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How do you rate your life so far?
2 regrets.
first is that i had two longer relationshits with 2 farang ladies that fucked up my teens, and that i didnt came to los, amsterdam and brazil until my late 20s. regret, because i only stayed with these ladies to get pussy and had to take alot of shit between the sessions.
some are probably more suited for relatioshit than others, but when i think back how meaningless and boring my life was. absolutely nothing to look forward to. now i can plan holidays all over the world without worrying about a bitchy cunt that want to control my alcohol-intake, take me shopping, take me to the beach, walk hand-in-hand in the moolight and make plans for the future.
second. that i discovered los. i guess every monger has though through this alot; how their life would have been if they never went to los. maybe i would be better off, having a 'normal' life without knowing the pleasures of south-east.
I come in at a 7 because I spent too much time wanting things that I didn't have instead of making the best of the situations from one day to the next...maybe I'll have a chance to move up the ladder some day if I stay on my medication. (just kidding, if anything Ive had too much self-medication)
I wasn't in the military but went through 10 years of strict discipline at private schools...what are we, rebels without a cause?
This is an interesting thread with perhaps more self-awareness and honesty than I expected. Thanks to those who participated.
Get'er done Skooter. Heres your sign.
Sorry bro, couldn't resist.
You sound alright to me, especially for going to private school. I grew up in Ohio and all the people who I met that went to private school defeniatly seemed alittle skewed. But then again it may have been my back alley medications purchases that influenced my preception. It effected my spelling for sure.Don't recall saying Welcome Skooter.
Welcome to the forum Skooter ! get'er done !My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.
Thanks for the welcome, Mirimark. There's some irony in the "get'r done" suggestion (for those that don't know there's a comedian in the US who uses that has his motto and simple philosophy for 'success' as a working class bubba / redneck.) The day I decided that I would do well to be half as good as my poor ol' redneck father instead of thinking I was better than him...will always be one of the best decisions I ever made.
Enjoy your sense of humor, Mirimark. Matter of fact, I enjoy 90% of all the posts on this forum. I know it's bad etiquette to give unsolicited advise, but Grunyen, you remind me so much of myself when I was a young whippersnapper, that I can't resist. If you don't like certain member's posts, just skip ' your brain cells... the nuns told me that they don't reproduce even though you start out with millions of them...don't waste them because you are going to need them all for the 'long haul'. A fruitful life will put enough challenges before you...Is there a real need to create some unnecessarily?...My biggest regrets are when I wasted precious time and energy doing that.
Originally posted by (Skooter @ Feb. 09 2006,00:31)I know it's bad etiquette to give unsolicited advise, but Grunyen, you remind me so much of myself when I was a young whippersnapper, that I can't resist. If you don't like certain member's posts, just skip ' your brain cells...
Yep. You're dead right.
On the other hand, I think bad shit happens often because good people tend to act neutrally, or do nothing when shitheads roam the earth. I don't think its fair to anyone to let that happen.
The trick lies in controlling yourself, and knowing when you can and can't do anything about it. No point in expending energy on a battle you can't even really join.
Better to spend that energy somewhere else, doing something happy, or awesome. Like thinking about Ninjas!
Originally posted by (grunyen @ Feb. 09 2006,04:25)I think bad shit happens often because good people tend to act neutrally, or do nothing when shitheads roam the earth.
I've always expected the worst in people. So when shit happens I'm not surprised and I am already prepared to deal with it. I've thought like this for as long as I can remember, The strange thing about it all is that I am actually an Optimist ""NOT"" a pessimist. Everyday I stay positive and laugh as much as I can but in the same token, I don't trust anyone I deal with. On many occasions my G.G. has asked;
"" why do you stare a people so much?"" and I say; ""preparation"". I don't know, maybe I've been in Retail too Long. I stare at every customer who walks through my doors, Hair color, shoes, cloths, physical features, its become a habit.
Fregg'in strange Huh?My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.
I was laughing my butt off Stogie at your earthquake rating of 8.3
How the hell we did not run into one another beats me, I to had a couple of marriges. Lived in Mexico (got run out, but that is another story), Ex-GI Joe, killed in a divorce settlement that after 13yrs is still draining me. Soon to retire to Thailand and have a wonderful Thai wife.
Drink to excess once in awhile, and slip out the back door to catch up with a LB or two are my only vices.
Life is much better so to be honest I went with "the setback or two". Great topic. incher
I will soon be a 8 or 9.1
we're just a structured set of molecules, and there is no higher meaning and there is no ethics, morals or gods, so dont worry too much and waste your life with quasi-intellectual and moral bullshit.
we start to live at point a, and die at point b. it is up to each and his own how to make the best of it before reach point b. quite simple if you ask me.
