While many of us are enjoying Christamas dinner back home, it's December 26th in Thailand. Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters can zap us when we least expect it. So can an auto accident or a terrorist attack.
Life is a precious gift. Enjoy it! I find when I bring forth a jai dee attitude that life seems better. So in 2006, I'll try to remember to be jai dee cause it's easy to get wrapped up in the single minded pursuit of my goals.
RIP to those who died in the tsunami. Whether it was a Thai who lived in his hometown, a European family visiting the beaches, or guys like us who were there for the great sex that nutures our souls, this life is over. Maybe their soul lives on. Perhaps they'll come back for another life. But be it the final end or just a pitstop, RIP.
Life is a precious gift. Enjoy it! I find when I bring forth a jai dee attitude that life seems better. So in 2006, I'll try to remember to be jai dee cause it's easy to get wrapped up in the single minded pursuit of my goals.
RIP to those who died in the tsunami. Whether it was a Thai who lived in his hometown, a European family visiting the beaches, or guys like us who were there for the great sex that nutures our souls, this life is over. Maybe their soul lives on. Perhaps they'll come back for another life. But be it the final end or just a pitstop, RIP.