For all the old farts like me who can remember a song from the 70's called "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road " by Loudon Wainwright 111 go and get his new album.
This guy is a great song writer and is well worth having a listen to. His new album is called "Here Comes the Choppers " and is great folksy. blusey, 6 bottlres of red wine sort of listining music.
His kids, Martha and Rufus are well known but Loudon is really good value.
Just my 2 bobs worth
This guy is a great song writer and is well worth having a listen to. His new album is called "Here Comes the Choppers " and is great folksy. blusey, 6 bottlres of red wine sort of listining music.
His kids, Martha and Rufus are well known but Loudon is really good value.
Just my 2 bobs worth