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The Fifth Sex?

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  • #16

    So that members may view a somewhat idealised 3d version of an hermaphrodite, attached is an image. (artist unknown)

    Should you wish to see more (this is the first in a set of six) please quite simply just ask.


    PS. I don't seem to be able to attach the file, help.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      True hermaphrodites are usually unable to reproduce (either throught their male or female reproductive organs).

      The general definition is as follows; A person born with both ovary and testicular tissue, this could be 2 seperate gonads ( one of each) or a combination of both in one (an ovotestes). The genitalia can vary from completely male or female, to a combination of both or even ambiguous looking. The chromosome (karotype) compliment can be XX (female), XY (male), XX/XY (mosiac) or even XO (extremely rare). Those XX with female genitalia are raised female ( some have even given birth). Those XY with male genitalia are raised male ( a few have fathered children). The children born XX/XY or XO (with genitalia male or female are raised in the sex they look most like) ,Those born with ambiguous genitalia have many medical tests for the doctors to determine which sex they should be assigned. Doctors then recommend early surgery to make the child look physically like the sex assigned to them

      Given the very small incidence of intersexed people mentioned by Road Runner earlier the chances of someone having a fully functioning cock and a full and deep vagina are very, very rare indeed.
      Back in the scene after a couple of years away. And no that does not mean I was residing at her majesty's pleasure. God it is good to be back among the girls with that bit extra!


      • #18

        After a few beers, I think we have a "movie script" being played out here After another beer I decided to switch to the pro's V con's another cold one or was it two cold ones?
        In 30 years of clinical I only have seen one hermaphrodite and she was very ladylike. Enough said;
        as my personal interest does not take me in that direction. All in all; interesting post



        • #19
          Hi all,

          Thank you for your comments, some of which appear to contradict each other.

          Since no-one has requested any hermaphrodite images I take the task upon myself to provide some more for you.

          Here is the second image from the set of six.

          Attached Files


          • #20
            Might as well post the missing other 4. I wanna see hehe...
            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


            • #21
              they are quite sexy, post the others please
              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


              • #22
                Originally posted by dummy_plug
                Might as well post the missing other 4. I wanna see hehe...
                Originally posted by kateoylover
                they are quite sexy, post the others please
                Hi dummy_plug & kateoylover,

                Due to your pleas I have relented and will post the next image in sequence.

                But you will have to get many more of your friends to add their voices to yours for me to post any further images of this set.

                This the third of six images.

                Attached Files


                • #23

                  I was reading through the threads in the Acadamia section this morning, when I discovered a post which would seem to relate to hermaphrodites and not to ladyboys.

                  If you look at grunyen's post in the topic "Your first sexual attraction to Ladyboys?" on page two dated May 15 2006, 03.21. I think that he's describing a sexual encounter with an hermaphrodite and not with a ladyboy?

                  What do you and he think?



                  • #24
                    Hi guys,

                    Here is the next one of the series, number 4 of 6.
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Hi guys,

                      And the next one, 5 of 6
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Bravo has it right, however, from what I have a read, attached below, they indicate hermaphroditism is a physiological impossibility.

                        The closest you can get to it is a female with a vagina and a very large clitoris, that looks like a penis, or a male who has a pee-hole on the underside of his dick.

                        There is no case of full development of balls, penis, and vagina. It is physically impossible. There are only 2 gonads, that are sex neutral up until 5-7 weeks of age, then they either become a testis or ovary, and on very rarely ovotestes which only means testis and ovary tissue but not fully developed penis, testicles and vagina.

                        I also don't believe the 1 in 5500.

                        Hermaphrodites are fakes except for the cases noted and shown in the ISNA site.

                        Here's a cool site on showing gonad development...


                        Here's my current bibliography in this area...

                        ================================================== ================

                        No longer on site.

                        [ISNA_29i] Intersex Society of North America

                        [Vilain_30i] Rediscovering Biology
                        Unit 11 : Sex and Gender
                        Expert Interview with Eric Vilain

                        [Cares_31i] Cares Foundation
                        The Surgery Controversy Continues
                        The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol.88 No. 7 3455, 2003

                        [Gender_31i] Gender
                        Bland, J. (1998)
                        About Gender: The SRY Gene

                        [Northwest_32i] Two Genes Required for Testis Formation
                        Northwestern University
                        April 15, 2003
                        Elizabeth Crown media contact

                        [Medscape_33i] Molecular Genetics of Sex Determination
                        Corinne Cotinot, Ph.D., Eric Pailhoux, Ph.D., Francis Jaubert, M.D., Marc Fellous, M.D., Ph.D
                        Posted December 12, 2003
                        From Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

                        [Control_34i] Hormones, Receptors, and Control Systems

                        [Newby_35i] Intersex
                        Jonica Newby
                        April 25, 2002

                        [Medscape_36i] A Practical Approach to Intersex
                        M. David Bomalaski
                        No further citation info

                        [Mamas_37i] Mama's Health
                        Kleinfelter Syndrome
                        No citations noted


                        • #27
                          Hi ziggystardust,

                          Thank you very much for your well presented arguments and most importantly, the links. Should anyone reading this thread wish to discover more about intersex aka hermaphrodite facts they now have your sources to guide them.

                          Here is a small picture of, what would appear to be, two hermaphrodites.

                          What do you think?
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Hi all,

                            The final image, 6 of 6.
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              Spedius if you take a look at Ziggy's post with the link to genital development you will see that the clitoris is equivalent to the penis in differentiation process.

                              This would make it extremely unlikely for a hermaphrodite to have a fully formed penis and full vagina. As mentioned in earlier posts despite your desires that they are true hermaphrodites - these photos and videos you have seen are likely fakes, actresses with prosthetics. Movie makeup magic has become extremely sophisticated!

                              Also the genital development links illustrates why there is often a line on the base of the penis and scrotum, from the fusion points as mentioned by relpax.

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                              • #30
                                [Post 28 style] are high quality artwork of the phantasy type.
                                Japanese "Manga" have lots of that style.

                                Post 27 look like sisters, but not hemaphradites.

