different address. So please do your homework for once in your life.Like I said in my pm to you. Start working and do a decent job instead of this exploiting other people. It is becoming clear that your forum is a marketting project of stringfellows. Critize the owner mr B..or the models you profit from and it is exit for that member. And of course then not Mr nice guy somchai .Ok no problem but be honest and warn every member if they critize this club or models attached to that that such a member is banned at once. Honesty instead of your facts.To refresh your deluded memory I quote your opening line when you started with your forum:
                      this is an honest forum, no secret inner circle , everything out on the open etc.

                      What a joke or to use the favorite word of your real employer bouncing B....pathetic.
                      Also here my personal advice that would make your forum far more interesting:
                      why not run a story on the history of that owner or the Robert Ford from germany or even better your real adventures in Isaan and chiangmai. No problem for an honest, young, handsome and too rich to work artist.
                      Many members await your answer on that and would be surprised. And far more interesting then your medical history or the recipe of the week provided by the lovely miss B.... of that club you love so dearly. Or talking about vendettas (that only exist in your own paranoid imagination) and your cheap attempts trashing other clubs. At this moment your true facts are becoming more and more a hoax.
                      But maybe Mr Somchai ( you the man of a 1000 faces) can surprise us all.

                      Cheers by coffee


                      • (Somchai @ Jun. 02 2008,21:51)
                        (aussieguy @ Jun. 02 2008,20:58) oh yes I did

                        "Oh no you didnt."

                        That is of course unless you are an aussieguy with a Dutch IP!
                        Hello Somchai

                        Your sense of humor I reckon. Another satisfied customer I see. One suggestion before you go to bed: play the song how do you sleep by John Lennon.
                        Mr somchai we are still waiting at the adventures of your employer Mr B in germany ( yes many years ago but some of his " friends" haven't forgotten him) or your marvelous explorations in Chiang mai and Isaan. Or maybe a nice story on tiny Robert Ford in Germany, the dreamer and butterfly collector or maybe Jack-ass the banghead administrator from the stringfellows site. I bet you remain silent now or perhaps I'm mistaken and one of your alter ego's will take over



                        • and I dont see why any of us, including myself, should have to put up with being attacked in the most obscene ways...
                          Just roll with it. I've had my share of strange types to, but it's all part of the cost of doing business.

                          Be thick skinned and more tolerant. You'll find that people won't be looking over their shoulder when ever they post.


                          • It is too easy to post things you would never say directly to someone - one of the keys to being a successful forum contributor is to not take things too seriously - both yourself and the other people replying to your posts. This is especially true in the case where someone may try to slag you. Getting involved in an on-line brawl is not the best way to spend your time.

                            SB has it right, develop an elephant hide and more tolerance - this is also good for your blood pressure!

                            Click on the links below and discover how the Forums work
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                            • i learned that the hard way, and now i am able to laugh it off, remember when you are on this forum, what you write tells us what kind of person you are, so make sure you write everything in a level-headed way.

                              In other words, try to find a balance in all statements you write, be honest and be fair
                              i love t-girls


                              •      Who are you & what have you done with seanbeag ??

                                             Level-headed .....    

                                                     he's Irish for god's sake      
                                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

