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Down with George Bush!

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  • Down with George Bush!

    This is a topic i am just trying out to see how many people here think that George W. Bush is the biggest moron and asshole that has ever been in the white house,

    On saying that, i would put his dad and Reagan a very close 2nd and tricky dicky a 3rd.

    i want to hear your views on Bush and the assholes he has given power to.
    i love t-girls

  • #2

    A bit harsh for a topic isnt it? or am i being a bit melodramatic?

    Personally he hasnt done much good, but i think others have done worse, and I cant see the next one being any better..

    Now about Gordon Brown.....
    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


    • #3

      I'll leave right wing/left wing prejudices out of it. The man is an inarticulate moron. He couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the C and A.

      His response to Hurricane Katrina was but in fairness the Burmese junta are even worse at disaster relief.

      His Dad understood how difficult an Iraq invasion would be. Lots of young Americans and Iraqis are now dead instead of enjoying their friends and families.


      • #4
        George W rocks....

        Sorry mate, i think that you are taking a narrow minded view of the events post 9/11.

        Just ask yourself what you would have done if you were in charge of the US when someone starts flying planes into building...

        I understand every move the US has made since then, i don't necessarily agree with it - but at least i understand them.

        I know if i was in charge and had the ability to prevent future attacks, i'd take out every fucker i could - hence afghan and iraq and i think without a few cool heads half of the middle east would have been taken out by this time.

        Iraq is a mess due to internal fighting and has been for years - so sad that a country like this had a great chance to rebuild but chose to infight based on religions.

        What do you expect the outcome is gonna be when you go and piss off the richest and strongest military in the world?

        Bin laden is fucking stupid... he caused this not George W.

        If you are curious about learning about this stuff, read about Paul wolferwitz (i think).. he wrote a pre-emptive strike doctrine many many years before 911 disaster. The US condemned it and said it was too radical and agressive and not in world best interest.
        Along comes Bin Laden, and guess what, after his antics, nearly all of the pre-emptive strike doctrine has been taken onboard - nice one Bin.. great forward thinking on his behalf.

        Sure Iraq is a mess, but i think that this mess has resulted in the US rethinking some of that pre-emptive stuff and resulted in them restraining themselves from going after a few obvious targets.
        So out of bad, maybe some good has arisen.


        A worthy trip report


        • #5
          bush is not the sharpest tool in the box the u.s. is getting like the u.k. ,it does not matter who is in charge they have both had their day and are f**ked and like the u.k. there is no alternative party to take over, they all look to have the same policy


          • #6
            I think we should put our own houses in order before we start telling the rest of the world how crap they are.

            Bitching about something you can't change is just a waste of time, imo, and will only make you more frustrated.

            I've made kathylc  


            • #7
              i will wait a bit longer before i jump into the Bin laden story, but i will say this, of all the clountries in the middle east, why did bush take on iraq, lets not forget bush is from texas where most oil comes from, and there oil won't last another 5 years.
              i love t-girls


              • #8
                Isn't every leader an asshole to at least a portion of their countrymen?
                I know its so wrong, but it feels so right!


                • #9
                  You can sprout forth all the conspiracy theories you like...they are worthless.

                  But you you are bagging the shit out the US president, so i ask again...

                  Under the circumstances, in his shoes, what would you have done?

                  Because all you abuse towards him would be relates to the US foreign policy after 911 .. before this point in time and for a good time after, George W was reasonably well liked.


                  A worthy trip report


                  • #10
                    this is recent rant i had over similar post re: us only involved for oil

                    you'd be of the same believers that afghan was about the oil too hey, I've heard that, funny that no pipeline has been built in 7 years...

                    And the reason why they don't invade north Korea is because of lack of oil also i bet. Not the fact that there is 1 million north Korean troops sitting on a border that could see them decimate a town like Seoul with 10+ million people... Even the Chinese studies concluded they couldn't stop the north Korean from razing Seoul if the shit hit the fan.

                    As for oil in Iraq, yup its full of it, but it would have been way cheaper to make friends than spend the amount of cash and lives that that mess has amounted to.

                    Burma... go see Vietnam... and i wouldn't trust the Chinese government one bit, i reckon they'd happily prop up the Burmese regime just to help kill a few us soldiers....

                    Chinese government= problems, go read about Korean war and the PVA troops China sent to fight the united nations and the threats to nuke china which was the reason why that war stopped.
                    - chuck in Vietnam on that Chinese interventionist stuff also


                    A worthy trip report


                    • #11
                      What would I have done....Not attacked Iraq which had nothing to do with 9-11.
                      AND I would have finished the fight in Afghanistan, which we half gave up on so we could move everything to Iraq. But of course Iraq has the oil and victory there would guarantee cheap oil forever... that worked out well didn't it ?

