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Banned from LBLB forum!

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  • #76
    The moderators will make or break your forum.

    I believe we have a great team of level headed and smart moderators who have the interests of this community at heart.

    I've learned a lot from them and have changed my posting style accordingly.


    • #77
      (sev7en @ Jun. 10 2008,01:15) sheriff/jesse, why you got it in for somchai so bad?
      You sure seem to put alot of time and effort into running that board down. Is it because him and Robert Ford pulled your pants down?.

      Mr seven

      Yesterday you comment on my posts about cascades on lb lb site . For me fun that someone was reading it. No Mr Somchai puts his own pants down not mine. Look at his own videos, his polls, his medical problems and his profile. What more can a moderator do then by writing this crap or making videos like that then putting his own pants down without realizing it. I mean can you name a professional photographer who would ask his clients in a poll what they like. A professional photographer develops his own style. He would find his way on the market The same goes for his movies . Boring ,boring ,boring. Not even the worst film institute student would dare to show videos like the ones made by somchai.
      Or his arse problem . Would you post something like that on a forum or start a poll?Only a freak or a very dumb person would start a poll on a story like that.
      Also where are his replies now. A person who is master in taking somebody else's pants down would react in a proper way. But not the skillfull Somchai. He deleted my 200 posts. Why ? he could not handle them. He hopes the storm flies over. You know the burmese junta hopes the same. But in the end they all fail.
      Why I play with somchai ? Read his posts and look at his photos . No respect for lb's ( cock show stringfellows post on his site is one of the perfect examples and look at the expression of some lb's)
      I have nothing against nude photos but only when you do make photos make sure that they still show respect instead of the cock and meat show of Mr Somchai. Some poor souls look sad and frightened. In one of his replies he called me a freak. Well to me a person that makes photos like that and doesn't care or simply doesn't want to see is a freak in my humble opinion.


      • #78
        (stogie bear @ Jun. 10 2008,02:36) The moderators will make or break your forum.

        I believe we have a great team of level headed and smart moderators who have the interests of this community at heart.

        I've learned a lot from them and have changed my posting style accordingly.

        Exactly. I just hear that another member by the name captain kirk has been banned by somchai too. I guess a busy day for him. Really this man clearly has a problem handling his site.
        Instead of a discussion he simply deletes posts that doesn't fit in his world. I mean he doesn't have to agree or he can even post why his forum promotes certain clubs or a certain club. But read his opening statement: no secret inner circle, everything in the open , no bad language or disrespect. Now look at the facts why he banned members:
        Dirty language in many posts ( RayRay for example/ no problem for me but look how many times this member uses the F word and suddenly somchai calls that a sense of humor)
        Somchai uses aliases himself like he deletes posts or members:
        ( arthur daily, viper, poon ting, seanchai etc). By doing that he tries to keep his forum alive but in fact he should ban himself because he denies his own rules.

        Also read his reports about bars or clubs. A few strange things:
        - many reports on stringfellows ( ok if he is a fan why not but even under his aliases he only writes about that) and how beautiful that club is. Sorry in my opinion it needs a renovation or Bob should close it. Compare it to the Bangkok scene and you see my point
        - scams on other clubs in the pattaya ( minou bar, la bamba bar) claiming it is based on true facts. What facts I ask myself.
        - or bad reports on bangkok clubs even writing he hasn't visited Bangkok for awhile. But because they cleaned him out at Patpong he still holds a grudge and supports any bad report
        - becoming very agressive when you write something bad about stringfellows. Do that and you get banned in a day.
        - promoting pattaya while I think if a person likes to discover the real thailand he should go to other parts too.

        I hope every forum member sees the cheap game he plays and I would think twice before becoming a paying member on that site. As a customer you just feel served off. When it happens in a shop I never return I guess for this site any person with common sense should do the same



        • #79
          Lots of different forums with different moderating styles. People should post where they feel most comfortable, which for me is here.

          Somchai is a good guy; jeez it's only a TS forum afterall.


          • #80
            (sherif coffee @ Jun. 10 2008,02:40) No respect for lb's ( cock show stringfellows post on his site is one of the perfect examples and look at the expression of some lb's)
            Some poor souls look sad and frightened.
            I see, so now we have one more saviour knight in shining armour riding in and save the poor ladyboys.
            Good, they really need that, these helpless creatures.
            I myself has taken photos like that in Stringfellows and paying each girl for every photo and you´re right, they looked so sad and devastated when they took the baht and wanted me to take more pics for more baht.
            Is it morally wrong to barfine and have sex with them too? Of course it is, can you look into to this too how we can stop this depraved behaviour?
            Thank you for standing up for these lb´s and try to get them out of their misery.
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #81
              If only I could get cash for sex...


              • #82
                I'm not that desperate!
                If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                • #83
                  You do already.
                  "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                  Jaidee 2009

                  The other white meat


                  • #84
                    (sherif coffee @ Jun. 10 2008,00:11) My name is coffee. Yesterday I became a member of mr somchai's site called ladyboy ladyboy  I'm afraid he didn't like all of my 200 posts because about one hour ago I received the message I was banned for life.
                    Two hundred posts in one day???

