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Iran, You Ran, Let's Bomb Iran

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  • Iran, You Ran, Let's Bomb Iran

    Iran, You Ran, Let's Bomb Iran
    When all else fails and you're becoming Nixon 2.0, why not just nuke someone, and smirk?

    By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006
    It's just like playing blackjack in Vegas.

    Invariably, sitting right next to you is some guy, eyes shifty and body twitchy and making weird sounds with his mouth and smelling vaguely of sawdust and horse manure and dead dreams, with a huge pile of chips he is quickly turning into a very small pile of chips.

    He is suffering. He is playing terribly, grumbling, sneering at the dealer, talking to the cards like they were his personal slutty harem ("C'mon you dumb bitches, do me right," etc.), complaining to his very angry God who is apparently no longer coming through for him. He is getting desperate. His pile is diminishing. He is sweating, glancing around, wondering where all his drunk fraternity friends scurried off to.

    Soon he is down to his last chips. He makes one final stab, but his final bet tanks. He is out, the pile is gone.

    He then does what every miserable, lunkheaded gambler does at this point: In a fit of alcoholic rage and demonic encouragement, he says, "Screw it" -- and digs into his pocket, pulls out his last remaining crumpled $1,000 bill and slaps it down on the table in one big final gesture meant to turn his fortunes around all at once, goddamn the wife at home and screw a decent meal and forget every ironclad rule of gambling because dammit the gods owe him and he's long overdue for a change in fortune. Yes. Right. Sure he is.

    The smart players look at him like he's a wart on their elbow. The gods look at him like he's a brown fungal mold they forgot to let evolve. Everyone looks sidelong at him and sighs, waits for the inevitable.

    Sure enough, the lug loses his big Hail Mary bet. He is broke. He cannot believe it. He curses the table, curses the whore cards, swears at the dealer for not treating him better, slams the rest of his drink and his face contorts and his hands shake and he stumbles off into the night, railing against his lousy luck, the gods, all of humanity. Same ol' situation, happening all over Vegas. And, of course, Washington, D.C.

    Now, here he is, sitting right next to all the other countries at the Big Table, representing America, it's little Dubya Bush, stewing in his own juices, his poll numbers hovering right near Nixon levels during his darkest days, mumbling to himself, smelling vaguely of sawdust and horse manure and dead Social Security overhaul plans.

    He is pockmarked by scandal, buffeted by storms of disapproval and infighting and nascent impeachment. He intentionally authorized the leak of security information merely to smear an Iraq war critic, lied about WMD and lied about Saddam and lied about making the United States safer and lied about, well, just about everything, on top of launching the worst and most violent and most expensive, unwinnable war since Vietnam.

    His formerly enormous pile of betting capital is down to a tiny lump, nothing like back when he had the table rigged and all the pit bosses worked for him and the pile was as big as a roomful of Texas cow pies. But now, fortune is frowning. In fact, fortune is white-hot furious at being so viciously molested, spit upon, raped lo these many years. The truth is coming out: Bush has now lost far, far more bets than he ever won.

    What's to be done? Why, do what any grumbling, furious, confused, underqualified alcoholic gambler does: reach down deep and say, "Screw the nation and screw the odds and to hell with the rest of the planet," and pull out one more desperate, crumpled war from deep in your pants, slap it on the table and hear the world moan.

    But this time, try to make it serious. Do not rule out the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Do not rule out another a massive air strike, ground troops, special forces, a strategy so intense it makes Iraq look like a jog in the park. Think of yourself as creating a masterful legacy, going down in history not as the guy who restored peace in the Middle East but as the guy who made it all far worse -- but who "saved" the world from Iran's nukes while protecting American oil interests. Yes? Can you smell the oily sanctimony in the air? Is God speaking to you again, telling you to damn the torpedoes and kill more Muslims? You are the chosen one, after all.

    Sound far fetched? Don't think even Bush could be capable of using nukes to slap Iran? Perish the thought. All reports from underworld White House sources -- most notably by way of Sy Hersh's horrifying report in a recent New Yorker -- indicate that Dubya and his remaining team of war-happy flying monkeys have been secretly laying out plans to attack Iran for months, possibly even using tactical nuclear weapons to get at those deep Iranian bunkers, all because Iran just celebrated its entrance into the world's "nuclear club" by finally enriching some uranium (a critical component of nuclear weapons) for the first time. Cookies all around!

    No matter that most analysts say that Iran is far from being a true threat, that a nuclear Iran is at least a good decade away, if not longer. No matter that 10 years is a good long time to work on ways to force Iran out of the game -- via negotiation, diplomacy, sanctions -- without unleashing another river of never-ending violence.