                      Other things I would have done: NOT Torture people in Guantanamo and other 'black' prisons; launched a real rescue effort in New Orleans ( and not had a press conference and then leave WITH all the supplies I brought); formed an energy police and raise minimum MPG requirements, etc...

                      History is already pegging George Bush as the worst president ever, and not just the democrats.
                      As a 'low federal spending', 'balanced budget' , 'small government' , 'the government the governs least governs best' conservative I consider Bush to be the anti-christ.

                      p.s. His father was a good president, not 'great' but certainly good. And had enough sense to NOT conquer Iraq after the first gulf war, understanding that occupying Iraq would be a long term nightmare.

                      As for Reagan - The man conquered the Soviet Union. He is a hero.
                      ( Ok I exaggerate, but he certainly had a lot to do with the imminent collapse of the USSR being 'clean' )
                      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                      • #12
                        (Snick @ May 27 2008,18:45) What would I have done....Not attacked Iraq which had nothing to do with 9-11.
                        AND I would have finished the fight in Afghanistan, which we half gave up on so we could move everything to Iraq. But of course Iraq has the oil and victory there would guarantee cheap oil forever... that worked out well didn't it ?

                        Other things I would have done: NOT Torture people in Guantanamo and other 'black' prisons; launched a real rescue effort in New Orleans ( and not had a press conference and then leave WITH all the supplies I brought); formed an energy police and raise minimum MPG requirements, etc...

                        History is already pegging George Bush as the worst president ever, and not just the democrats.
                        As a 'low federal spending', 'balanced budget' , 'small government' , 'the government the governs least governs best' conservative I consider Bush to be the anti-christ.

                        this is an answer.. I don't agree with it in full ... but its a start...

                        As we all know, George W dubbed some countries the axis of evil... my spin on US, UK and Australia... we are the axis of paranoia

                        I believe most of other governments reactions to post 911 we are result of paranoia rather than clear and sensible thinking.

                        I wont hold them accountable for this however, i really believe they had the best intentions for our peoples.

                        I think we know very very little of the shit that goes down in the world and they don't tell us for good reason.

                        I used to know a guy in army bomb disposal and he said that in Oz alone they used to have some 5000+ bomb threats a year that they looked into... 14 a day... couldn't believe it... sounded crazy to me... and then he mentioned about being in Iraq during Gulf war I... Australia was not there people.... so then i thought he was full of shit for sure.... then couple years ago a politician accidentally let slip that in fact some people were on the ground then... interesting me thoughts... maybe he is telling the truth after all

                        The point is simple, we all sit in our protected little glass houses throwing stones and making judgments: we know nothing, and have no responsibilities other than a few immediate family members...

                        How would you react to things if you knew everything and had the weight of the world on your shoulders....


                        A worthy trip report


                        • #13
                          what's funny is that I was a Reagen republican ..... in the 80's I thought he was good for America, we needed a strong prez and he was tough on defense and scared the hell out of the commies .......didn't take any crap from the democrats either.

                          never really liked Clinton, was still a right-winger at the time..... but seriously, since GW has come in I have moved way to the left and now consider myself a moderate and maybe even to the left on the idealogical scale; maybe a 4 out of 10, whereas in the 80's I would have been a 7 or an 8.

                          Seanbags rant was strong, but for the most part I'd have to agree.

                          wonder where Lefty stands on this topic??
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • #14
                            (Monkey @ May 27 2008,03:01) Bitching about something you can't change is just a waste of time, imo, and will only make you more frustrated.

                            Like everyone, I have opinions. And current events are a great spectator sport. But realistically there's not much I can do impact world politics so I don't get bothered by it too much.

                            I prefer to concentrate my efforts in areas where I can actually make a difference which are mostly one on one interactions.


                            • #15

                              true we can't dwell on this shit  PD, but damn you are lucky to be living outside the country right now!  but great line about focusing on what you can do for ONE person or between yourself and a small group of loved ones rather than dwelling on bad news; and yet, we yanks seem to thrive on masochism.

                              I can't even turn on the TV anymore....all politics, all the time.... all bad news..... zero culture.....Britney and Paris and other morons dominating the news

                              as mentioned before, it's a very good time to be an ex-pat right now

                                 seen at a gas station the other day;

                                    Regular-  3.82

                                    Super -  4.09

                                    Premium -  LOL
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

