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Asian Girls 101

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  • Asian Girls 101

    Found this on web tonight not sure which to place so read.

    Asian Girls 101

    Asiaphiles are typically found residing in major U.S. and European cities, although increasing numbers have been venturing to Asia in their quest to get an "oree-enul woman".

    Intelligent, non-racist and socially-functional men who are free of fetishes and racial bias.

    Poorly developed masculine identities, pathetically uncomfortable with themselves, inept at romance with women of their own race.

    Resentment of white females' assertive, strong-willed personality traits (whether real or perceived).

    Ignorant and narrow-minded, eager to adopt fallacious western media stereotypes of Asian women. (Delicate and submissive little porcelain China Dolls eager to serve western men)

    Desperate need to assume a dominant, father-like role in their relationships with women (ergo the similarity to pedophiles).

    Exaggerated perception and objectification of Asian females (and sometimes little boys).
    Uncanny ability to determine Asian Female's breast size and country of origin within three seconds.

    A compulsion to trash women, particularly western women, in order to justify their inadequacies and bolster their self image.

    Insatiable appetite for Asian cultural trivia, which is used to camouflage/legitimize their underlying fetish (a superficial knowledge of Asian art impresses the shit outta the babes).

    Extreme paranoia and defensiveness regarding their relationships with AF's ("What the hell are you looking at, you racist AM asshole?..")

    Unable to accept non-whites/blacks or women as equals. Insistent racist stereotypers. Chauvinistic.

    Subconsciously attracted to tiny women because they make him feel powerful, and are less threatening to his fragile ego.

    Disdains ethnic studies; regards it as a waste of taxpayer's money and an ultimate threat to white male privilege and cultural hegemony.

    Thinks that the poverty, prostitution and white cultural imperialism in certain Asian countries is a good deal while it lasts. Favorite holiday destination: Bangkok

    Enjoys playing "divide and conquer" mind games with naive, culturally-insecure AF's ("don't worry, Yoko, I won't let those chauvinistic, abusive Japanese men hurt you anymore...")

    Considers minimum age of marriage and minimum age of consent laws to be government intrusions of privacy.

    On visits to Asia as a (sex) tourist, expects every native AM to kowtow to him, massage his feet and play butler, while the native AF's line up to show him the proper "lotus position" technique. He then considers himself "worldly" and an indisputable expert on asian people and culture.

    Considers the terms "chink, chinaman, jap, gook and slope" to be terms of endearment and certainly no reason to get offended.

    Believes that racism does not exist because he, as a WM, has never experienced it first hand.

    Gets a warm fuzzy feeling when watching those action flicks in which the white male hero invariably beats the shit out of ten AM ninjas and rescues the AF nympho from her evil, warlike AM oppressors.

    Believes that the only reason an Asian person would dislike him or disapprove of his exploitive, pathological relationships with Asian women is because they are racist.

    Associates with AM's only when he is interested in meeting their sisters.

    Threatened and insecure in the presence of any culturally-perceptive Asian person or any AM not fitting his stereotype of the quiet, marginalized, "model minority" geek.

    Denial of all of the above.

    TYPICAL ATTIRE: Anything trendy and mainstream-looking which conceals their obesity. Rolled-up sock placed strategically in crotch for added flair. Hairpiece by Earl's Rugs 'R Us. Note: attire may vary depending on the specific type of AF being targeted.

    I.Q.: n/a (too low to measure)

    NATURAL HABITAT: Personal ad columns ("SWM interested in 'Asian culture' seeks exotic SAF goddess"), college campuses, Asian language classes (a great pickup spot), Asian strip clubs, massage parlors and similar establishments, B-grade Kung-Fu flicks, trendy nightclubs (usually found necking with prepubescent AF FOB's), seated on living room sofa drooling over latest Asian porn flick with remote control and tissues in hand, Asian internet forums (don't ask me why), anywhere else frequented by AF's. Often found still living with mom despite being past 40.
    { FOB= Fresh Off the Boat }


    "I've always only dated Oree-enul chicks. I don't know why, I just have."

    "Race doesn't matter. I just happen to dig chicks with silky black hair and smooth, porcelain-like skin. Anyone who doesn't like it is a racist."

    "Ahh, those Oree-enul wimmin... are they perfect or what? No more corrupted American wimmin for me, no sirree... Gimme a fine oree-enul woman anytime."

    "Ooh, Mei Ling, you're soooo sweet and demure, unlike those rude, uppity American women. Intelligent too. How's about we go back to my place and talk temples?"

    "Keiko, if you want to practice your English, maybe I can be your tutor?..."

    (mouth frothing): "Masako, you remind me of my favorite 'movie star'... would you please put on your cute little sailor suit, huh, would ya, pleeeze??"

    "Hey Marty, you got the number of that place in Tokyo that sells the used panties?"

    "Would you like some candy, little girl?..."

    "I just returned from the "sex capital of the world", good old Thailand and had an incredible trip - as usual. If you're a single male who's had his share of the stuck up women of the West, then come to Southeast Asia where the women will treat you with the attention and appreciation you deserve..."

    PERSONAL GOAL : (unfortunately unattainable): To end up with an intelligent, quality Asian woman who actually has some self esteem.

    CLOSELY RELATED TO: Pedophiles, a fish out of water, rice queens (gay asiaphiles).

  • #2
    I agree, Give me a loud waddling chain smoking yank feminsta any time !!!

    ( then shoot me )
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
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      • #4
        who ever wrote that is exactly the same as the people being writen about.
        rascist there everywere me a good guy a gai gin
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #5
          This description matches no one on THIS board.


          • #6
            Most certainly written by an Asian guy. You hear this all the time now - Asian fetish, Yellowfever. The guys even call the woman that like white guys "Twinkies" - yellow on the outside, white on the inside. My Dad had an Asian fetish in 1960.

            First girl I ever kissed was Puerto Rican. First titty I ever held was Filipina. Lost my virginity to a Mexican girl. I guess I just don't like white girls.

            Now, I hope to lose my virginity again to an Asian ladyboy. Hahaha read into that whatever you want.


            • #7
              That author needs to get a life. Obviously someone with to much time and to many resentments on their hands.


              • #8
                I would have said it was written by a feminazi with a serious chip on her shoulder...... God knows what she have to say if she met some of Obsessions finest
                Too old to die young!


                • #9
                  Oh man, I made the mistake of reading that. It looked awful long and boring, so I skipped to read the responses. It seemed everyone else bothered to read it. What a waste of time for everyone.

                  Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                  Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                  • #10
                    (jellybean @ Feb. 15 2007,05:04) I would have said it was written by a feminazi with a serious chip on her shoulder...
                    ...and who cares what fat white rhinos think.

                    I'm sure all the fat hourly paid office jumbos had a good giggle over this when they were on break!


                    • #11
                      (jellybean @ Feb. 14 2007,16:04) I would have said it was written by a feminazi
                      Or maybe a jealous white chick whose husband left her to run off to BKK and all the lovely Asian ladies he could dream of...


                      • #12
                        (david123au @ Feb. 13 2007,04:42) Favorite holiday destination: Bangkok
                        I'm sure as hell not one of the guys they're talking about.

                        My favorite holiday destination is Pattaya!

