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  • Aging

    The topic says it all and its been something insidiously creeping up.

    Miracle Creams? Seems to be losing efficacy and for once I'm starting to think about dropping my fag habit.

    I've seen older lb's before and it kinda scares me. Do we really start to look like men when age catches up?

    *trying to imagine my dad*

    I snapped a pic last night and I realised I really don't look my age in a good way - someone asked if i'm in my 30s

    Back to the topic.... how have you folks dealt with this apart from doing nothing about it?

  • #2
    Academia? For fucks sake...


    • #3
      Date younger girls
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #4
        Set my Calender backwards
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #5
          dont support man. city


          • #6
            I always thought it's a girl thing to worry about age.

            Guys just let it slide don't they?
            I've made kathylc  


            • #7
              drop the fags


              • #8
                ive just gone past 2000 posts  


                • #9
                  It does suck

                  Libido went first and now the eyesight.... gravity taking effect also, a person can spend as much time in the gym as we want but the belly just goes below the waist line at some point and never comes back up.

                  for what it's worth Jaymee your photo looks good to me .....go to Casanova if you want a glimpse into the future or check out Bettina, she is about 37 now
                  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                  • #10
                    (JaiDee @ May 27 2008,20:55) It does suck
                    But it beats the hell out of the alternative...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • #11
                      Stay out of the sun, always wear at least sunscreens over 30 SPF if you do go outside, drink a ton of water daily, stop smoking, drink only in limited quantity, exercise, avoid high fat foods, use a skin lotion to keep it hydratated, never shave against the grain and finally don't rub your face dry dab gently. If that fails do like the ladys and get yourself to a good doctor who will cut, shape,mold, add on or take off to make you look younger. Personally, I hate the idea of a knife carving me up so I opt for the first. Hard work, requires a life style change but in the end I think it's worth the effort. You can turn back the hands of time and you can slow the aging process, that is a proven medical fact but it's up to you.


                      • #12

                        I assume that you are asking this from a Ladyboy's perspective, and based on your photo, you look great!

                        From my perspective (I will be 75 later this year) I believe that it "is all in the genes".

                        I know plenty of LB's in their forties (who were friends of my first long-term LB companion who died aged 31) - some have had a lot of plastic surgery and most of those, look worse than those have not had any plastic surgery since their early twenties.

                        Avoiding sunshine, drugs, cigarettes, and minimal alcohol intake certainly helps.

                        A balanced diet, a happy disposition, a relatively stable life helps too.

                        I take vitamins by the barrel-load daily - but I doubt if they really help.

                        I am not a fitness freak - I am the kind of guy who would pay someone to exercise for me if that was possible ; I am overweight;  I have a slight heart problem ; I am still working, (in very harsh and inhospitable areas); I fly many thousands of miles annually; although I do try to maintain a diet - I fail and mainly eat a lot of junk food ; and with all of that,  I have extremely high energy levels and easily pass for over 20 years younger than I am - because it is in the genes.

                        My dad died at 60 - but he looked 40 the day before he died! €“ Because it is all in the genes.

                        Don't fret €“ don't worry €“ use lots of skin moisturizer and be happy!


                        • #13

                          Too much like hard work that , check out Keith Richards he must be around 90 now and still looks great
                          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                          • #14
                            dont go down the wacko jacko route
                            Attached Files

