I actually like the girls I saw in the Czech Republic last summer ...... ex-commie girls rule!!
One girl I talked to says she remembers the drills from when she was a small girl, lining up outside school to listen to propaganda and taking courses on communist doctrine, etc....you're right, it would be quite interesting to talk to someone like that and learn all that I could. I am always fascinated by any people I meet from another country-culture and want to pick their brains as much as I can.
But the Russian bride thing is a scam ..... sure, there are beauties there and in all former eastern bloc countries, hell I see 'em working in the windows of Amsterdam all the time. But marriage?? don't think so..... some guy I know around here who is not the brightest bulb on the circuit board was conned out of 2500 bucks last year.....some girl named "Olga" [typical] said she wanted to come meet him, she loved him etc..... they had met on-line. He sent money for a passport, visa, airfare, etc.... 2 months and $2500 later he had no Olga but had learned his lesson. We hope.

One girl I talked to says she remembers the drills from when she was a small girl, lining up outside school to listen to propaganda and taking courses on communist doctrine, etc....you're right, it would be quite interesting to talk to someone like that and learn all that I could. I am always fascinated by any people I meet from another country-culture and want to pick their brains as much as I can.
But the Russian bride thing is a scam ..... sure, there are beauties there and in all former eastern bloc countries, hell I see 'em working in the windows of Amsterdam all the time. But marriage?? don't think so..... some guy I know around here who is not the brightest bulb on the circuit board was conned out of 2500 bucks last year.....some girl named "Olga" [typical] said she wanted to come meet him, she loved him etc..... they had met on-line. He sent money for a passport, visa, airfare, etc.... 2 months and $2500 later he had no Olga but had learned his lesson. We hope.