                    And you don't understand why you were banned?  

                    That's too funny...

                    I'd say perhaps you were drinking a little too much of your name...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • #85
                      (sev7en @ Jun. 10 2008,05:00)
                      (sherif coffee @ Jun. 10 2008,02:40) No respect for lb's ( cock show stringfellows post on his site is one of the perfect examples and look at the expression of some lb's)
                      Some poor souls look sad and frightened.
                      I see, so now we have one more saviour knight in shining armour riding in and save the poor ladyboys.
                      Good, they really need that, these helpless creatures.
                      I myself has taken photos like that in Stringfellows and paying each girl for every photo and you´re right, they looked so sad and devastated when they took the baht and wanted me to take more pics for more baht.
                      Is it morally wrong to barfine and have sex with them too? Of course it is, can you look into to this too how we can stop this depraved behaviour?
                      Thank you for standing up for these lb´s and try to get them out of their misery.
                      Hello Mr Seven

                      I must disappoint you. I'm not the knight in shining armor coming to save them. Like you are not the generous saint when you pay them a few baht for a model job. Of course I'm fully aware of the p4p scene and how they want another 20 or 100 bath for a photo. I have no problem with that. Also I don't start a moral discussion about porn or making these kind of photographs. I know and these lb's know too what kind of work they have or choosed to do. They decided to do that. But my dear Seven what I miss in the work of Somchai is respect for these people. Instead greed and meat .Sometimes fear in their eyes. You like photos like that
                      Yes also in this business these people deserve respect.( Read a post by a forum member Dieter from germany about photos/ one of the best posts I ever read. He points everything) .That has nothing to do with knights or saviours ( let them stay in a child's world) but with some kind of decent behaviour. I'm a decent person and reading your posts my guess is that you are a decent person too. Only sometimes your vision gets clouded and you get carried away. Then a little encouragement from other members helps you to see where you might fail. I'm fully aware you cannot save them and you should be cautious with everything you hear in the p4p scene. But lack of respect ( when they try to give you their respect or let you believe that) is something I never liked.(And many times I saw a nice farang showing no respect. Afterwards such a fool asked himself why he got burned). That is something else than being a famous man from Spain fighting Windmills.


                      • #86

                        I did not drink. But still explain why a member making 200 posts should be banned. Did you read them ?
                        If I would do 200 posts on this forum I'm sure I would not be banned. So please explain why you think it was no surprise I got banned



                        • #87
                          (sherif coffee @ Jun. 10 2008,14:30) If I would do 200 posts on this forum I'm sure I would not be banned.
                          OK mate...Here's my challenge...You do 200 posts on this site in one day
                          and if something very interesting doesn't happen as a result, I'll happily eat...err drink my words...  

                          Let's have 5 posts here now...tomorrow at this same time make it 205...

                          Are you certain you didn't overdose on caffeine???  
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #88
                            Hello Mr Kahuna

                            To inform you my good friend captain kirk who became a member too on sunday was kicked out after six posts from that same forum yesterday. Also I still miss the real answer from you why you think I was kicked of that forum or why my good friend captain Kirk was kicked off too.200 posts or 6 posts it doesn't make a difference. Also I know you never read any of the posts by me or my good friend otherwise you could give the correct answer. I can tell you it were not the 200 posts but clearly the message. Also I still miss an answer from Somchai on this forum. Until a few days ago you could read his answers when other banned members complained. Instead of hammering on my 200 posts my advice would be focus on the messages that didn't turn on mr somchai and why he got silent. Far more important to consider that then challenge me to do 200 posts here. Also if I would do it here I first ask mr stogie if I'm allowed to do this. On somchai's forum his alter ego seanchai invited every new member to post, post and post. So i thought why not. As I don't see it here in the rules I first ask mr stogie.If he says post,post and post I will do so.By the way I didn't need any caffeine ( or coffeine /the same by the way) to do 200 posts. Posting them gave me enough stimulation to carry on. If you need any advice on medicines please feel free to pm me. I can give you substantial information out of my profession something mr somchai tried but clearly is not capable of doing so in a proper way.
                            Further if I'm able to do it I can only do it in the weekends as a I work from monday until friday

                            So lets see and wait before we all get carried away


                            • #89
                              I think that Seanchai is the site owner and not one of Somchai's many user names... at least that is what I have been lead to believe.

                              As for writing 200 posts...

                              We don't have a limit but the moderators would probably delete all the 'one word' posts and 'off topic' posts.

                              But if posts are 'ON topic' and interesting then there is no limit.



                              • #90
                                Hello Stogie

                                Thanks for the information. I will try my best and of course I understand one liners etc are in fact no posts. That only takes useless space in a forum .I guess a trip report or other issues of interest are always welcome. But the forum should have a little patience because I work at this moment and write this reply at my coffeebreak.

                                Regards and all the best

                                Mr coffee

