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40% of u.s. households still on dial-up

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  • 40% of u.s. households still on dial-up

    what does that say about the rest of the world?

        " According to some sources, over 60 percent of Americans surfing the Web are doing so over a broadband connection.

    Where does that leave the other 40 percent? They still use those crazy old devices called modems, which are hooked up to telephone lines and use POTS (plain old telephone service) to access an ISP and through it, the Net."

    from Dial-up Reborn

  • #2

    I am speeding along right with you

    My DSL in Bkk is crappy and I will have to correct it this spring when there


    • #3
      My DSL in Bangkok is pretty good. 99.9% uptime. Very fast for sites in Thailand and pretty reasonable for sites outside. English speaking tech support!

      Downloading movies and albums is no longer a problem! No limiits on upload and download.

      (I have downloaded about 1,000 Gigs of films movies music and drama and uploaded at least 300 Gigs over the last year or so!)

      1,250 Baht a month. 2.5 Mbs download and 512 Kbs upload.

      It's TRUE!

      The above link is for if you want to watch Thai TV or listen to Thai radio online...
      Maybe of interest to your supersmart girlfriend/wife/mia noi!


      • #4
        Stogie Bear

        Thanks, that will keep my Thai wife occupied while I dart about this site incher


        • #5
          In the USA, Verizon just came out with a 15 buck a month broadband plan.

          Consumers couldn't give a shit about crap like AOL content when comparable stuff is free. Consumers want the fastest speed at the lowest price.

          As far as computers go there are many people who would appreciate a computer store where the staff would load in the operating system, and also free stuff such as media players and adware etc. Most people don't want to self install although I'm a ware that there's lots of techies on TS.


          • #6
            Must be that NetZero commercial in which comic Dennis Miller tells us we shouldn't be chumps when we can pay half what AOL charges for dialup and still live in the dark ages