Originally posted by (olekunde @ Feb. 10 2006,05:32)we're just a structured set of molecules, and there is no higher meaning and there is no ethics, morals or gods, so dont worry too much and waste your life with quasi-intellectual and moral bullshit.
we start to live at point a, and die at point b. it is up to each and his own how to make the best of it before reach point b. quite simple if you ask me.
I think people who say that get confused between a "higher" moral order imposed from something external, and a "higher" moral order that is self imposed.
I illustrate with two views of the classic question:
1. What is the meaning of life? (What does god, the universe, society, the planet... want me to do)
2. What is the meaning of life. (It is up to each man for life to ask him, what meaning do you give it?)
I'm not specifically debating olekunde, so no rebuttel is expected. i.e. I'm not trying to pick a fight ar anything. I'm just responding to general comments and attitudes that a lot of people of a similar mind may have.
I've always been amazed by anyone who wants to limit what they do, know, or believe in. I post questions on sometimes just to learn the intricate science of exercise physiology. I think it's fascinating, and it gives me something to concentrate on when I'm in the gym.
I'm always amazed that maybe 1/4 of the people there will say "Don't overanalyze it dude / Who cares / just eat cows and lift rocks / etc."
I believe with Socrates that the unexamined life is not worht living. (In fact, I wrote my first philosphy essay on examining that statement)
In economics, I learned that we are all Utility Maximizers. My Utility Function doesn't look like yours. Mine might include eating cake and Margaritas. You may hate cake, and like drinking Pina colads (if you're gay).
We each try to spend our resources maximizing our utility. Well, a big part of my utils go toward knowledge and philosophy. Just because there is no imposed order from on high (I've always said I don't believe in invisible people that live in the sky) doesn't mean our lives are random, or that they have to be anyway.
We've been given no claws or fangs, but brains instead. And those brains are powerful enough to rule our domain. I say use them for all they're worth.
Originally posted by (dummy_plug @ Feb. 10 2006,12:08).about liking pina coladas!
True dummy_Plug,
But there is something GAY about
Banana Daqurie Enemas.
Its sure is hard trying to Suck that Lumpy Banana Enema up through a Straw.
now thats gay.Attached FilesMy Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.
I voted 6 could have been 7 or maybe even 5 , it's all relative.
I've tried a few ventures in biz and didn't work out, and that was for my fault mostly. Schwarzeheeger said in one of his funny movies " Luck iz for ze uncombetentz!" .Well..then I should have got a few buckets.LOL!!
I've been living abroad since 25 years (S.Am/N/Africa/M.EAst/F.East) and given up already the dream to even become a tycoon. Forget it..I will never be and will have to safeguard carefully the money have accumulated so far, and try to make it worth with few wise investements.
A rather quiet life afterall and no marriage "incidents" as well as serious relationships dragging for years. So, if you do not take too many risks in life you'll hardly get burned.
SImply taking the days as they come by, relax and be casual and finally getting the understing what life is all about.
The dreams? Back to where they belong..the drawer!Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!
I voted 7.
I had a sensational child hood being brought up in Country Queensland ( Australia )
Went to high school then joined the merchant navy when i was 15. Saw the World. Shipped out of Philipines, South America and Australia.
Bought a house in Queensland when I was 21, got married ( no Kids ) gave the house to her ( well the judge made me do it ) rejoined the merchant navy and got happy again.
Bummed around Manilla and India abit. Then a mate said Thailand my old mate, is the land u have to get your arse of to.
Went to Thailand on and off for 3 years before i discovered ladyboys. woo hoo I saw the light and i had the closest thing I ever had to a religous experience.
Eventually had to retire early form the merchant navy and started a resturant in Brisbane. Got married again, bought a house again . Got divorced again, gave her the house again and also a bonus of a restaurant was also thrown in for good measure. I got a few bucksbut i think i need a new lawyer
Anyway walked into my travel agent and before i had my card out he had allready had me on the plane to Pattaya.
Went and lived at Cosy Beach (Pattaya )for 9 months. Taught English to my Indian Tailors kids and friends. Had a great life.
Surfed abit, drank abit, lady boyed abit and abit and abit and abit and well u got the story.
Worked in a few cafes for a few English guys. Had the life and style. After a while 9 months, Australia was calling, so back in 2002 went home for a while .Got a great job in manufacturing but every 6 months Thailand is on my adgenda and Manilla every now and then.
Life is cool, ladyboys are sensational and I hope this site keeps going untill the end of time