    With Bush in power, there is no waiting. There is no thought of avoiding another hideous war at all costs. To the Bush hawks, diplomacy is a failed joke. Negotiation is for intellectuals and tofu pacifists. In the Dubya world view, the planet is a roiling cauldron of nasty threats, crammed with terrorists and hateful Muslims and foreign demons suddenly growling on our doorstep when, curiously, they really weren't there before he stumbled into power. Amazing how that works.

    It is now seven months before what could be a radically influential congressional election, a vote that could very well give power back to the Democrats, who will (with any luck) waste no time launching a number of long-overdue investigations into Bush's failed war and the various scandals and lies and fiscal abuses that led us all here.

    For Dubya, now is the time. One last, desperate gamble. Slam that last drink, scrunch up your face, screw the rules and let the bombs fly. What, you don't think he could do it? Don't think a nuclear attack on Iran is possible? You haven't looked into the tiny, ink-black eyes of Dick Cheney lately. You haven't seen Rumsfeld's
    arrogant sneer, seen Bush looking confused and lost, wondering where all his "capital" went, desperately hunting for a legacy and finding only irresponsibility and self-righteousness and death.

    But hell, as we already know, that's good enough for him.

  • #2
    The sooner Iran and all countries like it are wiped off the globe the better we normal people can sleep at night.

    Any country run by religeous nutters (that includes Christian morons) needs to be exterminated.

    Bush hasn't got the balls, though and eventually Iran will end up killing millions of people because we looked the other way!


    • #3
      About a year ago a hacker buddy of mine hits me up on ICQ to tell me about a server he's breached.. This server is special... It's located in Tehran University and its some kind of Experimental Laboratory. He set the server up with a back door and gave me the codes. I went in and took a look.. They were doing experiments with Super Conductors from what I could tell but it could have been some kind of a dark project.. or a cover. There was photos and documentation of alot of really weird looking shit you would only see at the science fair. My feelings were it has something more to do with Nuclear Weapons but then again what do I know but one of their experiments called for Uranium-235 to be levitated. I looked around a bit more and found a folder with lots of up to date pirated software. It was just like Pantip Plaza in there. I downloaded the latest hacked copy of Photo Shop and a few other programs. I found a personal photo album of some Iranian Doctor ... lots of photos of him hiking in the mountains. He seems to like outdoor activities. His email directory contained many Russian names... most likely guys he's working with on projects. I didn't download anything else but software and after that fascinating night of hacking we never got into their servers again.


      • #4
        The question is more who gave this puppet Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad suddenly the balls to talk like this and who will never tolerate any US intervention down there... hmmmm ??
        This is the most obvious mouse trap and good ol' greedy Dubya with a big "Hoooooray" will run straight into it!
        I wonder why does nobody ever learn from history?? And always the young boys pay the price!
        A couple of million years of evolution is appearantly nothing!



        • #5
          I think that if they get serious with this Nuclear stuff then Israel will just send in a Mossad team to taKe it out, They won't put up with it.. However think it would be a bad step for the rest of us to get involved right now. we have enough problems with Iraq.

          However with oil prices hitting the $75 a barrel price tonight, then anything is possible to safeguard supplies.
          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


          • #6
            The problem with most of the right wing dictatorships like Iran (Yes I know what I'm writing here!)  is that the only thing they recognise is strength.

            The problem that we have in the West is that although we easily have the capabillity to swat them  -  our political systems prevent this.
            I regard this as our strength  -  but these backward shit holes  (I've had the misfortune to visit many of them!)  see this as a weakness.

            The problem is that if we do swat them -  then they will all club together claiming we are bullying them and then it all blows up in our faces.

            While in many ways I hope that Mossad will go in and fix them  -  I do worry that this will aggravate the present situation.
            The other thing is that it will only serve to delay them  -  it probably won't stop them completely.

            Remember what Theodore Rooseveldt said  -  'Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far'

            What he knew was that when you used the 'big stick'  -  you had failed  

            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


            • #7
              Those backward shitholes - as you put them precisely - don't even go on the loo by themselves unless someone takes their hands and hold their dicks.
              It's not Iran who's talking here..... and it's not the US who's initiating the fight-back scenario!

              Nuff said!!!



              • #8
                (testicular @ Apr. 20 2006,12:04) Any country run by religeous nutters (that includes Christian morons) needs to be exterminated.
                Does this mean you think we should exterminate ourselves?      

