The Chinese are the greatest danger the the World and now is the time to humiliate them as much as possible.Here are their crimes.
1. recently overtaken the U.S. as the greatest polluter on Earth.Their response to the rest of the world
2. killing off countless species, especially Tigers & bears for phoney medicine and cooking pots.Their response to the rest of the world
3. destroying their internal environment,moving thousands out of their homelands, to build dams both internally and along the Mekong with consequences for Laos,Burma,Thailand & Vietnam.Their response to the rest of the world
4.Enthusiastic support for the dictators of North Korea,Burma,Laos,Sudan and not forgetting the insane Mugabe.Recently sending a boatload of arms to this fruitcake.Their response to the rest of the world
5.Starting their economic takeover of Western resource companies through the combined Communist party,Military, Crony Capitalist totalitarian alliance.Which, if allowed,will be a disaster for our way of life & values, let alone our long term economic interests. Their response
6. Still no free press, no free tv, no free internet.Only freedom for party members and their fellow travellers.Every year we hear that the more we interact with them the faster they will get on board the freedom train.Their response to the rest of the world
7. the constant response to democratic reform is that China is to big, to diverse, to unwieldy to have democracy.I guess those in India might scratch their heads as they seem to have cobbled theirs together under similar conditions.Their response to the rest of the world
Tell them to keep their Olympics, for surely as night follows day, they will use them as a dangerous celebration of their ultra nationalism and become further entrenched on their path to domination.